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Wednesday, August 29, 2012
I'm definitely feeling flatter than I was last week, I had trouble getting motivated today but once I got going I felt a bit better. Today was the first day that didn't feel like summer, it felt like a late fall afternoon. The wind was gusting quite hard, probably around 60km and hour which made the first 100m of the 200m's I ran today difficult but I had some help on the back stretch. I really don't want the summer to end, I've grown accustomed to going to the track in the afternoon when the sun is out and it is 25+ degrees. I'm going to miss that. With fall comes a chill in the air which I absolutely hate because it means that before long I wont be able to get out at all and I'll be stuck in the Dalplex for another eight months.
I think I'll be able to get through tomorrow's workout no problem but Friday's is going to be tough mentally, knowing that is my last workout before I deload. Friday's are always tough because the general strength work is just repetitive and mundane.
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
3x3x200m (~75% 2 minute recovery,4 minute sets) (timed 1,7,9: 28,30,30)
Light 400m jog
Cool down
Static stretching
Back extensions 5x8@50lb's
Myofascial release
25 minutes pool mobility
I think I'll be able to get through tomorrow's workout no problem but Friday's is going to be tough mentally, knowing that is my last workout before I deload. Friday's are always tough because the general strength work is just repetitive and mundane.
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
3x3x200m (~75% 2 minute recovery,4 minute sets) (timed 1,7,9: 28,30,30)
Light 400m jog
Cool down
Static stretching
Back extensions 5x8@50lb's
Myofascial release
25 minutes pool mobility
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
I'm not going to lie, I felt a little run down today but half way through "hell" week that's how I'm supposed to be feeling right? It might have been because of the weather too, I find whenever it is rainy, cloudy and just generally humid that I often feel lethargic. Hopefully tomorrow will be a nice sunny day.
I did my entire workout in the Dalplex today and by the time I started weights I was already feeling my blood sugar drop a bit--not significantly like I get on occasion but just enough to make me regret not bringing some Gatorade or something for some quick energy mid-workout. I usually try to avoid sugary drinks like that as much as possible but when the workout takes 3+hours it's hard to keep energy levels high for that long. Even though a lot of the work is stop and go just being on your feet for that long without eating drains you.
I didn't feel like I had much while squatting. When I'm fresh I feel like I get a nice solid "push" through the whole movement, utilizing the glutes but today I felt like I was just moving the bar. The bar still gets from point A to point B but I felt like it was taking an indirect path to get there. I'm looking forward to testing my squat next week to see where I'm at.
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Ankle circuit--
Hops 5x10
Twisting hops 5x10
Left Hops 5x10
Right hops 5x10
Backwards hops 5x10
Low bounding 5x10
LLRR 5x10
Broad jumps 5x5 (pause)
Pop-ups 3x5 (Each side)
Bounding 2x30m
Hops 2x20m (Each side)
Back squats (1x6@45lb's, 1x6@135lb's, 1x6@225lb's) 5x6@295lb's
Romanian deadlifts 5x8@185lb's
I did my entire workout in the Dalplex today and by the time I started weights I was already feeling my blood sugar drop a bit--not significantly like I get on occasion but just enough to make me regret not bringing some Gatorade or something for some quick energy mid-workout. I usually try to avoid sugary drinks like that as much as possible but when the workout takes 3+hours it's hard to keep energy levels high for that long. Even though a lot of the work is stop and go just being on your feet for that long without eating drains you.
I didn't feel like I had much while squatting. When I'm fresh I feel like I get a nice solid "push" through the whole movement, utilizing the glutes but today I felt like I was just moving the bar. The bar still gets from point A to point B but I felt like it was taking an indirect path to get there. I'm looking forward to testing my squat next week to see where I'm at.
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Ankle circuit--
Hops 5x10
Twisting hops 5x10
Left Hops 5x10
Right hops 5x10
Backwards hops 5x10
Low bounding 5x10
LLRR 5x10
Broad jumps 5x5 (pause)
Pop-ups 3x5 (Each side)
Bounding 2x30m
Hops 2x20m (Each side)
Back squats (1x6@45lb's, 1x6@135lb's, 1x6@225lb's) 5x6@295lb's
Romanian deadlifts 5x8@185lb's
Light bike ride
Light stretching
Light stretching
Monday, August 27, 2012
Seems impossible to believe that another month is about to pass, only another week and a half until I start my third year of University, I will miss being able to workout pretty much at whatever time of day I please but I guess it will be nice to get on a proper schedule again. Felt pretty good today, not sore at all which is good.
