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Thursday, February 28, 2013
Strength level is about where I thought it would be, maxed at 315lb's (failed 335lb's) which, like my power clean, is about at its resting level. Considering I haven't squatted heavy since the summer I definitely think I can go over 400lb's but as long as I'm at 365lb's+ I will be happy with that since it won't be a limiting factor. Looking forward to seeing where I'm at after the next six weeks.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Squat test:
1x8@45lb's ATG
1x1@335lb's (x)
Romanian Deadlifts 3x8@185lb's
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Today was another off day, however I did go for a lengthy skate this evening for some active recovery. I went for 55 laps (22km) so I'm probably going to feel it tomorrow! Hopefully I'm not too stiff since I was planning on testing my 1RM squat tomorrow, to be honest I'm not expecting much, I just want a number to compare to after my max strength block.
   I have moments where I'm still really disappointed with how this year went but I have other moments of optimism when I'm just glad to be able to move forward relatively healthy. I'm expecting big things this summer, of course I'm shooting for the big 1-5. I read something today, "Turn a setback into a comeback". I like that, and that's exactly what I intend to do

Tuesday, February 26, 2013
I tested my power clean this morning, to be honest I wasn't feeling great, tired and lethargic. I barely got 245lb's so I didn't go up any higher. It seems like 245lb's is about where my power-clean goes when I haven't been lifting heavy in a while. When I test again in 7 weeks I'm hoping to be 275lb's+ which seems very reasonable and to be honest I'm expecting more. I did some squats too just to warm up for Thursday where I'm going to do a 1RM. Wow, I have definitely lost a lot more off my squat than my clean. To be honest I think I'll be lucky if I can squat 300lb's for 1! I'm hoping to go 400lb's+ next time I test, I know it will go up quick. I did a 3 week strength block at the end of the summer and put on 50lb's.
   I went skating tonight, which is the first time in a long time I've done something active that isn't part of training. It felt good just to be active with no purpose, just exercising for the fun of it. Tomorrow I might go again in the evening.

800m jog
Power-clean test:
Squats 3x5@245lb's

40 minute skate
Monday, February 25, 2013
Yesterday was my one day dedicated to feeling sorry for myself while today is for feeling fat and disgusting, eating things I wouldn't normally eat and dewind a little bit after a stressful six months. Tomorrow I'm going to test my power clean, maybe some general strength weights. This whole week is an off/testing week so I'm going to take it pretty easy besides the 1rm's. I think I might going skating a couple times just for some enjoyable active recovery, something different.
The main thing I want to accomplish this week is gather some benchmarks and let my knee, hamstrings and ankle return to 100% function.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Today marks a dark chapter that I hope I will look back on as a stand alone. I jumped 100cm below my pb today, 13.38m. Wow. That is beyond embarrassing, that is the most pathetic showing I have ever put up. A full meter below where I was a year ago. Absolutely pathetic. I could blame the fact I was sick all week and was throwing up on Wednesday and extremely nauseous until Thursday but that is just an excuse. Being injured for most of the season is no excuse either, I've had enough time that I should have been able to work back up close to where I was.
24 hours of feeling sorry for myself, then into testing week, starting with power-cleans, Squats and capped off with slj, stj, 5 bounds, running 5 bounds.
After that this is an outline of my plans for the spring. This season I'm aiming to peak for Canada Games in the 3rd week of August:

