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Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Another month down... Today was very light, my legs were feeling pretty heavy most of the day but after shaking out in the evening I started to feel better. I don't seem to have any injuries at the moment so as long as I relax I should be in peak form.
Tomorrow I'm going to do runways (probably just 4-5) then light, low volume weights. The final three days before the meet will be off, low volume but high intensity, extremely light.

Light bike ride
Incline leg-raises 3x10
Hanging leg raises 3x8
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's (Each side)
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10@170lb's
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's (Each side)
400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Static stretching
Myofascial release
Monday, July 30, 2012
I felt pretty flat while warming up but I started to feel to feel better the longer I was at the track and by the time I started to jump I felt good. Everything seems to be in order, I'm injury free and I feel light and fast now that I have de-loaded the workload. I'm expecting to feel even better as the week goes on.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Warm-up Bounds 2x3, 3x5
Nine step triple jump  x4
Cool down
Squats 4x3@185lb's (FAST)
Explosive Bench-press 4x3@95lb's (FAST)
Static stretching
Sunday, July 29, 2012
My legs still aren't fully recovered but I'm feeling better than I did yesterday, I feel like I will be good to go for tomorrow but I want to make sure that I keep the volume low all week. I don't won't to find mid-week that I'm starting to feel run into the ground. One week until the season's over..

Static stretching
Saturday, July 28, 2012
I'm feeling pretty flat, I could definitely use some time to recover. I just did some light strides/stretching this morning and tomorrow will be off completely. I'm glad I don't have to jump today, I would be lucky to jump 10.00m but I'm feeling like once I recover I'll be competition ready.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
2x3x100m strides on grass
Static stretching

Friday, July 27, 2012
I felt really flat today, surprisingly so. The fact that it was drizzly didn't help either. I cut the speed work short, I didn't feel like I was getting much out of it since I wasn't working at 100% capacity. Weights were alright, I caught 235lb's easily and could have went higher. When I went back down to 185lb's to work on explosiveness I found the bar was flying up.
   Now I really start de-loading, tomorrow I'm just doing light strides on grass if the weather is good and on track if it's not. Sunday I will take off completely.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Starts 3x20m
Flying 10m x3
Hang cleans 2x2@225lb's, 1x2@235lb's, 2x3@185lb's
Jerks 3x3@155lb's
Light stretching

Wow, I felt very flat today. I even had to sleep for an extra in the afternoon. Yesterday took a lot out of me but hopefully I'll be able to handle a full workload tomorrow before deloading for the meet, I am planning on doing some top end speed work and doing some maintenance work in the weight room.

Light bike ride
Incline leg raises 3x10
Hanging leg raises 3x8
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Sitting med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Lunge-position med-ball twists  1x10@6kg (Each side)
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10@170lb's
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Twisting incline leg-raises 3x10

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
30 minutes of hurdle mobility
Light stretching
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Today was a very good day, I felt quick on the runway and my body feels the way it should. I have been in a very negative state of mind lately but I think the meet the week after next will go very well. I'm feeling as quick as ever and powerful too. None of the little injuries that have been bugging me seem to be an issue either.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Runways x5
Max bounds 2x5
4 hops and jump x1 (Each side)

Light bike ride
Squats (Fast) 6x3@185lb's
Explosive bench 5x2@95lb's
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
My legs felt kind of heavy when I first woke up but I started to feel better as the day progressed, it rained pretty heavy today but tomorrow is supposed to be sunny I think. I'm hopefully the weather is decent in the morning because I'm planning on doing runways.
   I feel pretty good right now, I feel like I'm setting myself up in the right direction.

Light bike ride
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Incline leg raises 3x10
Hanging leg raises 3x8
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10@180lb's
Standing twists 3x10@33lb's
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Twisting incline leg raises 3x10
Pull-ups 3x5

800m jog
Leg swings
45 minutes hip mobility
Static stretching
Monday, July 23, 2012
Today went alright, I wasn't feeling particularly springy at the track this morning--I had some trouble with the wind throwing my mark off so my takeoffs were inconsistent. I reached on some and was cut short on others. I was focused but didn't seem to get the jumps off that I was looking for. I didn't go past nine steps although I think next week I will start at eleven. Most of the issues seemed to be on the runway, with poor acceleration mechanics. I'm looking forward to working on my runway on Wednesday.
   Weights felt good, snatches were very quick.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
2x20m acels
Bounds 2x3, 1x5
Nine step triple jump x7
Hang snatch 5x2@135lb's
Jump squats 6x2@115lb's, 2x2@45lb's
Light stretching

