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Thursday, October 31, 2013
First deload day. I am feeling rally tired and rundown so the weightroom stuff is going to be frustratingly light over the next week. I will be playing things by ear somewhat but basically I'm going to try to keep my lifts under 80% for the most part.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
3x30m (3.98s, 3.99s, 3.95s)
Hurdle hops 6x6
Standing bounds 4x5
Power cleans 3x1@225lb's
ATG Pause squats 3x1@225lb's
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Lifts are way down! Failed a 255lb clean today hahaha. I am deloading starting Friday so tomorrow is the last hard day.

dynamic mobility
Power cleans 3x1@235
Cleans 3x1@235, 3x1@255 (oxo)

Light bike ride
ATG pause front squat 1x3@240, 1x3@250, 1x3@260, 3x1@270
Overhead squat 1x3@135, 1x3@155, 2x3@165, 1x3@175, 1x1@185 (failed multiple times going for triples)
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Depth jump slj 3x5
Standing Bounds 4x5
Box jumps 3x8
First phase pass x6
Power cleans 6x1@235
ATG single back squats 265, 275, 295, 315, 315

Monday, October 28, 2013
Lifts are way down, time for a deload soon. Feel aright physically but the force production just isn't there 265 was a struggle...

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Cleans 3x1@235, 3x1@255 2x1@265 (ox), 2x1@255(ox), 2x1@235, 1x1@245, 1x1@255
Catches at 265, 275
Pulls 1x2@205, 1x2@325

No counter hang cleans 1x2@225ln's, 1x1@235lb's, 1x1@245(x)
High pulls 3x2@260
Front squats 2x3@245, 1x3@265(oox)
Off day, knee was a little sore from yesterday but not too bad. 

45 minutes hurdle mobility
Saturday, October 26, 2013

I was able to triple jump today for the first time this season, I went off of three steps and worked mostly on fixing my arms during the hop phase so I can get both arms swinging during the step. No pain per se but still some instability. My knee still hurts when I doing a standing one leg squat to about parallel so I'm not out of the woods yet but things are moving in the right direction.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Ankling circuit
Standing long jump x3
Standing triple jump x3
Standing five bounds x4
Standing LLRR/RRLL x5
Three step triple jump x7
Core stability

Friday, October 25, 2013

Not a very heavy day, medium intensity to end the week. Not feeling bad but I'll definitely be lifting better Monday.

800m jog
Warm up
Dynamic Mobility
Power clean 2x2@185 2x2@205 2x2@225 1x2@225 1x2@245
Clean Pulls 4x2@300lb

Light bike ride
Pause ATG back squats 1x3@225 1x3@230 1x3@240 1x3@250,1x3@260, 1x3@270
Good mornings 3x5@154
Romanian deadlifts 1x8@225 1x8245 1x8@265
Decline leg raises 3x10
Oblique crunchs 3x10@65lb

Thursday, October 24, 2013
Today was god, my knees held up. Couldn't clean 285 but it was a long day so I'm not too disappointed. I'm hoping to hit 290 next week. Glad the knee is feeling a little better. I feel like my knee is starting to come around. The original tear isn't bothering me but I'm still dealing with tendonitis around the knee cap.

Dynamic mobility
800m jog
5x30m (3.98, 3.94, 3.98, 4.00, 4.00)
Ankling circuit x3
Drop jumps 2x5
Depth jump+SLJ 2x5
Hurdle hops 5x5
LLRRLLRR X2 each side
LRLRL x2 Each side
Cleans singles 225, 235, 255, 265, 275, 285 (x), 255, 255
Pause ATG front squats singles 245, 255, 265, 275, 285lb's
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Definitely feeling pretty run down. I cut the first workout--wassn't feeling great. Squats were good, hit two pb's but I think it's because my ROFD is dwindling from fatigue. Cleaning 255 was a stuggle which is 25lb\s list than what I hit on Monday. Knees were a little better today

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Power clean singles, 225, 235, 245, 255
Clean single 235, 235, 255, 255
Clean pulls 255lb's

Light bike ride
ATG pause front squats 1x3@225, 1x3@235, 1x3@245, 1x3@255, 1x3@265
Overhead squats 1x3@135, 1x3@155, 1x3@165, 1x3@175, 1x3@185
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Knees were really bothering me today, had to cut the workout... The next few days are iffy, hoping that I won't have to take too long off but I might have to call tomorrow too... Knees are really inflammed.

