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Friday, November 30, 2012
My knee was really sore today from trying to do some light jumping last night, I woke up and the first thing I noticed was my knee throbbing. I'm guessing the acute pain will be gone tomorrow but I don't know if I'll be able to triple jump tomorrow. I'm on two minds about it--on one hand, it's already December and I haven't even touched a pit in practice yet and I really don't feel like a triple jumper at the moment because it's been so long since I've jumped. But on the other hand I don't want to risk the whole season on a meaningless warm-up... And if I don't take care of my knee now then it might be a lingering issue for the rest of the season... I guess it really depends on how I'm feeling in the morning.

10 minute bike ride
Static stretching
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Thursday, November 29, 2012
Today was... pretty good I suppose. It's frustrating being so slow, I know it's not the be all end all but where my knee has been bothering me and I haven't been able to do a lot of plyos it would be nice to see more of an improvement. I ran quicker than last week which I guess is a start but still off of my pb. I tried to do some light plyo's but it bothered my knee too much and I had to go very light unfortunately. I'm still going to try to compete this weekend, probably off of 9 steps just to keep things safe.
   The only really good thing about today was I set a power hang snatch pb, 165lb's for two which matches my power snatch pb. Now it's time to break 250lb's for power hang-hang doubles!

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
2x20m acels
2x30m acels (4.30s, 4.29s)
2x40m acels
Bounds 3x5 (3 steps in)
Hops 3x5 (very light left side)
Hang power snatch 2x2@155lb's, 1x2@160lb's (oxo), 1x2@165lb's (oo), 1x2@170lbs (x-)
Explosive bench-press 6x2@11lb's
Static stretching
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Definitely didn't feel overly special today, quite flat and tired actually. Also my stomach hurt for most of the day, it was probably something I ate but I\m not sure what, maybe just a combination of things. It made it a bit hard to workout this afternoon but I did what I could. Hopefully it's better tomorrow--I just ordered some probiotics today so I'm hoping they help my reoccurring stomach issues.

800m Jog
Dynamic mobility
Rehab squats 2x8@135lb's, 1X8@155LB'S (slow)
Decline twisting leg raises 3x10
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Bent-over rows 3x8@65lb's
Shoulder press 3x8@45lb's
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Romanian chair leg lifts 3x10@20lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 2x10@170lb's, 3x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's

5 minute bike ride
Static stretching
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
I didn't feel great today--flat, tired, lethargic ect. I think I did too much work yesterday and it really effected me today because I felt really slow and weak in the weight room. Tomorrow I'm going to eliminate all of the lower body weights besides squats and just focus on upper body/core and not pushing anything too hard.
   I was hoping for a hang clean pb but sadly not, I couldn't catch 250lb's but hopefully on Saturday I'll be feeling stronger.

600m jog
Flying 25m x2 (2.85s, 2.86s)
Flying 10m (1.15s, 1.12s, 1.11s)
Hurdle hops 5x5
First phase pass x5
Hang clean 2x4 (225lb's, 230lb's, 240lb's , 250lb's (ox, caught deep))
Clean and Jerk 2x2@185lb's, 1x2@190lb's
Leg curls 2x8@130lb's, 1x8@135lb's
Static stretching

I felt pretty good today, really I haven't done much in the last couple of days--Friday was a recovery day, Saturday was a competition which I only took four long jumps, Sunday was another recovery day. It felt good to get back into the weight room today, I didn't do anything too strenuous -just a circuit to promote recovery and some visualization in the evening.
   Tomorrow I'm hoping to set a hang clean pb (for sets of 2's). My current pb is 245lb's and last week (which was my first time doing them since August) I caught 235lb's with ease so I'm going to try 225, 230, 240, 250 tomorrow I'm also hoping to get a decent flying 25m and/or flying 10m time since the top speed volume has been reduced.

800m Jog
Dynamic mobility
SL leg-press 3x8@225lb's
Glute-hamstring raises 3x8
Rehab squats 3x8@135lb's (slow)
Reverse hypers 3x12
Leg curls 3x8@125lb's
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Pull-ups 3x5
Incline dumbbell press 3x8@65lb's
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Twisting decline leg raises 3x10
Abdominal pull-downs 2x10@170lb's, 3x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Leg raises 1x12
Side plank raises 1x10
Side plank holds 1x35s

300m jog
Continuous take-off's 3x5
15 minutes visualization
Static stretching
Sunday, November 25, 2012
I wasn't too sore today, a little bit around my shoulders and abductors but I've definitely been worse. The gym was still closed today so today was an easy day and tomorrow I'll do my normal Sunday workout.  I really tried to focus on stretching out my hips.