Testing week
6 week strength block
3 week technical
3 week power
3 week technical
Competition block
Now I do things my way.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Tomorrow I need to jump 13.98m or my season is over. This should be a breeze, I've done it 1000 times before not it's time to go out and show that I'm capable of bearing down and being a clutch performer
Friday, February 22, 2013
I didn't feel overly super at the track today, probably because I was still weak from not eating very much the last few days/being relatively inactive with poor sleeping patterns. I'm feeling a little more energetic this evening however and although my hamstring is still a little tight in the usual spot I think that I will be able to ignore it when I jump on Sunday, it has been "there" for the past month or so but hasn't worsened so that's a good sign, even if it does make me a little nervous while at top speed. I did some weird stretches today, twisting at a very odd angle and trying to mobilize the outer hamstring tissue around the IT band and although I didn't run or test it at all afterwards, my hamsting felt a little better after so I'm going to try the same thing again tomorrow.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
3x30m Acels
Cleans 3x3@185lb's (fast)
Jerks 1x2@185lb's
Thursday, February 21, 2013
I think I'm on the cusp of healing, it's amazing how exhausting being ill is. I haven't done much of anything the last couple of days but I can barely keep my eyes open at 7:00pm. I kind of get back to real life today, I had to write a couple midterms and went to class. I still was reluctant to eat this morning but I have finally got my hunger back this evening. I'm hoping that I'm going to be back on my normal routine tomorrow when I wake up after a good nights sleep.
   I tried to do some core today but I was still feeling "iffy" as in if I made a wrong move I might end up throwing up in the weight room... So I did very little and focused on mobilizing some of the stiffness that has developed over that couple of days. Tomorrow is going to be pre-meet stimulus, probably a couple 30m's and maybe some flys and bounding. I'm hoping that I'm feeling "good" just for a little confidence boost.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Decline leg raises 3x10
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Static stretching
2:00 min plank
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Sometimes being an athlete means filling up a 5lb whey powder container with vomit and then 3 hours later turning around and going to practice after not eating for 2.5 days. I was feeling pretty stiff and tired as you would imagine and I felt a little bit of tension in my hamstring while doing first phase passes however I did manage to open up my hop to about 5.20m at submaximal speed so I'm hoping that something decent happens this weekend. Preferably I would be hopping 5.30m+ but considering little actually jumping I've done this season I'll take a 14.00m to get me to CIS then worry about jumping far.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Bounding 3x5
Nine step first phase pass x3
Full approach first phase pass x3
Nine step hop-step x3
Standing triple x3
I feel as though everything that could have possibly gone wrong this season has. I have been dreadfully sick for the past three days and haven't really been able to do much of anything in the weight room or on the track. On Monday I started to get muscle aches, chills/a fever and completely lost my appetite. Yesterday I felt better physically but was incredibly nauseous all day and couldn't really eat anything. Today I felt the most nauseous of all until I finally threw up. I now feel a little better because of it, the nausea is gone for now at least but I still feel incredibly weak from not eating. This definitely isn't how I planned training this week but maybe the extended rest period will do me good, and cause all those nagging injuries to finally heal. I'll also be nice and light too...

800m jog

600m jog
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Lunge position twists 3x10@20lb's
Side leg raises x12
Side plank raises x10
Side plank hold x35s
Single-legged lute bridges 3x10

Hang-snatch 4x2@135lb's, 2x2@155lb's (fast)
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Today was a recovery day, although I'm not feeling overly beat up. I feel a little drained energy-wise but that's probably more to do with the grey, gloomy weather than neural fatigue. I'm trying to stay positive about this weekend but my mind keeps flip-flopping between positive and negative. I think I'm going to try to have a day this week where I work on the first phase since at this point that's where I'm going to make the biggest gains.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Tomorrow is going to be a hard day to wake up, when my head hits my pillow I know I'm going to hope I never wake up. That first step out of bed in the morning is going to be one of the most difficult ones of recent memory. The worst part is, when I first walked into my room after the meet I through my water bottle at the wall and hit my mirror so I'm probably going to be picking glass out of my feet for the next several weeks. The sport of track and field is bred from high's and low, this is definitely a low point. I am not myself, not even close. I jumped 13.66m today... 72cm off my pb and over a meter away from where I was hoping to be at this point. It's like I have completely forgot how to jump, I guess a season without a single technical practice can do that... But I would have thought I would be able to at least stay above 14.00m consistently.  I think I'm still being protective of my knee even though it's not sore anymore and under hoping because my first phase seems to be just over 4m in length where it should be about 5m.  On my last jump I opened the hop up much more but I couldn't control it, even if I just had 2-3 practices to full around in the pit I think I could be miles ahead of where I am now but if I don't jump 14.00m or so next weekend I won't even have the opportunity to travel to nationals. Coming into this season I was hoping to jump 14.70m+ and finishing top 3, not I would kill for a 14.00m just to stay afloat and not have my season cut prematurely. The next 8 days are going to be the longest of my life, I only hope that now that my back's against the wall I can control my nervous energy and pull off what I know I should be capable of at the moment... I just want it to be Sunday morning.

Jump 1- NJ- Bailed, couldn't control it and grossly under hoped.

Jump 2- Fault-really small hop, low 13's

Jump 3- 13.50m, small hop but felt like I was able to control it a bit better

Jump 4-13.66m, The hop was opened up a little bit which was really the only difference.

Jump 5-13.56m-Barely touched the board, hop felt really short again.

Jump 6-13.50ish-Only jump with an appropriate sized hop, was fatigued and couldn't control it.

