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Friday, November 29, 2013
Knee was feeling a little more stabile today. It's all about taking baby steps and not trying to rush into anything. I'm glad my wrist is sprained too because it pretty much keeps me away from the weight room anyway.

20 minute bike ride
Hurdle mobility
Tempo squats 3x10@135lb's
Split squats 3x10@135
Good mornings 3x8@135lb's
Physio exercises

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
10x100m strides
Hurdle mobility
Squats 3x10@135lb's
Decline leg raises 3x10
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
I got into physio today for the first time since January. My insurance has already been maxed out so I have been avoiding it as much as possible. It feels good to get a second opinion on my knee and have a few strengthening exercises to do.

10 minute jog
Hurdle mobility
Tempo squats 3x10@145lb's
Single legged squats 3x5@145
Romanian deadlifts 3x8@185lb's
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Pretty light, not used to lactic work, I much rather doing 1RM's in the weight room but it feels a lot gentler on my CNS, my knee is still sore but running speed endurance seems to be pretty easy on it, and allows me to keep my fitness.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
2x2x200m strides
2x3x150m strides
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's

Knee: about the same, I have been so busy with school that I have been neglecting my recovery protocol for the time being

Completely off day, didn't go to the gym even once today.

Knee: tender to touch, pain when flexing the quadriceps, vastus medialis feels weak, missing full knee extension
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Felt pretty good, definitely not used to running anything over 30m... I feel like I'm going more out of running 200m's though then I do out of doing an obsessive amount of high intensity lifting--it's an opportunity to work on smoothing out my running mechanics. Knee was pretty good, didn't feel it while running but still hurts in extension.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
4x150m strides
2x2x200m strides
Tempo squats 3x10@135
Bulgarian split squats 3x5@135lb's
Romanian deadlifts 3x8@185lb's
This entire week has been pretty much off, I decided to pull the plug on the season and get back to 100% health. I'm taking six weeks to rehab my knee (possibly longer if I haven't progressed). I want to get rid of my lingering tendonitis once and for all. I am going to stick to tempo running, general strength circuits and knee rehab type squats until the New Year. This is very difficult for me, as I have never taken this much time off since I've started track when I was 14. Hopefully it will be for the best. I am going update my knee condition daily so I can track progress.

Knee: Pain when fully extended, still some pain in eccentric lowering. Begins to ache after sitting down for loing periods of time. Tender to touch at insertion point and along the side of the knee cap
Monday, November 18, 2013
Off day!
I switched things up today, more of a recovery day. I'm trying to drop weight, recover my CNS and become a  little fresher than I have been over the last few training blocks. The heavy lifting is on hold for a while.

Light bike ride
45 minutes hurdle mobility

600m jog
2x4x150m strides
Lunges 3x8@155
Good mornings 3x8@135lb's
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Med ball twists 3x10@20lb's
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Awful, awful meet. I have been saying this a lot over the last year but I officially think things have gotten as bad as they can possibly get. Lifting heavy 5-6 times a week is not doing my nervous system any favours and I need to put my ego aside. I have already started cutting down over the past week. At my heaviest I was 174.4lb's, weighed in at 171.6lb's this morning, although that is probably about a pound or two lower than my actual weight. I have five weeks until I jump again, I will weigh 165lb's. More than my weight, I think the biggest issue is the fatigue associated from all the weights. I will only be squatting heavy once a week and have one heavy set of cleans a week from now on. The focus between now and the end of December is on slimming down, getting faster and more explosive. I would like to at least get back up to about 13.80m and set my sights at 14.00+ in January. It's not going to happen though if I keep letting my ego get in the way and try to go hard every day. Considering that my progress has been negatively linear since my knee injury 14 months ago, my body is clearly trying to tell me something. Power cleans and ATG squats are not the answer.
Light stimulus before the meet tomorrow, nothing too intense.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Long jump take offs 3x3
Bounding 3x5
Power cleans 2x2@185, 2x2@205, 1x2@225
Today was an off day, completely off besides some light mobility
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
First time doing parallel squats in a long time! Much heavier than they should have been! But I feel pretty good at the moment, I am trying to slim down a bit but besides that I seem to finally be getting healthier

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Squats 2x3@315lb's, 1x3@335lb's, 2x2@335lb's, 1x3@355lb's
Romanian deadlifts 1x5@225lb's, 2x5@245lb's
Single legged jumps (seated) 3x3 each side (10lb's)