Sunday, July 22, 2012
When I woke up today I was feeling really flat and my ankle was sore from standing in my feet all day yesterday at work. Considering that I'm normally not one to under train and I more often than not over train I thought that it might be smart to go against my intuition and rest again today, pushing all my workouts ahead one day. I feel that with one meet left this season it's going to be rest that commands a good performance, no amount of training is really going to make a big impact at this point. If I didn't work 1-10 again today I probably would have just went back to sleep and go to the track later but I didn't really have that option.. I didn't get home from work until 11:00pm last night either so I'm not in the most rested of stated--although I did do a warm-up and some dynamic mobility at the Dalplex and found that besides just general fatigue from being on my feet for so long my CNS felt pretty good.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Strides 3x50m

This is what the next two weeks are going to look like:

Monday July 23-Technical (9/11/13 steps), jump squats/snatch
Tuesday July 24-Core/hurdle mobility
Wednesday July 25-Runways/bounds, light squats
Thursday July 26- Core/hurdle mobility
Friday July 27-Speed work, cleans
Saturday July 28-light strides/mobility
Sunday July 29-Rest
Monday July 30-Technical (low volume), light squats
Tuesday July 31-Core/hurdle mobility
Wednesday August 1-Speed/runways, snatch/jump squats
Thursday August 2-Rest
Friday August 3-Warm-up, 3 quick sprints, very light explosive cleans
Saturday August 4-travel/rest day
Sunday August 5-Compete
Saturday, July 21, 2012
I took today off to recovery, all I did was some light stretching and foam rolling in the morning. I'm surprisingly a little bit flat but I think as long as I can get a decent night's sleep I'll get a quality workout in tomorrow. There's a muscle in my back that's really tight, I'll try to work it out tomorrow.
I didn't get a good warm-up in, I was kind of lethargic and flat but once I started the workout I was fine... Holy hell I am slow though. I haven't really done much speed work over the past year because of my hamstring injuries and it really shows. I think speed is where I'm going to make the quickest gains next season.
Tomorrow is a rest day, unfortunately I work so I won't be able to do much for recovery. Sunday will be a technical practice, 9-13 steps depending how my body feels.

400m jog
Light warm-up
Dynamic mobility
Acels 3x10m, 3x20m
Flying 10m x3
Hang clean 4x3@205lb's
Jerks 3x3@155lb's
Light stretching
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Today was just a recovery day, some light core in the gym before lunch and some mobility work in the evening. My legs are pretty sore from squatting yesterday, I never should have stopped mid-season but there's a lot of things that I shouldn't have done this season... I'm looking forward to doing some speed work tomorrow morning as well as getting in some solid cleans.

5 minute bike ride
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Sitting twists 1x10@6kg
Lunge-position twists 1x10@6kg
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10@170lb's
Hanging leg-raises 3x8
Standing twists 1x10@33lb's
Twisting incline leg-raises 1x10@
Twisting hanging leg-raises 1x8
400m jog
45 minutes hurdle mobility
Light stretching

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I went to bed last night with my confidence completely shattered, having convinced myself that I have reached the maximum potential that I would ever reach and that I would die a 14.38m jumper. My mind, as always, seems to be the problem--as soon as things start to go wrong they snowball until I am left completely faithless in my abilities--I lose faith in who I am and the training program I am trying to follow. I don't trust myself, my abilities or my knowledge. In my mind everything I do is wrong--that set of squats I just did isn't going to make me stronger but instead is going to make me flat and tired. That pb I had was because I was lucky not because I had been training hard. I think that I just need to take a step back and just relax--maybe just take a few days to go out in the sun and enjoy the summer before it's over.
   Before I went to bed last night I did something I haven't done in a while--I gabbed a bag of jelly beans and went to town. I felt pretty disguising while I was eating them but they did what I hoped they would--topped up my glycogen storage along with a few excess bowls of oatmeal I had a grand total of 660 carbs for the day. I felt a little heavy today because of all the water I was holding onto but it's the first time since the last time I competed that I felt like myself. My confidence is starting to come back slowly and I'm starting to believe that I am just beginning my journey. This time last year I was still desperate to jump over 14.00m and 15.00m was still a goal that was way off, seemingly impossible. Now I'm looking at 15.00m much the same way I used to look at 14.00m, with desire and optimism. I'm still a long way off, 62cm but I honestly think if I train hard and smart that I can break the 15.00m barrier next season. Then I can start to focus on the 16.00m dream...
   I did runways at the track today, I still didn't feel like I was getting to full speed but maybe it's just because my drive phase is so rocky. I didn't feel like my transitions were smooth but it's a start, at least I was focused. Tomorrow is going to be core and recovery and Friday will be another speed day--focusing on static starts (driving) and top-speed (flys). I'm hoping to be at 100% work capacity. I want to be rested for the next meet but I also want to be confident in my abilities which is going to be the biggest challenge. I need to take the pressure off of myself by just trying to have fun and enjoying myself--and most of all, try not to get rattled if I have a bad jump.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Runways x7 (pop-up on the last three)
Squats 3x5@275lb's, 3x3@185lb's
Explosive bench press 6x2@95lb's

