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Thursday, January 30, 2014
Pretty much took my body to its limit, my 30m times bottomed up after the fifth run, which was kind of funny considering how the first four were pretty okay. When I hit a 3.94 I was thinking I might even be in pb territory. Tomorrow is off, Friday will be a general strength day, Saturday a little light jumping (technical) and Sunday off. Hopefully I will hit a 30m pb on Monday

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
6x30m acels (3.99, 3.99, 3.97, 3.94, 4.04, 4.02)
Bounds 5x5
Hops 3x5
Depth jumps 2x10@30in
Squats 1x3@315, 2x3@335
Romanian deadlifts 3x5@245
Bulgarian split squats 3x5@155lb's

Tuesday, January 28, 2014
This wasn't supposed to happen. I wasn't supposed to tie my personal best on the seventh run of the third straight hard day. But hey, I'll take it! You're physiology doesn't lie, I guess sometimes the inhibition is mental. I feel great right now, I am run down from a lot of hard training but my body is holding up better than I could have hoped. There is definitely a big personal best on its way. 

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
9x30m (3.96, 3.96, 4.01, 3.96, 3.99, 3.95, 3.90, 3.93, 3.96)
Bounds 5x5
Hops 3x5
Depth jumps 2x10@ 27in
Hang cleans 5x3@205lb's
Jump squats 4x3@115, 4x3@125
Get-ups 3x3@10lb's
Monday, January 27, 2014
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
6x30m(4.01, 3.98, 4.01, 3.99, 3.99, 4.03)
5x5 bounds
3x5 hops
Depth jumps 27in 2x10
Hang power snatch 3x3@145, 2x3@150
I think... My knee may be pretty much healed. During today's session I began to realize that I've been doing depth jumps/hops nearly every day without pain. I'm starting to feel the accumulation of this hard block of training but I'm hoping to hit a 30m pb after deloading on Thursday (testing on Monday). 
   My left lower soleus area was tight but nothing that was really a factor in the workout. I know exactly what is from, the way my left foot collapses when I run. Conciously trying to fix the mechanics will hopefully remedy it. 

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
8x30m (4.02, 3.98, 3.96, 3.98, 3.99, 3.97, 3.99, 4.01) 
Bounds standing 5x5
Hops standing 3x5 (Each side)
Depth jumps 27in 2x10
Power cleans 1x3@225lb's, 1x3@230lb's, 3x3@235lb's
Sunday, January 26, 2014
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
30m acels (4.01, 3.98, 4.01, 3.99, 3.99, 4.03)
Bounds 5x5
Hops 3x5
Depth jumps 2x10@27
Hang snatch 3x3@145, 2x3@150
Friday, January 24, 2014
Pretty drained from squatting yesterday, cut the volume since the times were so slow, as expecting. Not quite sure what the plan is for tomorrow, but I will be repeating the same pattern as this week again on Sunday  then take 3/4 days off.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
4x30m acels (4.01, 4.02, 4.01, 4.06)
Bounds 5x5
Hops 3x5
Depth jumps 3x8
Jump squats 8x3@115lb's
Single legged get ups 3x3@10lb's
Thursday, January 23, 2014
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
7x30m (3.94, 3.90, 3.95, 3.92, 3.93, 3.97, 3.99)
Bounds 5x5
Hops 3x5
Depth jumps 3x8
Squats 3x3@315
Bulgarian split squats 3x5@155
Romanian deadlifts 3x5@225
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
There was a blizzard today which meant that the gym closed at noon. Luckily I had the foresight to get in at 7:00am. Times were actually better than Monday even though I felt pretty tired. Felt good overall, knee was as painfree as I could have hoped.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
8x30m acels (3.98, 3.97, 3.98, 3.99, 3.94, 4.02, 3.98, 3.94)
Bounds 5x5
Hops 2x5
Depth jumps 24inch 2x10
Hang snatch 5x3@145
Hang cleans 5x3@185
Something cam up today and I wasn't able to make it to the weight room, will switch today's session to Friday
Monday, January 20, 2014
Today was the first session in a four week block. It's going to entail a lot of acceleration volume in consecutive days. I am hoping all the work I've done up until this point helps keep my body from breaking down. I want to get my 30m acel time down to about 3.85 (1.5m fly) which would be a 0.05s pb. The knee is feeling good, still lose extension at the end of a session but overall a lot better than before.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
8x30m acels (4.03, 3.98, 3.95, 3.98, 3.97, 4.02, 3.98, 3.99)
Standing bounds 5x5
Hops 3x5
Depth jumps 24in 2x10
Power cleans 5x3@225lb's
Light general strength day, just to get some blood flowing if nothing else

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
5x100m strides
Front lunges 3x5@155lb's (Each side)
Single-legged romanian deadlifts 3x8@105lb's
Good mornings 3x8@135lb's
Incline dumbbell press 3x5@60lb's
Hurdle mobility
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Standing plate twists 3x10@25lb's
An extra off day to recover for a hard week next week.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
30m acels (3.99, 4.02, 4.03, 4.01)
Bounds 5x5
Hops 3x5
Power cleans 2x2x225 1x2@235, 2x2@240

