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Saturday, March 30, 2013
Today was alright, first time touching a pit in a long time. Clearly I'm rusty, there's a big difference between squatting and jumping... My knee was a little sore a points during the workout and during weights in the evening but overall I was able to complete the workout. Each one of my three step jumps got better, I got up to about 11.20m by the last one, I'm not sure what my pb is but I think that it's 11.something. Standing long wasn't too bad, 3.13m, considering I'm not tapered off yet. Standing triple jump was lacking (8.80m) as was five bounds (14.60m).

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Standing long jump x5
Standing triple x4
Standing five bounds x3
Five step first phase pass x3
Three step triple jump x6
Bound-jump (working on landing) x3
Power-clean 1x3@225lb's, 1x3@230lb's, 1x3@240lb's, 1x3@225lb's, 1x3@250lb's (ox-) blah
Clean and jerk 3x3@185lb's
Front squats 3x5@225lb's (fail on 3, last set)
Today was a recovery day, I had a really good nights sleep last night and felt pretty well rested today. I didn't really do much however and I feel kind of lazy and gross because of it. Tomorrow will probably be the first jumping session of the season.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Well I ended up getting maybe 5 hours of sleep last night... I realllly can't wait to move out of my current residence, hopefully in the next few weeks. I have the misfortune of living with some of the most inconsiderate roommates imaginable. But I digress, even though I'm feeling tired I feel like once I get a good night's sleep I'll feel good again.
Today was "not awesome", sprints weren't too bad but I didn't feel it in the squat rack, not surprising since I went heavy two days ago and I pretty much missed a nights sleep, let's hope for some delayed adaption.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
2x30m acels (w/ 1.5m fly) 3.93s, 4.01s)
2x40m acels (first 30m timed) (3.99s, 3.97s)
Squats 1x5@280lb's, 1x5@300lb's, 1x5@320lb's, 1x5@330lb's (ooo--)blah, wasn't feeling great
Podium snatch-grip deadlifts 1x5@225lb's, 1x5@245lb's, 1x5@267lb's
Decline dumbbell press 3x5@65lb's

30 min mobility
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
I felt a little flat today, as expected since I pretty much maxed out my squat yesterday, but hopefully I'm feeling good for tomorrow. I might not get as much sleep tonight as I would have liked since my roommates have decided to throw a party. But I remember reading a study once that acute sleep deprivation shouldn't effect nervous activity, so hopefully that's the case.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Decline leg raises 3x10
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10@200lb's
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Lunge-position med-ball twists 3x10@20lb's
45 minutes of mobility

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Pretty solid session this morning, I beat my 30m SB twice and had a sqaut SB. I almost had 5x337lb's... I got four in pretty easy and about 49.99999% of the last rep. I really wanted it but I had a mental lapse where I doubted myself and had to bail. No matter, I'll get 340lb's on Thursday. I wasn't even feeling great, until I got 325lb's and realized I had a legit shot a pb'ing.  I want 350lb's+ after five more session. I hate to go chasing an arbitrary number but I really want to pound out a 405lb squat at the end of this Max strength block, it would be a huge confidence booster.
   I'm glad to see I'm back to myself after a couple days of feeling really rundown. Would really like to see the 30m (1.5m fly) time go under 3.90s though!

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
4x30m Acels (w/ 1.5m fly) (3.91s, 3.99s, 3.96s, 3.91s)
Squats 1x5@275lb's, 1x5@295lb's, 1x5@315lb's, 1x5@325lb's, 1x5@337lb's (oooox) SO CLOSE
Romanian deadlifts 1x8@185lb's, 1x8@205lb's, 1x8@215lb's
Leg curls 3x8@138lb's
Pull-ups 3x5@25lb's

45 minutes of mobility

Monday, March 25, 2013
Today was a recovery day, the first of two this week. I will also have Friday off. I haven't been sleeping well the last couple of nights, I have been lying in bed for hours before falling asleep so I feel like I'm starting to come around (physically) but I'm still mentally drained from lack of sleep. Unfortunately this next training blocks coincides with exams and the most stressful portion of the academic year. I have a long weekend this coming up for Easter so hopefully I can space out for a couple of days. Looking forward to lifting heavy tomorrow, sprint volume will be low.