Light bike ride
Hurdle mobility
Pretty good session, sprints were slow but plyos felt decent knee wise. I'm heavier than I would like to be (173.1lb's) but I've started cutting my caloric intake, I'm hoping to get down to 165lb's by the first real meet of the season in December.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
4x30m acels (4.01s, 4.02s, 3.97s, 4.01s)
Hurdle hops 3x5
Depth jumps 3x5
Long jump take offs x5
Repeat long jump take offs 3x3
High snatch pulls 5x2@185lb's
Snatch pulls 5x2@235lb's
Monday, November 11, 2013
Mentally, my mind was adrift today, I can't snatch or cleans so my whole day was impromptu. I managed to power snatch up to 165 by taping my wrist with about 50 layers of tape. Hopefully I see an improvement in the state of my wrist over the next few days... I'm dying to lift something heavy.
   But I've decided to switch gears and stop doing counterproductive things, I'm reducing the weight room volume and hopefully my body weight by about 10b's over the next couple of months too. It's time to become a triple jumper again.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Power snatch 3x2@165lb's
Snatch pulls 5x2@215lb's

High clean pulls 2x2@225, 2x2@235lb's, 1x2@245, 2x2@255lb's
Clean pulls 3x2@305lb's
Pretty light day, didn't start my session until about 8:00pm. I am feeling pretty good but I am frustrated that I can't clean or snatch (which is pretty much all I do in the weight room). I can do clean pulls but can't catch anything.

Clean pulls 6x2@225lb's
Jump squats 5x2@135lb's
Reverse lunges 3x5@185lb's
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Pretty good session, my knee was good but got a little sore near the end. The three steppers felt really good, five were alright but seven were uncontrollable. Will be entering a new training block tomorrow, downplaying the weightroom focus and turning towards become a triple jumper.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
5x runways
SLJ x3
STJ x3
S5B x4
Three step triple x4
Five step triple x4
Seven step triple x2
Took today completely off, feeling really tired--need a couple good night sleeps
Thursday, November 7, 2013
My wrist limited my weight room capabilities :/  Pretty light, knee felt good at the beginning of practice, a little tender at the end but it's been a lot worse. Tomorrow is going to be off before I come back on Saturday to jump, Sunday will be pretty light then HOPEFULLY I'll be able to max my clean on Monday

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
4x30m acels (4.01, 4.00, 3.99, 4.02)
Hurdle hops 5x5
Depth jump+SLJ 3x5
Standing bound 4x5
Standing LLRRLLRR 4x5
Power clean 1x1@225
ATG squats 2x3@275, 1x3@285
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tried to clean but wrist wasn't feeling it, did pulls instead. Probably won't be able to max out on Friday but maybe Monday

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Snatch pulls 2x2@235, 2x2@245, 2x2@255
Clean pulls 2x2@305, 2x2@325, 1x2@345, 2x2@285

ATG Pause squats 1x3@245, 1x3@255, 1x3@265
Romanian deadlifts 1x8@245, 2x8@265lb
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Decline leg raises 3x10
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Unexpected off day, combination of mental fatigue and worrying that I'm not deloaded enough. Hoping I can snatch tomorrow, wrist is pretty swollen but getting ROM back.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Sprained my wrist doing cleans, the rest of this week is up in the air :/ I'm still feeling pretty run down from lack of sleep so I'll see how I feel in the morning.

Dynamic mobility
Snatch balance 3x3@95
Overhead squat 2x3@135, 1x3@155
Hang snatch 4x2@155
Snatch 4x1@165, 1x1@185
Pulls 3x2@225

Cleans 4x1@235
Cleans 2x1@255 (Sprained wirst on second)
Clean pulls (ouch!) 3x2@305
ATG Back squats 2x3@275, 1x3@295

Off day, very short warm-up and mobility session. Feeling a little run down, school has been stealing my sleep.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Hurdle mobility
Saturday, November 2, 2013
A little flat, kneee is sore but didn't hurt too much jumping. I am really tired, need a good night's rest.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Runways  x4
SLJ x3
STJ x3
Three step triple jump x5
Five step triple jump x2
Plank circuit
Pretty light day, huge deload just to keep the motor patterns. I'm feeling really rundown and tired because school's been crazy busy this week but I'm hoping to sneak it a couple extra hours of sleep over the weekend to hopefully refresh. I really want to be fresh for when I test my clean on Friday.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Hang Power snatch 4x2@145lb's
ATG Pause squats 3x3@225lb's
Good mornings 3x8@135
Romanian deadlifts 3x8@225lb's
Standing twists 3x6@27lb
Hanging leg raises 3x10

Blog Archive

Personal Bests

Triple Jump Outdoor: 14.38m(47'2ft)(w)-06.23.12


Triple Jump Indoor: 14.28m(46'10ft)-01.14.12

Canadian Junior Championships 2011

Canadian Junior Championships 2011
Third place 13.84m

About Me

Age: 20

Birthday: September 10 1992

High School: Prince Andrew High (2007-2010)

College: Dalhousie University (2010-present)

Hometown: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160lb's

Personal Role Model: Roger Maris