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Monday, May 6, 2013
For a day where I was feeling... Alrightish it sure went well! Things didn't start off as planned, after I finished my warm-up I realized that I didn't have my track spikes so I power walked all the way home to get them and came back, about a 25 minute round trip. My knee and ankle were both kind of sore but I managed to get a 0.01s sb on the runway (tied pb)... A blistering 8.77m/s! But considering I didn't feel great and the wind was negative (Really apparent on some runs) I will take it. I shouldn't have any trouble hitting 9.00m/s on my approach run but the key is going to be able to do it consistently, with good posture and be able to control it.
   Things in the weight room went ecxcellently, although I didn't get in all the volume I had planned but they intensity greater surpassed my goal so it makes up for it. Not much has to be said, 15lb squat pb... I'll take that any day.

The Good

  • Pb on the track
  • Pb in the weight room 
The Bad
  • Less than 9m/s on the runway
  • Knee was an issue
  • Ankle was tender

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Runways (1.18s, 1.16s, 1.14s, 1.18s (wind, blah), 1.15s, 1.15s)
Squats 2x3@350lb's, 1x3@360lb's, 1x3@370lb's, 1x3@355lb's (ox-)
Reverse lunge 1x5@205lb's, 2x5@215lb's
Romanian deadlifts 3x5@255lb's
Bench press 2x4@175lb's, 1x4@180lb's (oox-), 1x4@165lb's


  • General strength and mobility


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Blog Archive

Personal Bests

Triple Jump Outdoor: 14.38m(47'2ft)(w)-06.23.12


Triple Jump Indoor: 14.28m(46'10ft)-01.14.12

Canadian Junior Championships 2011

Canadian Junior Championships 2011
Third place 13.84m

About Me

Age: 20

Birthday: September 10 1992

High School: Prince Andrew High (2007-2010)

College: Dalhousie University (2010-present)

Hometown: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160lb's

Personal Role Model: Roger Maris