10 minute bike ride
45 minutes of mobility
Sunday, March 24, 2013
I wasn't feeling it today, just one of those days when every moment is a chore. I definitely am starting to "over train", I'm glad that I know have a designated week to de-load and focus on recovery. I'm kind of glad that I felt awful today, it's a reminder of how fragile I am and the importance of some down time. To be honest, if I felt amazing today I would have likely not toned down the volume at all tomorrow and continued to beat myself into the ground.
   SPC1 complete... After 7 days of reduced volume and SLEEP it's back at it hard for SPC2. My only focus is getting my squat over 400lb's, any other gains (speed, elastic strength, RFD) will be bonus's. I would really love to get my clean up too but I'll have my chance, it's just not now. My goal is to squat 5x350lb's in three weeks time.
   After SPCS I'm going to go into a 3 week speed block where my primary focus will getting fast and introducing some short approach work (5-7 steps). I might get to the pit a little bit during the next three weeks if the snow melts but it's unlikely that I'll get much done because it will probably be 0-6 degrees. Hopefully by mid-late April the weather will be warm enough to really get some work in.
   After that 3 week speed block I will be hitting the weight room hard again, focusing on power development and THAT'S when I'll hit the cleans hard.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Continuous take-offs 3x3
Three step LLR x6
Hurdle hops 5x5@36 inch+39
Drop jumps 2x10@32inch
Depth jumps 2x10@21 inch
Standing stair jumps x5
Power-cleans 1x3@210lb's, 1x3@220lb's, 1x3@230lb's, 1x3@240lb's, 1x3@250lb's (x--)
(blah, felt aweful, cut weight short)

Saturday, March 23, 2013
I still wasn't feeling great so I took today as another recovery day, I could have got through today's workout but the quality wouldn't have been tops so I'm going to do it tomorrow morning. This is a deload week coming up so I have an extra rest day this week, which allowed me to take today as a recovery day. I really tried to open up my hips for tomorrow since they were feeling a little tight.

Dynamic mobility
2x4x100m strides
45 minutes of mobility
I'm feeling pretty drained after yesterday's workout, I am a little sleep deprived too at the moment--I keep getting woken up during the night. I'm glad to have an off day to rest up, pretty much all I did was stretch a little bit in the afternoon.

30 minutes of mobility

Thursday, March 21, 2013
Words cannot describe how happy I am to not have to do x8 ATG anymore this season, THE WORST. I set a small pb today but pretty much took my body to its limit. After getting 260lb's I cut back down to 245lb's on the last set but I was gassed and failed on 7! I'm feeling really good right now, don't get me wrong, I can't wait to crawl in bed for a good nine hours. I can't really sleep in tomorrow, up by 7am, but I should be able to the next day.
   This was probably the best I have ever felt during a 7:00am workout--no 30m SB but 0.01 off. I think it might have been the first time I stayed under 4.00s for every run though. I want to get faster now but that's not the focus, any SB's I get during this max strength phase are just bonus, another 3 weeks of getting strong then I'll worry about how fast I can run. Knee was a bit sore when I first woke up but was fine once I started jogging.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
6x30m acels (w/ 1.5m fly) (3.95s, 3.99s, 3.94s, 3.97s, 3.98s, 3.99s)
ATG squats 1x8@230lb's, 1x8@240lb's, 1x8@250lb's, 1x8@260lb's (pb), 1x8@245lb's (fail on 7)
Bulgarian split squats 2x8@135lb's, 1x8@140lb's

One hour of mobility/myofascial

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
I felt a little off today mentally but physically... Not too bad. There was a snowstorm last night and everything on campus was closed until noon, which meant it gave me some free time to work on some school assignments--however, I felt pretty lethargic after sitting in my room all morning. I think I just need a good night's sleep, unfortunately I am getting up at 6:15am tomorrow to finish this week off strong! I'm looking for some big numbers for the deep squat.
   Depth jumps and hurdle hops were alright, I'm feeling powerful but my RFD felt slow, which is to be expected considering the phase of training I'm in. Stair jumps felt great. I almost fell on my behind after one jump because both of my toes clipped the seventh step unexpectedly (the mythical seventh step that nobody has ever been able to jump onto).