800m jog
Extended Dynamic mobility
800m jog
Extended Dynamic mobility
Oblique crunch 5x10@65lb's
Seated twists 5x10@33lb's
Leg raises 5x10@20lb's
Abdominal crunches 5x10@180lb's
Incline leg raises 5x10
Incline bench press 5x8@55lb's (8,8,7,6,5)
Bent-over rows 5x8@60lb's
Physio exercises
2:30 plank (limb lift every 15s)
2:00 side plank (30s, 30s leg up, repeat)
20 push-ups
3 minute bike ride
Static stretching
Seated twists 5x10@33lb's
Leg raises 5x10@20lb's
Abdominal crunches 5x10@180lb's
Incline leg raises 5x10
Incline bench press 5x8@55lb's (8,8,7,6,5)
Bent-over rows 5x8@60lb's
Physio exercises
2:30 plank (limb lift every 15s)
2:00 side plank (30s, 30s leg up, repeat)
20 push-ups
3 minute bike ride
Static stretching
Sunday, August 26, 2012
I felt pretty tired and lazy today, I had to do my workout in the morning and I didn't sleep well last night since I worked until 10:00 and didn't get home until 11:00pm. I felt really tight and lethargic while warming up but I slowly started to loosen up through the workout. Worked up to 245lb's while squatting deep but I probably could have went up a little more, I was expecting to struggle since I wasn't feeling the best but I have definitely got stronger.
Light jog
Dynamic mobility
Accelerations 2x4x20m
Med ball circuit--
Front throws 4x5@4kg
Back throws 4x5@4kg
Hammer release 3x4@4kg (Each side)
DEEP Squats (2x8@45lb's, 1x8@135lb's, 1x8@185lb's), 2x8@235lb's, 3x8@245lb's
Good Mornings 5x8@115lb's
Light bike ride
Static stretching
Light jog
Dynamic mobility
Accelerations 2x4x20m
Med ball circuit--
Front throws 4x5@4kg
Back throws 4x5@4kg
Hammer release 3x4@4kg (Each side)
DEEP Squats (2x8@45lb's, 1x8@135lb's, 1x8@185lb's), 2x8@235lb's, 3x8@245lb's
Good Mornings 5x8@115lb's
Light bike ride
Static stretching
Friday, August 24, 2012
Wow, I was thinking this might be the first week in forever that I got through without feeling like garbage at the end but yesterday's workout hit me like a stack of bricks. Was very flat and unmotivated today but I still managed to get through everything I was planning on doing. Now time for some much needed rest before starting hard week on Sunday.
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Seated med-ball twists 2x10@6kg (Each side)
Lunge position med-ball twists 2x10@6kg (Each side)
Twisting incline leg-raises 4x10
Oblique crunches 4x10@65lb's (Both sides)
Hanging leg raises 4x8
Seated crunches 4x10@33lb's
Shoulder press 4x8@45lb's (actual 8,8,6,5)
Pull-ups 3x5@15lb's, 1x5@body weight
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Seated med-ball twists 2x10@6kg (Each side)
Lunge position med-ball twists 2x10@6kg (Each side)
Twisting incline leg-raises 4x10
Oblique crunches 4x10@65lb's (Both sides)
Hanging leg raises 4x8
Seated crunches 4x10@33lb's
Shoulder press 4x8@45lb's (actual 8,8,6,5)
Pull-ups 3x5@15lb's, 1x5@body weight
Hip thrusts 4x8@185lb's
Physio exercises
2:30 plank w/ leg and arm raises every 15 seconds
Side plank (30s, 30s leg up) (Each side)
20 push-ups
Light stretching
Physio exercises
2:30 plank w/ leg and arm raises every 15 seconds
Side plank (30s, 30s leg up) (Each side)
20 push-ups
Light stretching
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Another one in the books, felt pretty good today. My ankle wasn't an issue at all today but my knees were a little sore, not a big issue but just enough that I was aware of it. One more day this week, then an off-day and then hard week starts. I'm looking forward to deloading and retesting the week after that.