10 minute jog
30 minutes stretching
15 minutes rolling
Leg raises 1x10
Side plank raises 1x10
Side plank hold 1x35s
Saturday, November 24, 2012
I have mixed feelings about today--it was just supposed to be a learning experience, going through the motions of my pre-meet routine and seeing what works and what doesn't. I wasn't expecting to actually be able to jump because of the tendinitis in my left knee but as I was warming up I began to realize that it didn't hurt while doing pop-up's. I took four jumps, none of which were very far but I am somewhat content with it considering I haven't touched a sand pit yet all season and have burn nursing a sore knee for the past couple of months. Since I wasn't expecting on actually competing I did a lot more bounding than I normal would have and did some first phase passes in my triple jump spikes since I was all warmed-up and didn't want it to go to waste.
I have noticed over the last year or two that my best jumps almost always come early on during the first 2-3 rounds--I think this is because I take caffeine before I jump and drink gatorade so I feel "hyped" when I'm ready to go but I can't sustain that energized state. I think I'm going to experiment with trying to reload after the second round so I can keep the momentum going through an entire competition.
I'll have the opportunity to triple jump next week but I'm expecting to go short approach (probably 9 steps or so) unless I'm feeling really good in which case I might try to one with a full runway.

Jump 1-6.36m-Was pretty much a triple jump take off with my foot underneath my COM. Felt like I had good runway speed but bad mechanics. Left 10-15cm in the sand.

Jump 2-fault-probably the farthest though even though I left 30cm in the sand. Felt like I had the best speed on the runway of any of the jumps and actually got my foot a little bit out front.

Jump 3-6.09m-bad jump, was behind the board so reached for it, felt slower on the runway as well.

Jump 4-6.32m-started to feel fatigued and didn't feel fast at all, wasn't able to drive at all like I was during my first jump.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Today was a rest day, tomorrow morning I'll be headed up to Oromocto, about five hours away. My knee is still too sore to compete on so I'm using this meet as an opportunity to practice my pre-meet ritual. If my knee actually feels really good I might try to take 2-3 jumps (long jump, there is no triple) but I'd peg the chances of that around 10%. Tomorrow is just all about getting into the mindset of competing.
   Today I went through my ritual of going low residue and tomorrow morning I will eat like I would on a normal competition day--I packed all my meals for the whole day specifically as I would if I were jumping--I'm going to warm-up like I normally would, drinking caffeine when I usually do and even do runways... and then, when I feel perfect, and I know that I'm ready for a pb... That's when I'll shut things down knowing full well that I'll be able to do it again. Just because I'm injured doesn't mean I can't use today as a chance to rehearse, but unlike an important meet, I didn't taper off at all so I don't waste time that could be spent training--if I don't jump I'll probably do some bounding etc. for the plyo benefit. The gym is closed on Sunday so I'm switching Sunday's workout to Monday which is normal a rest day. 

10 minute bike ride
Static stretching
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Felt tired all day but a little better during practice, today was a lot of volume but I felt better the farther along in the workout I got. The acels were slow but the last one was probably the best, where I was focusing on full extension opposed to stride frequency. My knee hurt while bounding so I couldn't go max out unfortunately, there haven't really been any signs of it getting better but its not getting worse. Even though the acute pain is a high as ever I don't feel like I'm in any danger of making it worse like I did in the beginning--it's a slow process but it is getting better.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
2x30m (4.38s, 3.37s)
Bounds 3x5
Hops 3x5 (Each side)
Hang snatch 2x2@155lb's, 2x2@160lb's (oo, x, oo)
Explosive bench 6x2@115lb's
Static stretching

Wednesday, November 21, 2012
I felt a little flat today, definitely feeling it from yesterday but I still felt a lot better than I had last week. The knee is coming along, I did some things to rehab it today like slow squats working into the painful ROM. Looking forward to keeping the ball rolling