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Ankling circuit x3
Hurdle hops 5x5 (36inch)
Drop jumps 2x10@33inch
Depth jumps 2x10@21inch
Stair jumps x5
Standing bounds 3x5
Standing LLRRLL x3
Standing Hops 2x5 (Each side)
Standing triple jump (from 12 inch box) x3 (each side)
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
I felt pretty good today, energetic and not as drained as I thought I would be after squatting heavy yesterday. The knee is feeling good, still tender to palpate but is probably the best it has been since the original injury in October. With each passing day I'm progressing nicely but I'm not out of the forest yet, I'm still just one bad practice from relapsing.
   Tomorrow is a plyo workout, if I make it though without knee pain it should be smooth sailing from there.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
10x100m strides
30 min hurdle mobility
Side leg raises x10
Side plank x35s
Side plank raises x35s
Single-legged glute bridge

45 minutes hurdle mobility

Monday, March 18, 2013
Well, I didn't get my 5x325lb's today, but it's not because I couldn't do it, it's because I was quite ambitious and wanted to go for a pb. I got 320lb's with ease, it was so easy that midway through I stopped, thinking I might have made a mistake loading the bar... But I had 3 plates on (315lb's) and I loaded on a 2.5lb on either side so it had to be right! I felt so good that I went up to 337lb's next, knowing that there was probably a very good chance of failure. I'm very happy with how today went, I definitely could have got 325lb's and probably even 330lb's which is only 5lb's off my pb. I definitely think I'll be able to get 350lb's+ by the end of the next block.
   Speed wasn't great, but I'm really going to focus on my start position on Thursday and I'm going to change up my warm-up a bit. I always feel flat starting my sprint workout so I'm going to do some med-ball throws and some 5m starts to get things rolling next session.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Acels 2x3x30m (1.5m fly) (4.00s, 4.07s, 4.00s, 4.00s, 3.98s, 4.05s)
Squats 1x5@275lb's, 1x5@295lb's, 1x5@305lb's, 1x5@320lb's, 1x5@337lb's (oox--)
Romanian deadlifts 2x8@188lb's, 1x8@208lb's
Leg curls 2x8@132lb's, 1x8@237lb's
Incline dumbbell press 3x5@65lb's
Static stretching

45 minutes of mobility
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Well, I'm exactly two weeks into this season and I am definitely way ahead of where I started. I'm not the strongest I've ever been but if I continue to develop on track I should be by the end of SPC 2 (four weeks from today). I'm reluctant to say that I'm "healthy" but I really don't think my knee is going to give me any nasty surprises unless I do something stupid. It's only been eight days since it last gave me issues but if I get through the end of this week without any issues I think I'll be golden. I'm not limited in what I can do now but I have to be fully warmed-up and keep the volume of any single-legged jumping activity low.
   Tomorrow I exact revenge on the squat rack, the last time I squatted, Thursday, was an awful session, time to light it up 325lb's+ for 5! During SPC 2 squatting is the main focus, so I think I'll be able to destroy my 5x335lb pb

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Med-ball twists 3x10@20lb's
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10@200lb's
Shoulder press 3x8@45lb's (fail 8 on 3rd set)
Decline leg raises 3x10
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Side leg raises x12
Side plank hold x35s
Side plank raises x10
Single-legged glute bridge 3x10
2:00min plank

About an hour of mobility
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Today was very up and down. I thought that I would have access to a pit today but I didn't and after being stuck there for a while I almost gave up but I got back to the Dalplex at 6:00, just in time to finish my workout by 9:00. I felt pretty light and bouncy which is a good sign. I also tied my x3 power clean pb (245lb's) so I'll be looking to destroy that next week. I think I'm going to start jumping outdoors two weeks from today is the weather improves in time, right now there's still a fresh coat of snow on the ground but hopefully it will be gone soon. I really just want to skip ahead to the happy ending, and it's really tempting to start uping the intensity too early but I need to be patient, all in due time... all in due time.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Ankling circuit x3
Rebound jumps 5x5
Drop jumps 2x10 (30 inch)
Depth jumps 2x10 (21 inch)
Standing stair jumps x5
Standing triple jump (from 12 inch box) x3 (Each side)
Standing bounds 3x5
Standing LLRR x3
3 step hop-step x3
Power-cleans 2x3@225lb's, 1x3@235lb's, 1x3@245lb's, 1x3@250.5lb's (ox-), 1x3@225lb's
Front squats 3x5@225lb's
Pull-ups 3x5@20lb's

Friday, March 15, 2013
Today was a recovery day, feeling a little run down and sleepy. I mobilized some tight areas in the afternoon and besides that I pretty much tried to unwind. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep in tomorrow morning.