Dynamic mobility
5x30m (3.97, 3.96, 4.01, 4.03, 4.01)
Ankling circuit
Pause back squats 1x1@225, 1x1@265, 1x1@275, 1x1@285(x), 3x1@265
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Knees were sore, had to cut the morning session, hit a SB in the clean but I know my knees are going to hate me tomorrow.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Snatch balance 3x95
Overhead squats 2x3@145, 1x3@155
Hang snatch 3x2@155
Snatch 2x165, 2x175
Snatch pull 3x2@205

Light bike ride
Power clean 3x1@225, 1x1@235b's
Clean 1x2@255, 1x260, 1x270, 1x280, 1x285 (x), 1x255, 2x265
Clean pulls 3x2@305
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Leg's are pretty flat from all the squats and heavy lifting but all in all it was an alright session. Knee is still pretty iffy but didn't really hurt as much as I thought it was going to hurt

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Runways (on track) x6
Standing long jump x5
Five step long jump x3
Seven step long jump x6
Standing triple jump x5
Standing LLRR x5
Stability package
Cool down


Friday, October 18, 2013
Knee was a bit tiff but overall pretty good. I am very rundown at the moment, running on fumes. No more weights till Monday, I'm getting stronger but I really want to hit 300 in the clean at the end of the block so I can move on and work on more specific jumping.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Snatch balance 3x3@95
Overhead squat 2x3@125, 1x3@135
Hang snatch 1x2@135, 1x2@155, 3x2@165, 1x2@175, 4x1@185 (oxox)
Snatch pulls 1x2@215, 1x2@225, 1x2@235, 1x2@245, 1x2@250, 1x2@215

ATG Pause Back Squats 3x3@255lb's, 1x3@265, 1x3@270, 1x3@255
Good mornings 3x8@165
Romanian Deadlifts 2x8@245, 1x8@265
Oblique crunch 3x10@65
Abdominal pull-downs 5x10@200lb's
Alright, had some knee discomfort but got through everything. I think it is at the point where I'm getting more pain than the seriousness of the injury. Feeling a little beat down, sprints are still slow.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
3x30m (4.01, 3.99,3.99)
3x40m (3.99, 4.01, 4.03)
Ankling circuit x3
Continuous pop-ups 3x5
Hurdle hops 5x5
Standing bounds 2x5 Each side
Standing LLRRLLRR x2 Each side
Power cleans 2x1@225, 2x1@235, 2x1@245, 2x1@255, 1x1@265 (low catch)
Pause ATG Front squats 1x3@225, 1x3@235, 1x3@245, 1x3@255, 1x3@265, 1x3@275, 2x3@265
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Pretty good days, some pb's on the front side of things and pretty close on the cleans, sb. I think that if I can get 285lb's-290lb's during this training block I'll be able to get 300 at the end of the block when I deload. I caught 280 today but I couldn't stand up with it, pretty close but squat strength is still the limiting factor.

Dynamic mobility
800m jog
Power cleans 4x1@225lb's
Cleans 2x1@235lb's, 2x255, 1x265, 1x275, 1x280(x), 1x265, 1x280(x), 2x1@265
Cleans pulls 1x2@305, 3x2@315lb's
Cool down

Light bike ride
Dynamic mobility
Pause ATG front squats 1x3@205, 1x3@215, 1x3@225, 1x3@235, 1x3@245, 1x1@250, 1x3@225lb
Overhead squat 1x3@135, 1x3@145, 1x3@155, 1x3@165lb's (had to bail 2 sets), 1x3@170 (bailed a set), 1x3@175lb's, 1x3@135lb's
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Decent day, felt pretty good and the knee wasn't too bad. CNS fatigue from yesterday kept me from squatting much. More cleans tomorrow and I really want to get my knee healed up a bit so I can do some bounding on Thursday

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
3x30m (1.5m fly, 4.02s, 4.03s, 4.01s)
3x40m (1.5m fly, 3.97, 3.98, 4.01)
Hurdle hops 5x5
Drop jumps 3x8 (low box)
ATG Squats 1x1@275, 1x1@295, 1x1@315, 1x1@325(x), 1x1@275, 1x1@315, 1x1@325, 1x1@335(x), 1x1@295, 1x1@315
Front reverse lunges 2x5@205lb's, 1x5@215lb's
Monday, October 14, 2013
Both sessions today started off but got better as they went on. Snatch this morning was pretty flat but I managed to get 195 and was really close at 200lb's. If I can hit 205lb's in this training block I'll know I'll be ready for 215lb's or more went I deload.
   Cleans started off frustrating. I completely dropped the bar on one of my sets of cleans, and nearly dropped it on myself. I was having trouble adjusting my grip. Barely got 265lb's but then when I dropped it back down to 235lb's and widened my grip I started to lift better. I hit 270lb's, I really want to get 300lb's, I'm close, could probably hit at least 285lb's if I deloaded so when I deload at the end of the training block it could go either way.