I still don't feel quite like myself, I'm feeling flat and lethargic. I was going to do runways today as well as some light work in the weight-room but it was quite obvious that my body was not up to it--I will be better off pushing it to tomorrow.
I ended up just doing some light strides and recovery work.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Strides 2x4x100m@60%
Light stretching
Monday, July 16, 2012
Wow, I am feeling incredibly flat, I just want to laze around and not do anything and feel disgusting for doing so, I didn't get much of a workout in since both my body and mind are still clearly fatigued. Hopefully after a good night's sleep I'll be feeling rested and refreshed.

5 minute bike ride
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Incline leg-raises 3x10
Hanging leg-raises 3x8
Abdominal pull-downs 2x10@170lb's, 3x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Pull-up's 3x5
Standing twists 1x10
Twisting hanging leg-raises 1x8
Twisting incline leg-raises 1x10
600m jog
leg swings
Dynamic mobility
Static stretching
I took today mostly off, I'm still pretty bitter with how this weekend went, I was expecting bigger things.. I wish I could shake it off but it's staying with me, this whole summer hasn't gone as planned. I feel like I need to just get back into base training and start fresh looking ahead to the indoor season and 15.00m but not before I give 14.50m one more shot in three weeks time.

1200m jog
Dynamic mobility
Static stretching
Myofascial release
Saturday, July 14, 2012
I can't believe how bad today went (13.70m), I was really expecting big things today, and thought for sure that I was going to pb... instead I had some jumps that were as much as a meter off. I think that my body needs to recovery, I have competed five weeks in a row (including long jump last week) which is a long time of tapering and not really training. I have three weeks before I compete again and I think I'm going to try to keep doing something similar to what I have been doing but more speed focused. Over the next two weeks I am right now planning on doing four speed sessions. 
   I feel as though part of the reason I didn't do very well today was because I was afraid to run at full capacity because of where I tweaked my hamstring. To be honest--I don't want to make any excuses but the take-off board was kind of wobbly and I felt as if I was coming in with decent speed but as soon as it came time to take off the bottom would fall out of the jump, part of the board would flip.
   I have one more chance to save this season, it's three weeks away which feels like forever right now but I think that's probably a good thing. Hopefully I won't be too sore right now, I want to do a light shakeout but not too much else. I'm in a very bad state of mind at the moment but when I wake up it's time to get serious again. One shot... One more chance. 
Friday, July 13, 2012
Physically I feel great, spectacular, AMAZING. But as always I'm shadowed with self-doubt and worry. I need to get rid of all the negative chatter in-between my ears so I can just focus on doing the best I can. I'm starting to get a little bit banged up from the long season--it hasn't been that long of a season but I never really took a break between indoor/outdoor so some of the injuries and soreness are compounded. My lower back is bothering me, my hamstrings are a bit iffy and I have knee pain that seems to come and go. That being said I really do think I'm going to pb tomorrow. I feel 1000 times better than I did before seniors and I wasn't that far off of my personal best there either.
   If I can get one good jump in (14.50m+) I'll probably shut things down for the season so I can focus on getting healthy and coming back to jump 15.00m+ in the spring. I feel really good for tomorrow, let's go.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
I feel great... I'm a little bit worried that my hamstring might not hold up this weekend but if it does I think I'm destined to jump big. I'm a little hesitant to run at 100% speed even though I'm probably physically fine. It's a mental thing more so.
   Today's workout was kept really short but just enough to stimulate my CNS and keep myself from getting flat for Saturday's competition which is sometimes an issue. This is it, everything has finally come together now it's time to prove it on the result sheet.