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Technical session in flats

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
First phase pass (from 4 positions) x5 each
Depth jumps 4x5@30in
Hang snatch 5x3@145
Jump squats 8x3@115lb's


800m jog
Dynamic mobility
4x30m acels
Bounds 5x5
Hopes 3x5
Llrr x3
Squats 1x5@225, 3x5@245, 1x5@225
Romanian deadlifta 3x5@265

Off day, after a pretty heavy load recently. Just did a light bike ride and some hurdle mobility. Feeling a little tired from lack of sleep but overall pretty good

Monday, January 13, 2014
800m jog
20 minutes technical first phase pass in flats
Depth jumps 4x5
Jump squats 6x3@95lb's
Hang snatch 5x3@145lb's
Single-leg romanian deadlift 3x8@95lb's
Step ups 3x5@135

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
4x100m strides
Hurdle mobility
Front lunges 5x5@135lb's (Each side)
Good mornings 3x8@155
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Decline leg raises 3x10
PLank x1
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Today went pretty well, my knee started to get pretty stiff by the end of the session but I was able to do a few three step approaches. I am not planning on competing any time soon, so really it's just a matter of trying to slowly build back up again.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Runways x6
First phase pass x3
First phase pass +step
Three step triple jump x6

Off day, asides from a brief bike ride and some mobility
Thursday, January 9, 2014
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
4x30m acels (3.96, 4.02, 4.03, 4.04)
Three step bounds 5x5
Three step LLRR x5
Hops 2x5 (each side)
Short approach triple 5x three steps
Power clean 1x225, 1x235, 1x245, 1x255, 1x265(x) (wrist sore)
Hang cleans 5x3@205lb's
Wednesday, January 8, 2014


5 minute bike ride
Bench press 1x5@135, 2x5@155
Step ups 3x8@155
Good mornings 3x8@135
Hurdle mobility
Decline leg raises 3x10
Pull-ups 3x5
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's

25.minute skate

Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Knee was too sore to do any jumping so I stuck to sprints/weights. My last 30m sprint was really good, significantly better than any this season. All the runs today felt pretty good, mechanically, although the first few times weren't anything special. Knee is being a bother still.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
4x30m acels (4.05, 4.04, 4.04, 3.94)
ATG squats 5x5@235lb's
Romanian deadlifts 1x5@255, 2x5@275
I am pretty sore, shin splints and and both my knees, so I took things pretty light. Light strides, mobility and core strength. 

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
3x100m strides
20 minutes hurdle mobility
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Med ball twists 3x10
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Off day
Today went pretty well, I got through the workout without pain in my knee. It still feels weak when I do things like single legged hops but it is definitely coming along. My 30m times are still pretty slow but hopefully they come along soon. I think I am going to remeasure the 1.5m start zone since I feel I might have miscalculated a little. I am really excited to start training again as a triple jumper. I feel like my knee is at about 95% right now and seems to be getting better each workout. Today was my first time jumping in spikes and it felt great! I'm not expecting to come back and instantly pick up where I left off again but baby steps... 
    I feel like for the first time in a long time I am confident, I am sure of what I need to do and I have cut the training volume as of late. I feel good only squatting once per week (not that heavy) and only cleaning once per week too. I'm not trying to get any stronger, I am just trying to maintain strength an increase speed.

1000m jog
Dynamic mobility
6x30m (4.07, 3.99, 4.06, 4.07,  4.02, 4.00)
Standing bounds 3x5
Three step bounds 3x5
Standing hops 2x5
Three step hops 2x5
Drop jumps 2x5
Depth jumps 3x5
Single legged depth jumps 3x3 (low)
Power cleans 1x2@225lb's, 3x2@230, 1x2@235
Hang cleans 5x3@185lb's
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
One more comes to a close, it's definitely not the year I wanted but it is time to move on and get back to I was in 2012 and beyond. Good session today, no pain, just a little discomfort at the very end of the work-out. I am hoping to take things light tomorrow so I can try jumping in spikes on Saturday.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
5x30m acels (4.07, 4.03, 4.04, 4.02, 4.00)
Three steps bounds 5x5
Standing LLRRL  x2 (Each side)
Three step LLRRL x3 (Each side)
Three step triple jumps x6

*jumps in flats

ATG Squats 5x5@225
Romanian Deadlifts 3x5@245

Blog Archive

Personal Bests

Triple Jump Outdoor: 14.38m(47'2ft)(w)-06.23.12


Triple Jump Indoor: 14.28m(46'10ft)-01.14.12

Canadian Junior Championships 2011

Canadian Junior Championships 2011
Third place 13.84m

About Me

Age: 20

Birthday: September 10 1992

High School: Prince Andrew High (2007-2010)

College: Dalhousie University (2010-present)

Hometown: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160lb's

Personal Role Model: Roger Maris