800m jog
Dynamic moobility
Santch balance 3x95lb
Overhead squat 2x3@135lb's, 1x3@155lb's
Hang snatch 1x3@135lb's, 1x3@155lb's, 1x3@155lb's
Snatch 4x1@165 (00x0) 4x1@185lb's (xxoo 4x1@195 (xxxo), 4x1@200lb's (xxxx) 4x1@175 (0x00)

Clean 4x2@255lb's (ox last set), 2x1@255, 3x1@265lb's(xx0), 1x1@270lb's (x), 1x1@235lb's, 2x1@255lb's, 1x1@265lb's, 1x1@270lb's
Clean pulls 3x2@305lb's
Front squats ATG 1x3@245, 1x3@265lb's, 3x3@245lb
Off day, had a lot of school work to do so I pretty much just went to the gym to losen up my hips. Knee is a little inflamed from yesterday but otherwise good

15 minute bike ride
20 minutes hurdle mobility
40 minutes mobility
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Knee was probably the best it's been in months. I was able to work up to some 7 step long jump. I have a huge number of technical issues that I need to take care of but I feel like it should come along. Hopefully my knee continues to progress linearly.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Pop-ups 3x3
Standling long jump x5
Three step pop-ups x3
Five step take offs x3
Five step long jump x3
Seven step long jump x3
Standing LRLRL x2(each side)
Standing LLRR x2 (each side)
Plank 2:00 min
Friday, October 11, 2013

Felt alright today, feels good to have two days without lifting. Knee feels really goodand I am able to get nearly full knee extension. I'm hoping to at least be able to do some long jump work tomorrow.

800m jog
Warm up
Dynamic mobility
Snatch balance 3x3@95lb's
Overhead squat 3x3@135lb
Hang snatch (power,full) 1x2@155lb, 3x2x165lb, 2x2x175lb 3x2x185lb
Snatch pulls 5x2@225lb

Pause ATG squats 2x3@245lb 3x3@255lb 1x3@260lb
Good morning 3x8@165lb
Romanian deadlifts 3x8@245lb
Standing twists 3x6@25lb
Decline leg raises 3x10

Thursday, October 10, 2013
Still "in the gutter" nervous system wise but felt a little better than I was earlier in the week. The sprints are absolutely aweful, but that's just a biproduct of squatting every day. Tomorrow will be a little bit lighter than the last few days, Saturday is all on the track and Sunday is off so I will hopefully be a little rejuvenated by Monday

Dynamic mobility
4x30m, 3x40m (4.06s, 4.13s, 3.98s, 4.01s, 4.05s, 4.04s, 4.01s)
Ankling circuit x3
Pop-ups 3x3
Standing long jump x5
Repeat long jumps 3x5
Standing LLRRLLRR x2 (each side)
Standing LRLRL X2 (Each side)
Power cleans 2x2@225lb's, 2x2@235lb's, 2x2@245lb's
ATG front squat singles 2x255, 1x265, 1x275, 1x295, 1x300, 1x280, 1x280
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Felt pretty drained again, the afternoon session was a little better but the morning clean and jerk was pretty bad, failed some 215lb's. My goal at the end of this training block is to hit a 215lb snatch, 245lb clean and jerk and 300lb clean, so I can't get too far ahead of myself, I just need to keep focusing on getting better step by step

Dynamic mobility
Back jerks 3x3@135lb's
Push press 3x3@165lb's
Cleans 2x1@235lb's, 1x1@255lb's
Clean and jerk 3x1@205lb's, 5x1@215lb's (0xx000)

Overhead squat 1x3@135lb's, 1x3@145lb's, 4x3@165lb's (missed last rep of one set)
Clean pulls 1x2@235lb's, 1x2@255lb's, 1x2@275lb's, 1x2@295lb's, 1x2@305lb's
Pause ATG Front squats 1x3@185lb's, 1x3@195lb's, 1x3@205lb's, 1x3@215lb's, 1x3@225lb's, 1x3@235lb's
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
I was pretty drained today, but I got through it. Those cleans yesterday took a lot more out of me than I thought they would. Times were in the gutter but that's to be expected I guess on a day like today. Squats felt pretty laborious too, didn't go very heavy. 

