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Thursday, March 21, 2013
Words cannot describe how happy I am to not have to do x8 ATG anymore this season, THE WORST. I set a small pb today but pretty much took my body to its limit. After getting 260lb's I cut back down to 245lb's on the last set but I was gassed and failed on 7! I'm feeling really good right now, don't get me wrong, I can't wait to crawl in bed for a good nine hours. I can't really sleep in tomorrow, up by 7am, but I should be able to the next day.
   This was probably the best I have ever felt during a 7:00am workout--no 30m SB but 0.01 off. I think it might have been the first time I stayed under 4.00s for every run though. I want to get faster now but that's not the focus, any SB's I get during this max strength phase are just bonus, another 3 weeks of getting strong then I'll worry about how fast I can run. Knee was a bit sore when I first woke up but was fine once I started jogging.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
6x30m acels (w/ 1.5m fly) (3.95s, 3.99s, 3.94s, 3.97s, 3.98s, 3.99s)
ATG squats 1x8@230lb's, 1x8@240lb's, 1x8@250lb's, 1x8@260lb's (pb), 1x8@245lb's (fail on 7)
Bulgarian split squats 2x8@135lb's, 1x8@140lb's

One hour of mobility/myofascial


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Personal Bests

Triple Jump Outdoor: 14.38m(47'2ft)(w)-06.23.12


Triple Jump Indoor: 14.28m(46'10ft)-01.14.12

Canadian Junior Championships 2011

Canadian Junior Championships 2011
Third place 13.84m

About Me

Age: 20

Birthday: September 10 1992

High School: Prince Andrew High (2007-2010)

College: Dalhousie University (2010-present)

Hometown: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160lb's

Personal Role Model: Roger Maris