800m Jog
Dynamic mobility
Step ups 3x8@125lb's
Hip thrusts 3x8@269lb's
Glute-hamstring raises 3x8
Rehab squats 3x8@135lb's (slow)
Decline leg raises 3x10
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Pull-ups 3x5
Shoulder press 3x8@45lb's
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Standing plate twists 3x10@25lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 2x10@170lb's, 3x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Leg raises 1x12
Side plank raises 1x10
Side plank holds 1x35s

5 minute bike ride
Hurdle mobility (20 minutes)
Static stretching
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
I felt really good today, probably the best I have all season mentally. My knee was sore but not a limiting factor and I was able to do everything that I set out to. I'm happy to be lifting heavy again, it feels good and my strength levels seem to be as high as ever--I cleaned 235lb's for two with ease (pb is 245lb's for two) so I'm hoping to kill that in the upcoming weeks. I also ran a flying 10m pb which worked out to be 8.93m/s which is by no means fast but if I can't get that around 9.2-9.3m/s I think I'll be in really good shape going into the season.

600m Jog
Dynamic mobility
Flying 25m x3 (2.83s, 2.79s, 2.83s)
Flying 10m x2 (1.15s, 1.12s)
Hurdle hops 5x5
3 step first phase pass off low box x5
Hang power clean 2x2@225lb's, 1x2@235lb's
Clean and jerk 3x2@185lb's
Leg curls 2x8@125lb's, 1x8@130lb's
Static stretching

Monday, November 19, 2012
Today was a recovery day, unfortunately the knee is still a little sore... I have been trying to rehab it the best I can but it's a slow process and I can feel fluid starting to collect along the lateral edge of the tendon... Hopefully it's good enough to start jumping on..

10 minute bike ride
Static stretching
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Well I felt better today, more like my old self than I have in a while. I think that it was just accumulative training stress that had me feeling so bad. I still felt like a wall hit me around 4:00pm, I curious as to why I always feel so run down at the end of every day but I think it may just be a combination of lack of sleep and not eating enough--or more specifically not eating enough through the day. Knee was just as sore as ever but I'm going to try to strengthen the capsule instead of indefinitely resting in to no avail.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
SL leg press 1x8@225lb's, 1x8@245lb's, 1x8@270lb's (Each leg) 
Squats 3x8@45lb's (Slow)
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's 
Incline dumbbell press 3x5@65lb's 
Bent-over rows 3x8@65lb's
Incline leg raises 3x10
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Leg curls 2x8@125lb's, 1x8@130lb's
Leg raises 3x10@20lb's
Side leg raises 1x12
Side plank raises 1x10
Side plank hold 1x10
Light stretching
6 minute bike ride
Light stretching

Well I felt better today, more like my old self than I have in a while. I think that it was just accumulative training stress that had me feeling so bad. I still felt like a wall hit me around 4:00pm, I curious as to why I always feel so run down at the end of every day but I think it may just be a combination of lack of sleep and not eating enough--or more specifically not eating enough through the day. Knee was just as sore as ever but I'm going to try to strengthen the capsule instead of indefinitely resting in to no avail.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility

Hmmm, felt a little better today but my knee was pretty sore. Tuesday is the start of a new block and a new routine so I'm hoping once things are shook up a bit I'll get out of this rut. I've been pretty frustrated as of late but there's still plenty to be optimistic about..

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Flying 25m x3
Ankle hop circuit x3
Standing hops 5x2 (Each side)
Standing bouns 3x5
First phase run-throughs x3
Squat press 3x3@165lb's
+Depth jumps x5
Static stretching

I tried, I really did... I warmed-up... Or got about half way through before my body failed me. I just feel completely exhausted... It is now 7:30pm, I should be just coming back from the gym but instead I'm am heading to bed. Maybe I'm not to ask why I feel so bad but just accept it and get ready to move on... Tomorrow is another day, please let tomorrow be a better day...

I couldn't... Just couldn't do a thing today. I don't know if this ailment is just in my mind or if my body is truly afflicted but I slept most of the day and still didn't feel as though I could peal myself from my bed..
Maybe this is just my body saying it needs a rest... Or maybe it confirms my greatest fear of inferiority

I can't believe how slow I am. This is weighing heavy on my mind

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Flying 25 x4 (2.82s, 2.84s, 2.85s, ?)
Squat jerk 3x3@175lb's
5 minute bike ride
Static stretching
I felt kind of tired and rundown again today, I had a rough night's sleep last night and woke up 3-4 times during the night. I never didn't feel rested at all today even though I went down for a 20 minute nap before supper. On the plus side I did finish a huge paper for one of my classes which was weighing heavy on my mind the last couple weeks, it feels really good to get that off my plate. I'm going to try to get a full nights sleep today and wake up feeling better than ever.