Light 300m jog
Leg swings
Static stretching
400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Runways x1
Five step bounds 5x3 (19.30m, pb)
Hang-cleans 4x3@185lb's (1 jerk on the last one)
Static stretching
Ice bath

I took today as an opportunity to rest up, I feel pretty flat and tired--like I just need a good night's sleep. I did end up going to the Dalplex but I pretty much just went for a quick jog, did some mobility and left.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Static stretching

Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Today was a little disappointing, my plan was to do six sets of runways but I could feel the slightest amount of tension in my left hamstring so I only did three (very cautiously). I'm hoping that the last remnants of any sort of injury soon disappear so I won't be thinking about it come Saturday. Besides a couple sore spots like my lower back and hamstrings I physically feel great and I know that I am ready to pb.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Runways x3
Nine step runways+hop x3
Bounds 4x4
Hang snatch 3x3@135lb's, 1x2@155lb's
Jump squats 6x2@115lb's, 1x2@45lb's
Explosive bench press 6x2@95lb's
Monday, July 9, 2012
Okay, so I was afraid to move when I first woke up this morning, I thought that my hamstring was going to be really tight but it wasn't bad. I might even go so far as to say it's normal. When I tried rolling it out at the track today I could feel a little bit of tightness but I'll definitely be competing this weekend still.
I couldn't really do much today, even though I only took one jump yesterday I guess warming up and doing runways is still pretty taxing so I went light--just did some core in the morning and a brief warm-up and mobility in the evening.

5 minute bike ride
Incline leg raises 3x10
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Hanging leg-raises 3x8
Abdominal pull-downs 2x10@170lb's, 3x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Pull-ups 3x5
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Sitting med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Lunge-position med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Standing plate twist 1x10@33lb's
Twisting incline leg raises 1x10
Twisting hanging leg raises 1x8
Sunday, July 8, 2012
I had one goal today, to abstain from injury--but I guess that's too much to ask. It seems like a nightmare right now, at least it's not too serious. I took one jump which felt flat and very much like it was my first jump in over a year. Then halfway down the runway I felt my hamstring tighten on my second jump so I ran through. If I had jumped I definitely would be in tears right now as my season would have more than definitely come to an end. But instead it's just tight and I'm hoping by the time I wake up it will be fine again. The meet was very delayed, I started my warm-up at 6:00pm and the competition started at 8:13pm. I'm pretty made right now but it's only long jump, it doesn't matter anyway. In six days I will be triple jumping and that's the jump that I really care about. I feel as though as long as I keep the training volume low this week I'm in shape to get a pb this weekend. I can taste 14.50m.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
I took today off to recover from the past week, I really didn't do that much work but where I'm in the midst of a competition block I would rather not risk tearing a hamstring. It looks like I will be long jumping here in Halifax tomorrow, it will be the first time in nearly a year I have long jumped. I'm a little bit worried about getting injured but I'm also excited. There is absolutely no pressure since I really don't care how far I can long jump! Of course a pb is always nice, no matter what the event but I'm just competing for fun. I'm normally so high-strung before competitions that I am often my own worst enemy and mentally defeat myself, I don't think I'll do that tomorrow. If it goes well it will be because I am relaxed and if it doesn't... well it will be because I'm really not that good at long jump.
I woke up very focused this morning, after shaking the cobwebs out with a nice warm-up I went to the pit and did some short approach work. My body was pretty sore and tired from the last week but my mind was concentrating better than normal. I took six nine step jumps after which I felt my technique starting to get worse so I stopped jumping. My main focus was letting the shin rotate on the board. I didn't jump very far today, less than 13m but I feel that is just because I was tired and I never seem to do well in the mornings anyway.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Light bounds 3x3
Nine step hops x3
Nine step triple jump x6
Snatch 4x2@155lb's
Jerks 3x3@135lb's
Light stretching

Thursday, July 5, 2012
Wow, I felt flat today... most of been those cleans last night. I didn't even want to move all day so I pretty much just lazed around beyond a quick morning session and some visualization in the evening. I figure if my body is too tired to train than I might as well train my mind. I spent much of the afternoon trying to learn everything I can about my event. It's really easy on recovery days to just forget about being a jumper and laze around, wasting time and just growing older. But I want to learn everything I can about being a triple jumper. I feel as though there are a near infinite amount of holes in my knowledgebank and the more I study the more it seems I don't know. I think I'm really starting to get a clear mental picture of the take-off position, now it's just a matter of making the same connection with my body!
   I'm going to the track tomorrow morning/afternoon depending on the weather and how I'm feeling physically and I'm going to try to get in a focused jumping workout--not too much volume but very focused.