I'm feeling pretty good for tomorrow, I tend to always get nervous no matter how big or small a meet is and I think I need that--the nervous energy to feed off of. Even though this is probably the smallest meet I have ever jumped at (party for 1) it's still an opportunity to  get the CIS autoqualifier or at least move into the top 12 and take some of the pressure off of next week and avoiding a do-or-die situation.
   I have been feeling good all week and had some pretty big speed pb's. Even though I have some sore issues that are making me nervous, they haven't hindered me all week so there's no reason to think they'll be a factor tomorrow. Suddenly they all start to hurt at once the day before competition but I can only laugh because I know that it's just the nervousness and doubt shining through. I don't have a great tract record of performing under pressure so I would really like to change that this weekend and pop one 14.20m+ jump as a safety now that my back's against the wall.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
It's funny how quickly things can turn around sometimes. Over the weekend my head was pounding and I felt awful. I was freaking out, trying to figure out if I had a food allergy, stress headaches or was sleep deprived. Since, I've had two of my most productive workouts of the season and have felt great. I had a huge 30m pb today which is a great confidence boost heading into this weekend. I've going to knock back a good 9+ hours of sleep tonight, work on mobilizing my hips tomorrow and massaging out all my nagging areas, another good night's sleep and then jump far. I'm much more confident heading into this weekend than I was at the first two of the year, I haven't had any knee pain at all in a couple weeks and can jump with a clear mind.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
3x30m Acels (w/ 1.5m fly) (3.94s, 3.78s, 3.82s)
Hang cleans 4x3@175lb's FAST
Explosive bench 4x3@100lb's

Wednesday, February 13, 2013
First the firs time all season I would say that I'm feeling "good". I really tried to work the ROM through my hips today and paid extra attention to trying to loosen up my hamstrings. Tomorrow is going to be pretty light and Friday will be a rest day before jumping on Saturday.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Lunge med-ball twists 3x10@20lb's
Shoulder press 3x8@25lb's
Bent over rows 3x8@65lb's
Romanian leg raises 3x10@20lb's
Standing twists 3x10@33lb's
Leg curls 3x8@120lb's
Twisting decline leg raises 3x10
Hurdle mobility

Ice bath
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
I actually felt pretty good today, I had some head trouble this morning but I felt good at practice which is the main thing. My hamstring wasn't as sore as I though, and I was actually able to do three 30m's. I think I might have been holding back the last 1-2% but I was still pretty happy with the time, I might have been in pb territory if I wasn't worried about tearing something. Looks like I will be jumping this weekend.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
3x30m acels (1.5m fly) (3.91s, 3.91s, 3.89s)
Bounding 5x5
Hops 2x5 each side
LLRR 3x2
First phase pass x5
Hang snatch 5x2@135lb's, 2x2@155lb's
Jerks 1x3@135lb's, 1x3@155lb's, 1x3@185lb's
Monday, February 11, 2013
I had headaches off and on all day, I think they are stress related. I thought that I might have been allergic to something in my diet at first but I think that this may be it... I'm going to try to really relax before bed and get a peaceful night's sleep. Physically I felt decent today, my left hamstring is a little sore as well as my right ankle so depending on how I'm feeling tomorrow I may or may not do speed work. If I don't I'll replace it with extra plyos. Hoping that I'll be jumping this weekend...

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Incline dumbbell press 3x5@65lb's
Pull-ups 3x5
Decline leg raises 3x10
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Good-mornings 3x8@115lb's
Lunge med-ball twists 3x10@20lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10@200lb's
Side leg raises x12
Side plank x35s
Side plank raises x10
Single-legged glute bridges 3x10
Plank 2:00min

Static stretching
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Both my hamstrings are being a bother so I cut out the speed work today, I don't won't to increase the inflammation and risk having anymore setbacks. I'm starting to get nervous, it's 13.77m to make it to CIS right now, which normally I would be able to do in my sleep, but I still haven't had a practice in a pit all season and only have 1 or 2 chances to jump. I think anything less than 14.00m would still leave me vulnerable to getting knocked out of the top 12. Hoping I can heal all of my nagging issues by this weekend and get a chance to jump finally.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
3x flying 10m (submax)

(All jump work without pit)

Standing triple jump x3
First phase pass x3
Continuous first phase pass x3
Five step triple jump x4
Seven step triple jump x5
Five step bounding 3x5
Seven step bounding 3x5
Jump squats 6x2@115lb's, 2x2@95lb's
Jerks 3x3@135lb's
Explosive bench-press 6x2@95lb's
Friday, February 8, 2013
I was supposed to jump tomorrow but the meet got cancelled due to weather... It is postponed for next week but I'm not sure if they are going to have triple, very frustrating. Today is still an off day but I'm not sure if the facility I would normally practice at will be open due to a storm ugh

Felt kind of tired and hamstrings were sore... 