10 minute bike ride
Abdominal pul-downs 2x10@170lb's, 3x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Static stretching

25 minutes hurdle mobility
I found I didn't have much energy today, it seems to have carried over from last night. I did my workout in the morning and was going to do some more mobility in the evening but I was pretty sleepy and decided that I could use the rest instead. Besides that's not what's going to take me to the next level, what will though is focusing on getting faster, technically more proficient and more powerful.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
SL leg press 1x8@205lb's, 1x8@230lb's, 1x8@250lb's (Each leg)
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Leg curls 3x8@125lb's
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Glute-ham raises 3x8@5lb's
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Incline dumbbell press 3x5@65lb's
Pull-ups 3x5
Incline leg raises 3x10
Side leg raises 1x12
Side plank raises 1x10
Side plank hold 1x10
Light stretching
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Today was disappointing at best, I'm not exactly sure what happened but for some reason I was running 0.1s slower than Thursday over 25m... the only consolation was nobody did well today and poor times seemed to be common all around. This was by FAR the slowest I have ran all season, I felt good though... that's what seems so odd.
   Again my knee was a limiting factor and I had to cut things short. I'm going to cut out all bounding and depth jumps this week or until it heals--it's times to get rid of this tendinitis once and for all, no more messing around.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Flying 25m x4 (2.89s, 2.89s, 2.86s, 2.87s)
Speed bounds 2x20m
Squat jerks 4x3@175lb's
Static stretching
Today was pretty light, just did some visualization and then stretched for quite a while. I'm feeling pretty good everywhere except for in my left knee, I jut want it to heal so I can start some jumping--running doesn't hurt but the integrity of the capsule is not so great that I would want to try to jump on it.

10 minute bike ride
Abdominal pull-downs 2x10@170lb's, 3x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Static stretching
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Well today wasn't too bad, I set a season's best 25m time and it looks like the curve is heading upwards so hopefully I continue to set sb's, pb and get under 2.70s. I physically didn't feel any better today than I have in reason times but I was focused which made all the difference. I really tried to stay low and relax while in the drive phase. I also tried to loosen up my hip flexors before practice and I felt like my gait was opened up a bit more than usual.


800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Flying 25m x4 (2.81s, 2.78s, 2.80s, 2.82s)
Speed bounds 3x25m
Squat jerk 3x3@175lb's
+depth jumps x5
Static stretching
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Today was kind of weird, I felt pretty good physically all day but I had a bit of a headache and felt pretty tired. I think it was because I didn't sleep well last night. Oh well, I guess I'll have to make it up tonight!
   I felt the best I did all day this afternoon during my first workout but during my second in the evening my blood sugar dropped and I had to cut it short, I mistimed my meals and didn't eat enough after my first workout. I ate supper and went straight back to the Dalplex so I guess the carbs didn't have time to breakdown yet. I have been doing pretty well diet well recently so this is a nice reminder of how I need to remain diligent at all times--where I'm hypoglycemic I can't get away with as much as most people.

5 minute bike ride
Dynamic mobility
Step ups 3x8@125lb's
Hip thrusts 3x8@269lb's
Glute-hamstring raises 3x8
Twisting decline leg raises 3x10
Reverse hypers 3x12
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Bent-over rows 3x8@65lb's
Shoulder press 3x8@45lb's
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Back extensions 3x8@45lb's
Lunge-position med-ball twists 3x10@20lb's
Leg raises 1x12
Side plank raises 1x10
Side plank holds 1x35s

5 minute bike ride
Hurdle mobility (20 minutes)
Static stretching
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Okay, well I'm not exactly tearing up the track but it looks like I'm starting to head in the right direction and seem to be returning close to the baseline speed I was at two weeks ago. I'm still a ways off my 25m pb but I feel as though if I'm can get close to it or even surpass it with the sprint volume I'm doing now that when I deload a bit I'll greater surpass where I was. Even right now, if I took a week to recover I feel like I would hit mid to low 2.70's.
   When I was lying in bed today I noticed that my legs were twitching which probably is due to CNS but I guess it means SOMETHING is happening, hopefully for the better. I felt pretty good today at practice, I was mentally focused and had more energy than I have had in a while. Hopefully I can feel like I did today on Thursday and continue to focus on driving at the beginning of the sprints.