This phase is a little frustrating because even though I am working hard it's not that relevant to triple jumping, I'm building a strong base for later in the season, which is important, but I just want to jump! I need to be more patient..
4 minute jog
Dynamic mobility
Hill runs 3x5x50m (Walk back, 4 minutes between sets)
Med-ball circuit--
Back throws 3x6@@5kg
Front throws 3x6@5kg
Hammer releases 2x6@5kg (Each side)
Push press 3x12@6kg
Russian twisters 3x12@6kg
Push-ups 3x12@6kg
Deadlifts (1x8@135lb's, 1x8@185lb's) 2x8@245lb's, 2x8@255lb's
Bulgarian split squats 4x8@135lb's (Each side)
Light bike ride
Static stretching
Today's workout hit me hard, on paper it doesn't look like much but I think my legs were more rubbery after today's 200m's then they ever have been after squatting. They weren't even that fast, 75% or less but I'm not used to having such short rest intervals and I don't have a great aerobic base. I wanted to get them all under 30s but I ended up drifting to about 31-32 by the end.
I jumped in the pool this evening though and it did wonders!
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
2x4x200m (2min rest, 4 min between sets)
Light jog
Myofascial Release
20 minutes pool mobility
I jumped in the pool this evening though and it did wonders!
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
2x4x200m (2min rest, 4 min between sets)
Light jog
Myofascial Release
20 minutes pool mobility
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
My right ankle was bothering me again today, it wasn't bad enough to stop the workout but it was bad enough to be on my mind most of the time. I took a cautious approach to the light plyo work, taking long rest intervals and was ready to pull the plug if at any time it got worse. I think it actually might have gotten better over the course of the practice, I find that it does sometimes--almost as if it continues to "warm-up" throughout the workout.
I got up to 295lb's while squatting today for sixes, but my knees were buckling a little bit so I backed down to 285lb's for my last one. I am definitely getting stronger but unfortunately I am also very drained so I don't think I am going to see a huge jump in my strength levels until I de-load at the end of next week at the end of the first meso. I would like to be able to squat 405+ this season, I came pretty close last year (335lb's for 5's) but I didn't maintain well and lost huge amounts of strength. Maintenance is going to be key this year if I want to get over that 15.00m barrier.
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Ankle circuit--
Hops 4x10
Twisting hops 4x10
Left Hops 4x10
Right hops 4x10
Backwards hops 4x10
Low bounding 4x10
LLRR 4x10
Broad jumps 4x5 (pause)
Pop-ups 2x5 (Each side)
Bounding 3x30m
Hops 1x20m (Each side)
Back squats (2x6@45lb's, 1x6@145lb's, 1x6@225lb's) 2x6@285lb's, 1x6@295lb's, 1x6@285lb's
Romanian deadlifts 4x8@185lb's
Back extensions 4x8@50lb's
Light stretching
I got up to 295lb's while squatting today for sixes, but my knees were buckling a little bit so I backed down to 285lb's for my last one. I am definitely getting stronger but unfortunately I am also very drained so I don't think I am going to see a huge jump in my strength levels until I de-load at the end of next week at the end of the first meso. I would like to be able to squat 405+ this season, I came pretty close last year (335lb's for 5's) but I didn't maintain well and lost huge amounts of strength. Maintenance is going to be key this year if I want to get over that 15.00m barrier.
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Ankle circuit--
Hops 4x10
Twisting hops 4x10
Left Hops 4x10
Right hops 4x10
Backwards hops 4x10
Low bounding 4x10
LLRR 4x10
Broad jumps 4x5 (pause)
Pop-ups 2x5 (Each side)
Bounding 3x30m
Hops 1x20m (Each side)
Back squats (2x6@45lb's, 1x6@145lb's, 1x6@225lb's) 2x6@285lb's, 1x6@295lb's, 1x6@285lb's
Romanian deadlifts 4x8@185lb's
Back extensions 4x8@50lb's
Light stretching
Monday, August 20, 2012
At last, the fruits of all my hard work! This is the first day I haven't had DOMS in the past eight days, don't get me wrong my legs are heavy as anything from squatting yesterday but nothing is acutely sore. This should make training much more efficient over the next two weeks especially where the volume will be increasing. I still think I might get some soreness from single legged squats on Thursday just because of the natural of the high stability movement.