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
3x flying 10m 
Hang cleans 3x3@185lb's FAST
Light stretching
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
I'm was feeling pretty flat all day, not surprising considering yesterday was a pretty high load. I took it pretty easy and tomorrow is a pre-meet stimulus day. I'm planning on doing a couple flying tens, light but explosive weights, and perhaps some bounds depending on how I'm feeling.  I've always had one hamstring that's been more mobile than the other but it's funny, I noticed today they were about the same, now if I could only even out my hips the same way I would be all set!

800m hog
45m hurdle moility
Static stretching
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Today was pretty good, I cut the speed work short today and just focused mostly on bounding and some light technical work. I'm expecting this weekend to go much better than the last two have but that being said I'm not going to be able to shake my nervousness until I get in the jump that I'm looking for.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
20m Acels x4
Bounding 3x5
LLRR 3x6
Hurdle hops 5x5
First phase pass x5
Power hang-clean 5x2@225lb's
Bulgarian split-squats 3x8@135lb's
Romanian deadlifts 3x8@185lb's
Monday, February 4, 2013
Not much to say about today, it was what is was. I did some light first phase passes to try and focus on getting the foot down with the shin at 90 degrees to the ground and I think it's starting to come along, I think I was overcuing running off the board so my hop was cut short. I'm starting to get really nervous about qualifying for CIS, right now it's 13.74m which is nothing, I've done that 1000 times but for what ever reason I haven't done that in the last two meets. I faulted a 14.00m+ jump two weeks ago so I know I have the potential to jump close to my pb but it's now time to put it all together.


800m jog
Dynamic mobility
First phase pass 5x2
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Incline dumbbell press 3x8@65lb's
Glute-ham raises 3x8
Pull-ups 3x5
Decline leg raises 3x10
Standing twists 3x10@25lb's
Side leg raises x12
Side plank x35s
Side plank raises x10
Single-legged glute bridges 3x10
Plank 2:00min
Static stretching
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Wow, I didn't even jump far enough yesterday to get sore, normally my abductors are killing me for 2-3 days after a meet and my lower back feels like I did 1000 sets of back extensions but I feel perfectly fine at the moment, although if I tried to do anything intense today I would probably find the greatest fatigue is in my CNS. I spent an extended period of time today working on mobility and visualization, trying to picture getting my foot slightly in front of my COG on take off since my hops been too flat.

10 minute bike ride
20 minutes visualization
40 minutes mobility
This was disheartening, very much so... I am not myself right now, an entire season without a technical practice or plyos is starting to become very apparent. My best jump was 80cm off of my pb and I can barely remember how to jump. I'm going to Gagetown next week, now with very low expectations...

Jump 1- Fault- wasn't even really a jump, completely over-rotated and bailed, almost landing face first.

Jump 2-Fault- Very loud phases and dramatic over-rotation, might have been low 13's

Jump 3-13.58m- a little better, still very loud with over-rotation and felt as though I was losing control off of the step phase.

Jump 4-Fault- Again showed slight signs of improvement, I tried to open up the hop. About 13.70m-13.80m but still very sloppy.

Jump 5-13.45m Missed the board, just a terrible jump, started to have mental doubt creep in.

Jump 6-13.54m, I think I missed the board. Felt tired since the rounds were going by quick, also was pretty mentally low.

Over the summer I opened the season with 13.40m then 13.65m at the next meet and 14.38m after that, I'm hoping I can follow a similar pattern this indoor season...
Friday, February 1, 2013
I just realized it February, time flies. I ended up doing less today than I originally meant to but that's alright, save it for tomorrow. My hamstrings were a little tight and my ankle was a little sore so I didn't want to increase the inflammation. However after working the tissue extensively and focusing on loosening up I feel a lot better. Now I'm ready to get a safety 14.00m+ jump in to seal a spot to CIS and then focus on becoming the best I can be.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Strides 4x30m
Light hops 3x3
Hang clean 3x3@165lb's
Jerks 1x3@135lb's
Extensive massage

Blog Archive

Personal Bests

Triple Jump Outdoor: 14.38m(47'2ft)(w)-06.23.12


Triple Jump Indoor: 14.28m(46'10ft)-01.14.12

Canadian Junior Championships 2011

Canadian Junior Championships 2011
Third place 13.84m

About Me

Age: 20

Birthday: September 10 1992

High School: Prince Andrew High (2007-2010)

College: Dalhousie University (2010-present)

Hometown: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160lb's

Personal Role Model: Roger Maris