10 minute bike ride
40 minutes mobility
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Hmmm, I don't think I'll be didn't anymore 7:00am workouts. The track work wasn't too bad, it wasn't over quick but not terrible considering the volume of training I'm been exposed to recently. But weights... I'm supposed to be in a max strength phase and I failed 5x295lb's!!! Twice!! That's not cool, last week I had 5x305lb's pretty easy and my pb is 335lb's for five. I think I big part of it was neural fatigue from plyos yesterday as well as the track part of the workout. It was just one of those days where 295lb's felt like 395lb's. I just need to shake this one off, I know I'm stronger than that, I was just tired is all. I'm going to give it another go on Monday with hopefully 315lb's+. I was originally only planning on squatting once a week through SPC2 but I really want to hammer in the max strength while there's still time to get a good deal of speed/technical work in later. I may have to consider reducing speed volume for now or at least splitting up the track and weightroom work. Ughhh, shake it off, shake it off. 5x350lb's soon.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
6x30m acels (w/ 1.5m fly) (3.95s, 4.00s, 3.93s, 4.02s, 3.97s, 3.94s) (last one would have been the best but I side stepped at the beginning)
Squats 3x5@295lb's (fail #5 on sets 2/3, ew)
Bulgarian split squats 3x8@135lb's
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Today was good, I got more done than I was expecting. I thought my knee would limit what I was able to do, and even during the workout I was expecting to have to cut things short but it never really got any worse. It was more of a fear of what I knew could happen than actually pain. If how many stairs I can jump up during a SLJ is any indication of becoming more powerful than I am seeing noticeable differences! Last week six steps was a challenge but today it was a breeze and I landed definitively on every time. When I start banging my toes on the seventh stair I'll know I'm back to where I should be.

600m Jog
Dynamic mobility
Ankling circuit 3x10
Hurdle hops 5x5
Drop jumps 2x10 (30 inch)
Depth jumps 2x10 (18 inch)
Standing stair jumps x5
Standing bounds 3x5
Standing Hops 2x5 (Each side)
Standing LLRRLLRR x3
Standing triple jump (from 12 inch box) x3 (Each side)
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
I wouldn't say that my knee is 100% but at least 90% plus. It is a little tender to touch and feels like it could relapse again if I did something stupid. I think it should be good for plyos tomorrow as long as I'm smart. Definitely going to spend a significant portion of the warm-up working on my left quad just to be safe. Felt pretty good today, really tried to open up hip extension. I don't know how to explain it, but I just feel "right". Physically my injuries are healing up and I have had a lot of energy recently. I'm excited to keep up the pace. I really just want to dive in and get some major technical work in but I know my knee can't handle a great deal of volume at the moment and it's about 2 degrees outside! Patience....

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
10x10mm strides
30 minutes hurdle mobility
Ankle stability
Side leg raises x12
Side plank raises x10
Side plank hold x35s
One-legged glute bridge 3x10
There's lots to be excited about from today, my knee seems to be almost back to normal--although when I ran up the stairs at practice I did feel it a little. Also very slight bits of pain on some reps squatting. I had my second fatest 20m time today, 2.75s which felt good. I had one that felt even faster but I think that I slowed before the line because it was significantly slower. I had a 1lb squat pb, I'll take it! I have one more week of ATG squats so hopefully I can throw another 10 pounds on top of that. I felt pretty fatigued but managed to focus and get a decent session in.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
6x20m acels (1.5m fly) (2.84s, 2.75s, 2.83s, 2.80s, 2.81s, 2.85s)
ATG squats 2x8@235lb's, 1x8@245lb's, 1x8@246lb's (pb)
Romanian deadlifts 3x8@185lb's
Leg curls 3x8@125lb's
Pull-ups 3x5@15lb's
Sunday, March 10, 2013
The knee isn't too bad, it should be fine for tomorrow's sprints/weights but I wouldn't want to do any jumping on it yet. It was pretty stiff when I first woke up but it's feeling much better. I really spent a lot of time trying to open up my quads and take tension of of the knee which I hope will help.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Lunge position twists 3x10@20lb's
Decline leg raises 3x10
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10@200lb's
Incline dumbbell press 3x5@65lb's
Side plank hold x35s
Side plank raises x10
Side leg raises 3x10
One-legged glute bride 3x10
Plank 2:00 minutes