Tomorrow will be the first low intensity plyo day, multi-jumps and endurance bounding.
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Oblique crunch 4x10@65lb's
Seated twists 4x10@33lb's
Leg raises 4x10@20lb's
Abdominal crunches 4x10@170lb's
Incline leg raises 2x10
Standing twists 2x10@33lb's
Incline bench press 4x8@55lb's (8,8,5x, 5x)
Bent-over rows 4x8@55lb's
Physio exercises
2:30 plank (limb lift every 15s)
2:00 side plank (30s, 30s leg up, repeat)
20 push-ups
3 minute bike ride
Static stretching
Tomorrow will be the first low intensity plyo day, multi-jumps and endurance bounding.
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Oblique crunch 4x10@65lb's
Seated twists 4x10@33lb's
Leg raises 4x10@20lb's
Abdominal crunches 4x10@170lb's
Incline leg raises 2x10
Standing twists 2x10@33lb's
Incline bench press 4x8@55lb's (8,8,5x, 5x)
Bent-over rows 4x8@55lb's
Physio exercises
2:30 plank (limb lift every 15s)
2:00 side plank (30s, 30s leg up, repeat)
20 push-ups
3 minute bike ride
Static stretching
Sunday, August 19, 2012
I was still a little sore at the beginning of today's workout but it seemed to go away as I warm-up up. I did have some ankle discomforte however but that's not uncommon for a day after I work. I definitely don't feel "fresh" but I'm healthy which is the main part. I'm not supposed to feel fresh this time of year.
4 minute jog
Dynamic mobility
Accelerations 2x4x15m (2 minutes rest, 4 between sets)
Med balls--
Back throws 3x12@4kg
Front throws 3x12@4kg
Hammer throws 3x12@4kg
Push press 3x12@6kg
Russian twisters 3x12@6kg
Push-ups 3x12@6kg
DEEP squats 4x8@235lb's
Good-mornings 4x8@115lb's
Light bike ride
Static stretching
4 minute jog
Dynamic mobility
Accelerations 2x4x15m (2 minutes rest, 4 between sets)
Med balls--
Back throws 3x12@4kg
Front throws 3x12@4kg
Hammer throws 3x12@4kg
Push press 3x12@6kg
Russian twisters 3x12@6kg
Push-ups 3x12@6kg
DEEP squats 4x8@235lb's
Good-mornings 4x8@115lb's
Light bike ride
Static stretching
Had a chance to recover today, it didn't feel like much of an off day though since I had to work and my legs are still filled with DOMS. I'm hoping this is the last day that I have to deal with such soreness now that my body should be accustomed to some sort of routine.
Light Bike ride
Static stretching
Light Bike ride
Static stretching
Friday, August 17, 2012
So ends one hellish week of soreness... But I guess that's what training is, it's not about being comfortable, it's about taking your body to it's current limit, adapting, then doing it all again. This week was "easy" week but it sure as hell didn't feel easy. On paper it wasn't much work but the DOMS made it feel 100 times worse. Tomorrow will be a day for rest (and work unfortunately) then Sunday will the start of week two.
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Seated med-ball twists 2x10@6kg (Each side)
Lunge position med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Twisting incline leg-raises 3x10
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's (Both sides)
Hanging leg raises 3x8
Seated crunches 3x10@33lb's
Shoulder press 3x8@45lb's (actual 7,6,4: too much weight)
Pull-ups 2x5@15lb's, 1x5@body weight
Physio exercises
2:30 plank w/ leg and arm raises every 15 seconds
Side plank (30s, 30s leg up) (Each side)
20 push-ups
Light stretching
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Seated med-ball twists 2x10@6kg (Each side)
Lunge position med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Twisting incline leg-raises 3x10
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's (Both sides)
Hanging leg raises 3x8
Seated crunches 3x10@33lb's
Shoulder press 3x8@45lb's (actual 7,6,4: too much weight)
Pull-ups 2x5@15lb's, 1x5@body weight
Physio exercises
2:30 plank w/ leg and arm raises every 15 seconds
Side plank (30s, 30s leg up) (Each side)
20 push-ups
Light stretching
Thursday, August 16, 2012
I'm not as sore in the upper body as I was yesterday but my calves and quads are still really acutely sore--around my soleus is particularly bad on both sides. Beyond that I'm just feeling flat and over tired, but it's just one more day then I get a day to rest/adapt. Next week will be transitioning into more specific work, not just tempo running but low impact multi-jumps and accelerations.