5 minute bike ride
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Sitting med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Lunge-position med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's (Each side)
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10@170lb's
Light stretching
600m jog
dynamic mobility
30 minutes visualization
6x7 flying strides (at minimal speed and focusing on vertical force)
Incline leg raises 3x10
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Hanging leg-raises 3x8
Static stretching
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
I cannot believe how sore my legs are.. I still have a significant amount of DOMS from squatting on Tuesday. I have trouble believing how sore I am from doing three sets of squats 100lb's off of my pb. Maybe it is because my legs weren't completely recovered from jumping on Saturday. I did still manage to get a decent workout in though--it was mostly bounding. The first couple were pretty flat and I was going to call it quits early but then I had one set of bounds that was like a meter farther than the rest so I kept jumping. I didn't accomplish what I wanted to which was to keep my hips up during the jump and hold an upright position instead of going into a premature landing position but it's not the kind of thing that is going to come over night, it's definitely going to take sometime. But be this time next year (when I jumping 15.00m) it will no longer be an issue because of the 12 months of work I put in trying to correct it.
   I was surprised to tie my hang clean pb.. considering I haven't gone heavy in many weeks I was expecting to have lost a lot of strength but it seems not to be the case. That's nice to know!

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Standing long jump x3
Standing triple jump x3
Five step bounds 8x5 (best around 18.60m), 3x3 (light)
Ice bath

Hang cleans 2x2@225lb's, 1x2@235lb's (felt really good), 1x2@245lb's (fairly good), 1x2@250lb's (ox) (tired)
Light bike ride
Static stretching

Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Today was a recovery day, my legs are surprisingly sore--I think it was from squatting yesterday. Even though I was lifting more than a hundred pounds off my max I guess the motion is enough to create some DOMS even if the intensity was low. I went to the Dalplex this morning and did a core circuit--it was really hard to get through it because it was about a thousand degrees in there. There were a couple of fans turned on both it still must have been close to 40 degrees. I took probably the coldest shower of my life after that...
   Tonight I went Beazley and did some mobility stuff, hurdles and dynamic stretching. I looking forward to getting in a good plyo workout in tomorrow morning, I haven't worked out exactly what I'll be doing yet but there will be bounding... lots of bounding. I really want to focus on keeping my hips forward and staying upright while transitioning into the jump phase. I excited to make some connections.

300m jog
Light stretching
Incline leg raises 3x10
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Hanging leg-raises 3x8
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Sitting med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Lunge-position med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Abdominal pull-downs 2x10@170lb's, 3x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Pull-ups 3x10
Seated med-ball twists 3x10@33lb's
Standing med-ball twists 3x10@33lb's
400m jog
Dynamic mobility
30 minutes Hurdle mobility
Static stretching
Ice bath

Monday, July 2, 2012
Well at least one good thing came from this weekend--I am extremely motivated at the moment, the most I have been in a while. All I want to do is eat, train, sleep, eat, repeat. Unfortunately that's not really possible, real life gets in the way from time to time... But I have twelve days until I jump again and I won't be jumping 14.13m... I will be jumping over 14.50m.
   I was pretty sore at the track today but I was focused, so that kind of made up for it. After I did some speed and runways I did three sets of pretty easy bounds with a jump at the end.. I really tried to keep my hips forward and extend my body during the jump and it felt really good. I look forward to building off of this on Wednesday.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Flying 25m x3
Runways x6
Light Bounds 3x5
Explosive squats 3x3@245lb's
Jump squats 6x2@115lb's, 2x2@45lb's
Explosive bench press 6x2@95lb's,
Light stretching

Sunday, July 1, 2012
I'm still pretty disappointed with how yesterday went, I really wish that I could have a "do-over." I feel a big part of the reason I wasn't doing well was because I was flat from sitting around so much. All muscle soreness aside, I feel as though I could jump much farther today. I feel a little bit wired.
My lower back is a little sore as well as the stabilizers around my hips and the origin of my right hamstring. I'm hoping that I'm healthy enough to do a fairly extensive speed workout tomorrow. I have two options: 1. Sit around feeling sorry for myself or 2. Get back on the track and fix everything that needs to be fixed. I'll have at least two more shots at the 14.50m barrier before this summer is over and I want it--I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get there.
I'm still running yesterday over in my head, trying to figure out what went wrong. I am still thinking that it was no one thing--I feel as though nerves, sitting around too much and not planning meals ahead of time all played a part.
This week's extensive workouts will be on Monday, Wednesday, Friday instead of the usual Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. I am probably going to try to go heavy in the weight-room on Friday with the other two days being explosively focused.

15 minute jog
Dynamic stretching
Light stretching

Blog Archive

Personal Bests

Triple Jump Outdoor: 14.38m(47'2ft)(w)-06.23.12


Triple Jump Indoor: 14.28m(46'10ft)-01.14.12

Canadian Junior Championships 2011

Canadian Junior Championships 2011
Third place 13.84m

About Me

Age: 20

Birthday: September 10 1992

High School: Prince Andrew High (2007-2010)

College: Dalhousie University (2010-present)

Hometown: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160lb's

Personal Role Model: Roger Maris