75 minutes of mobility
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Day 6 has brought the first hipcup, I knew it wasn't going to be all sunshine and rainbows, so comes adversity. I was supposed to do short technical work today but I didn't have access to the pit so I couldn't do what I wanted. My plan was to do unlanded jumps instead but I felt a little twinge of pain after my second three step jump. I let my guard down for a day and it came back to bit me. Yesterday, my off day, I was really lazy and didn't spend the time mobilizing like I should have so my quads were quite stiff and tightened up. Also, I didn't mobilize this morning like I should have, I did spend some time working on the tissues in my hips but not nearly enough. Also when I was jumping, I didn't take enough rest between jumps and pretty much jumped, walked back, jumped, walked back. It was a 24 hour period filled with stupidity but it's a lesson that I won't soon forget, I'm one bad practice away of spending another 6 months being injured. I stopped right away, as soon as I felt anything so I'm hoping I'll wake up fine again. I did do weights after, which didn't seem to aggravate it any more and I was only vaguely aware of it.
   One problem that has been noticeable, after taking an off day I always feel tight and lethargic the next day so from now on I'm going to make sure I, at the very least, get on the stationary for 10 minutes and spend 30m+ mobilizing my anterior compartment and hips.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
First phase pass 3x3 (fast jog)
Standing triple jump x4
Standing five bounds x3
3 step triple jump x2
Power-cleasn 3x3@225lb's, 1x3@235lb's
Front squats 1x5@205lb's, 2x5@225lb's

Friday, March 8, 2013
Today was an off day to recover from a pretty hard first week. I'm a little sore from yesterday around my abductors but I've definitely been in worse shape. The knee feels fine, I don't feel anything at all at the moment. I went for a 20 minute skate in the evening just to get some blood flowing and stretched a little bit this evening, I'm ready for my first technical session tomorrow! It's going to be realllyy short approach 3-5 steps, working on rhythm mostly.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Today was a good day, I wasn't overly sharp on the track but my strength is returning FAST. I had a couple runs that were pretty good, tied for my second best from Monday but I ended off with a very slow outlier. I didn't feel like I was setting up as well today as I was last day but some of that might have been because I started my workout at 7:00am so I wasn't overly sharp mentally. I'm only going to be running 20m's one more time I believe, on Monday, then will be moving back the distance.
   Squats were very good, my 1RM when I tested a week ago was 315lb's and today I got 305lb's for five. That translates to about 345lb's for one, which is still a long way off from where I want to get to but this was only my second time squatting so I'll take it for sure! I definitely think I can finally break the four plate barrier (405lb's), that would be a huge confidence boost. Last spring I worked up to 335lb's for 5 (about 375lb 1RM).

600m jog
6x20m Acels (w/ 1.5m fly) (2.78s, 2.83s, 2.85s, 2.78s, 2.85s, 2.89s)
Squats 1x5@275lb's, 1x5@295lb's, 1x5@305lb's
Bulgarian split-squats 3x8@135lb's
Shoulder press 3x8@45lb's (Fail at 6 on last set)

45 minutes of rolling

Wednesday, March 6, 2013
I am very pleased with how today went, I was worried that my knee wouldn't be able to handle the first real plyo loading since October but it held up great. I would say that the only thing that felt a little bit iffy was single-legged hops but the was the last activity I did and even that wasn't too bad. I am going to ice it up just as a precaution but I think it's almost completely healed. Saturday will be the last real test, and if I can escape pain free once again then it will be all smooth sailing from there. I'm going to do some short approach bounding/jumps with the possibility of some first phase work (not very much if I do decide to) and following up with some heavy cleans (which agitated it a little when I tested my 1RM)

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Ankling circuit x3
Hurdle hops 5x5
Drop jumps 1x10@24inch, 1x10@30inch
SLJ (up stairs) x5
Standing triple jump x3
Standing bounds 3x5
Standing hops 3x5 (Each side)
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
My self-efficacy is starting to return, I feel everything is moving forward exactly as I should, I know that's only been two days but I feel great! My knee was a little sore this morning, just enough to kind of worry me a tad but as soon as I got moving and did some strides it went away completely. It's still always in the back of my mind but I think I've almost ridden out the storm. My hamstrings weren't as sore today as they have been. Looking forward to tomorrow, it will be a true testament to my health--of all the workouts this week this is the one that has the potential to cause the most inflammation so I'm going to be on high-alert!