800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Flying 25m x4 (2.83s, 2.86s, 2.82s, 2.81s)
Speed bounds 3x25m
Squat jerk 3x3@175lb's
+depth jumps x5
Static stretching

Monday, November 5, 2012
I spent a lot of time today trying to open up my hips and external rotaters. I felt kind of lethargic today, like I just wanted to lie in bed all day but hopefully I'm feeling more energetic tomorrow. I get to sleep in a little in the morning which is always nice, I curious to see what my 25m time will be tomorrow and if it has come up at all since I've had to light days in a row.

10 minute bike ride
Abdominal pull-downs 2x10@170lb's, 3x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Static stretching
Hip mobility
Sunday, November 4, 2012
If nothing else I was pleased to find that my knee wasn't as sore as I thought it would be, I was able to do some light strides on it and it didn't hurt while doing leg press either. I'm have been very diligent icing it over the past 24 hours and I think it will be good to go by Tuesday. I'm hoping that if I remain serious about rehabing it I can make it go away once and for all. It would be nice to be able to bound again without having to be "gentle". 
   The slump I've been in recently has been frustrating, my sprint times have been declining almost linearly and they don't seem to be bouncing back. I think this Tuesday will be a big indicator if they are going to come back, I always seem to be quickest on Tuesday after a light day and rest day. All I want to do is go hard at it but I know that's not going to help and that I need to rest too. I feel like I have been running tighter too recently as I'm trying harder so on Tuesday I really want to focus on running relaxed and with my hips up and stable. 

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Light strides 3x50m
SL leg press 1x8@205lb's
Leg curls x8@123lb's
Glute-ham raises 3x8@5lb's
Incline dumbbell press 3x5@65lb's
Pull-ups 3x5
Hanging leg raises (shin to bar) 3x10
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Lunge-position med-ball twists 3x10@20lb's
Side Leg raises 1x10
Side plank raises 1x10
Side plank hold 1x10
Static stretching

10 minute bike ride
Twisting decline leg raise 3x10
Dumbbell leg raises 3x10@20lb's
Static stretching
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Still haven't bounced back to where I hoped to be, each practice I feel like my limbs are more distant and that I have less control over my limbs. Also I hurt my knee again doing runways, I'm not sure how serious it is, hopefully not too bad, but it kept me from doing depth jumps tonight. I feel like if I deloaded for a couple of days all the adaption would hit me at once so we'll see what happens. Tonight was the slowest night yet.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Flying 25m x4 (2.83s, x, 2.85s, 2.88s)
Speed bounds 3x20m
Runways x4
Squat jerk 4x3@175lb's
Static stretching
Friday, November 2, 2012
Today was just a recovery day to set up for the upcoming week of training, I really tried to unglue my hip flexors as well as my vatus medius' to try to relieve stress on my knees. I'm not sure if I'm going to have access to the electric gates tomorrow but I'm expecting I will be slightly ahead of where I was on Thursday speed-wise. Overall I feel like my CNS isn' in tip top form but physically I'm not feeling too bad.

10 minute bike ride
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10@180lb's
Twisting decline leg raises 3x10
Static stretching
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Slow again... but according to the graph of my 25m over the last couple weeks it may finally be on the rise again, it looks as though the times have dipped slower and have started to come up slightly. Saturday will paint a clearer picture as to where I am.
   It's pretty frustrating getting slower each practice but hopefully things will level out and I'll be faster than ever. 2.74s is my pb and 2.69s was my goal coming in.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Flying 25m x4 (2.84s, 2.86s, 2.82s, 2.84s)
Speed bounds 3x25m
Squat press 3x3@175lb's
+Depth jumps x5 (24 inch box)
Vertical jump x5
Static stretching

Blog Archive

Personal Bests

Triple Jump Outdoor: 14.38m(47'2ft)(w)-06.23.12


Triple Jump Indoor: 14.28m(46'10ft)-01.14.12

Canadian Junior Championships 2011

Canadian Junior Championships 2011
Third place 13.84m

About Me

Age: 20

Birthday: September 10 1992

High School: Prince Andrew High (2007-2010)

College: Dalhousie University (2010-present)

Hometown: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160lb's

Personal Role Model: Roger Maris