Dynamic mobility
4x30m acels (!.5m fly) (4.04s, 4.01s, 3.98s, 4.03s)
4x30m acels (!.5m fly) (30m times: 4.07s, 4.04s, 4.04s)
Drop jumps 3x10
Ankling circuit x3
Hang cleans 6x2@205lb's
ATG Squats (singles) 2x275, 2x295, 2x315, 1x295, 1x275
Front lunges 3x3@205lb's
Monday, October 7, 2013
Kind of a frustrating day, I felt really good snatching until I got to my "last set" I wouldn't to get one more set at 185lb's, I had been pulling well to start of with, but I guess I started to get tired because I tried and failed about 10 times after my fifth set. I had a little bit of one of my classic weight-room breakdowns after the session.
   The evening workout was a little smoother. I failed my last set of 265lb's but I was pretty drained from the morning. This week's focus is on volume, so I am trying to get as many high intensity sets as I can.

Light jog
Dynamic mobility
Snatch balance 3x3@95lb's
Overhead squat 2x3@135lb's, 1x3@145lb's
Hang snatch 1x2@145lb's, 2x2@155lb's
Snatch 3x165, 5x185, +(10 misses at 185, however all but 1 were after five catches)

Clean 4x2@245lb's, 3x2@255lb's, 2x1@265lb's (ox)
Clean pulls 4x3@265lb's
Front squats 2x3@225lb's, 4x3@245lb's

Sunday, October 6, 2013
Today was another rest day before heading into another training block starting next week. Feeling pretty good, knee's a little sore today but it tends to cycle.

Hanging Leg raises 3x10
30 minute bike ride
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Did some testing, didn't go great but alright. Next time I test I'll probably split it up into two days because I felt like I tried to do way to much in one day and was feeling pretty flat. Knee is continuing to progress, hopefully by the end of the month I'll start tj'ing

Dynamic mobility
Snatch balance 3x3@95lb's
Overhead Squat 3x3@135lb's
Hang snatch 3x2@155lb's
Snatch 2x165lb's, 1x185lb's, 1x195lb's, 1x205 (7 attemps) 0x210lb's (3 attempts)

Back jerks 3x3@135lb's
Push press 3x3@155lb's
Cleans 1x230, 1x255, 1x270, xxx@285
Clean and jerk 1x230lb's, 3x240lb's (xxx)

Dynamic mobility
Standing long jump x5
Ankling circuit x3
Pop-ups (in pit) x6

Friday, October 4, 2013
Really not feeling feel, have a pretty bad headache which is making it hard to focus. I will likely be postponing testing until Monday, as I don't think it would be a true reflection at the moment. Will be playing the next few days by ear until I'm feeling better.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
30m acels x4 ((3.99s, 3.98s, 3.98s, 4.00s)
Hang snatch 1x2@145lb's, 1x2@155lb's, 1x2@165lb's
Good mornings 3x8@165lb's
Decline leg raises 3x10
Standing twists 3x10@25lb's
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Snatch balance 3x3@95lb's
Overhead squat 2x3@135lb's, 1x3@145lb's
Hang snatch 2x2@145lb's, 1x2@155lb's
Snatch 3x165lb's, 2x185lb's
Snatch pulls 3x2@205lb's
Back sqaut 3x3@275lb's
Hurdle mobility

Tuesday, October 1, 2013
My right ankle was a little sore, knee wasn't too bad--I was able to do some pop-ups. It was a pretty light day but my head is spinning a little bit, physically I'm feeling pretty good but my mind is afar.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
4x30m (fly 1.5m) (3.95s, 3.93s, 3.94s, 3.98s)
Ankling circuit x3
Pop-ups 3x3
Power cleans 1x1@225lb's, 1x1@245lb's, 1x1@255lb's
Jerks 2x2@205lb's, 1x2@215lb's
ATG front squats 1x3@230lb's, 1x3@250lb's, 1x3@270lb's
Front lunges 3x5@205lb's

Blog Archive

Personal Bests

Triple Jump Outdoor: 14.38m(47'2ft)(w)-06.23.12


Triple Jump Indoor: 14.28m(46'10ft)-01.14.12

Canadian Junior Championships 2011

Canadian Junior Championships 2011
Third place 13.84m

About Me

Age: 20

Birthday: September 10 1992

High School: Prince Andrew High (2007-2010)

College: Dalhousie University (2010-present)

Hometown: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160lb's

Personal Role Model: Roger Maris