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
10x100m strides
30 minutes hurdle mobility
Side plank hold x35s
Side leg raises x12
Side plank raises x10
Ankle stability

45 minutes of mobility (went really well, really opened up anterior compartment)

Monday, March 4, 2013
Great first day, It felt great to squat again although my last set was pushing the envelope a little bit, my left leg started to collapse inwards on the last set and I seemed to be favoring my left knee a little even though it didn't hurt. I'm definitely going to carefully monitor any discomfort in my knee this season and won't be afraid to pull the cord early.
   The 20m felt alright, I really tried to focus on my mechanics. It was my first time timing 20m acels with a 1.5m fly but now I have a frame of reference. I had one that seemed to be an anomaly because it was significantly quicker. The best thing about being able to time all my runs is being able to monitor volume, I was planning on doing 6-8 runs in total but my 7th one showed signs of slowing down so I pulled the cord. I didn't feel like I got out at a great angle on any of the runs and I felt like I had way to my backside approaching the 20m mark but it's something to work on. I feel like as my strength gets back to where it should be I'll see a big increase in acel times.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
7x20m acels (1.5m fly) (2.86s, 2.82s, 2.83s, 2.72s, 2.80s, 2.78s, 2.83s)
ATG squats 1x8@225lb's, 1x8@235lb's, 2x8@245lb's
Romanian deadlifts 3x8@185lb's
Leg curls 3x8@123lb's
Pull-ups 3x5@10lb's
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Today was pretty much a rest day, went skating in the afternoon just to get some blood flowing but my knee felt a little hot at the beginning. I actually think it helped to passively get some blood flow to the area--maybe I'm wrong but it felt like good pain, just enough to load it lightly. Tomorrow is day 1 of the season, short acels and some ATG squats.

20 minute skate
Saturday, March 2, 2013
I managed to get through all of the testing that I wanted to, although I must admit, my knee was feeling pretty hot after the Running five bounds, up to that point I was pretty much pain free. As I expected all my numbers are way down, but that's kinda reassuring. If all my numbers were up I would have been completely meddled. I actually felt really good during the standing 5 bounds but they weren't very far, I felt like I was getting decent air time though. The running 5 bounds were simply awful, they felt much the same as my triple jump has been, really flat. I felt like when I hit the board they were much too flat, as if I didn't have the strength to push off, which is likely true. Tomorrow is a rest day then day 1 of the 2013 summer campaign.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Standing long jump (practice x2, 3.06m, 3.08m, 3.10m)
Standing triple jump (8.70m, 8.65m, 8.65m)
Standing 5 bounds (14.80m, 14.95m, 14.80m)
5 step 5 bounds (17.20m, 17.30m, x)

This week's final numbers:
Weight: 163.5lb's
stomach skin fold: ~8mm
Chest skin fold: ~8mm
Quad skin fold: ~10mm
Back squat: 315lb's (1.93xbw)
Power clean: 245lb's (1.50xbw)
SLJ: 3.10m
STJ: 8.70m
S5B: 14.95m
R5B: 17.20m

Definitely room for massive improvements everywhere! I would like to see that squat 2.5xbw
Friday, March 1, 2013
Today was active recovery, Just some strides to help loosen up follow by a quick core session and mobility. I want to get more tempo volume in this season since I feel like the only time I ran at all during the indoor campaign was at max velocity but I feel I could benefit from sub-maximal running which focus staying relaxed and getting the foot down and under. Tomorrow I'm going to test SLJ, STJ, 5 bounds, running 5 bounds. If my knee starts to get sore anywhere along the way I will cut the testing but that's the order I will be doing things in. Sunday will be a final rest day before I start getting back into training.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Strides 10x100m
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Med0ball lunge twists 3x10@20lb's
Decline leg raises 3x10
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10
Plank 2:00 min
Ankle stability

Blog Archive

Personal Bests

Triple Jump Outdoor: 14.38m(47'2ft)(w)-06.23.12


Triple Jump Indoor: 14.28m(46'10ft)-01.14.12

Canadian Junior Championships 2011

Canadian Junior Championships 2011
Third place 13.84m

About Me

Age: 20

Birthday: September 10 1992

High School: Prince Andrew High (2007-2010)

College: Dalhousie University (2010-present)

Hometown: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160lb's

Personal Role Model: Roger Maris