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
2x4x100m@70% (brisk walk back, 3 minutes between sets)
Deadlifts (1x8@135lb's, 1x8@185lb's), 2x8@225lb's, 1x8@245lb's
Bulgarian Split Squats 3x8@135lb's (Each side)
Hip thrusts 3x8@185lb's
4 minute bike ride
Light stretching
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
2x4x100m@70% (brisk walk back, 3 minutes between sets)
Deadlifts (1x8@135lb's, 1x8@185lb's), 2x8@225lb's, 1x8@245lb's
Bulgarian Split Squats 3x8@135lb's (Each side)
Hip thrusts 3x8@185lb's
4 minute bike ride
Light stretching
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Ahhhh, make the pain stop. So much DOMS that it hurts to walk, I had to warm-up for over an hour just to get to the point where I could move without wanting to scream. But the first week is the hardest... Once I get through this initial muscle soreness I'll start to notice the first physiological improvements.
I feel like the initial soreness in my abductors and adductors caused from Sunday's deep squats has worn-off and now I'm faced with quad, lower back, hamstring, calf, triceps, and chest soreness from weights the last couple of days. Hopefully my body will become used to the routine by next week so I don't have to relive this for a while... because after all this is only "easy" week. So sore, it's almost funny.
Today was a long tempo day 200-300m, the first set was pretty easy but by the time I got to the second set my legs were gassed and although I didn't feel like my body was oxygen starved my muscles weren't used to having to run so far. I tried to maintain form as best I could and I think that for the first couple I was relatively upright and contacts beneath me but by the end I was just trying to get to the finish line.
I was going to do more 200m's tomorrow but I may modify the workout depending on how I feel when I wake up.
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
2x(300m, 250m, 200m) (3 minute recovery, 2.5 minute recovery, 6 between sets) (51.5, 42, 30, 53, 44, 31)
400m cool-down jog
Static stretching
I feel like the initial soreness in my abductors and adductors caused from Sunday's deep squats has worn-off and now I'm faced with quad, lower back, hamstring, calf, triceps, and chest soreness from weights the last couple of days. Hopefully my body will become used to the routine by next week so I don't have to relive this for a while... because after all this is only "easy" week. So sore, it's almost funny.
Today was a long tempo day 200-300m, the first set was pretty easy but by the time I got to the second set my legs were gassed and although I didn't feel like my body was oxygen starved my muscles weren't used to having to run so far. I tried to maintain form as best I could and I think that for the first couple I was relatively upright and contacts beneath me but by the end I was just trying to get to the finish line.
I was going to do more 200m's tomorrow but I may modify the workout depending on how I feel when I wake up.
800m jog
Dynamic mobility
2x(300m, 250m, 200m) (3 minute recovery, 2.5 minute recovery, 6 between sets) (51.5, 42, 30, 53, 44, 31)
400m cool-down jog
Static stretching
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
I didn't know it was possible to be this sore--as always I am more sore two days after squatting then I was the day after. My hip adductors are really tender as well as my quads, chest and lower back. Pretty much everywhere is a little sore. It hurts to move but at least it's not possible to get any more sore and even after three workouts I can already start to feel myself get stronger.
5 minute jog
Dynamic mobility
Hill runs 3x4x50m (walk back, 4 minutes between sets)
Back throws 3x5@6kg
Front throws 3x5@6kg
Hammer releases 3x3@6kg (Each side)
Med-ball push press 3x10@10lb's
Russian twisters 3x10@6kg
Med-ball push-ups 3x10
Parallel squats (2x6@45lb's, 1x6@135lb's, 1x6@225lb's), 2x6@275lb's, 1x6@285.5lb's
Romanian deadlifts 3x8@185lb's
Back extensions 3x8@50lb's
Static stretching
5 minute jog
Dynamic mobility
Hill runs 3x4x50m (walk back, 4 minutes between sets)
Back throws 3x5@6kg
Front throws 3x5@6kg
Hammer releases 3x3@6kg (Each side)
Med-ball push press 3x10@10lb's
Russian twisters 3x10@6kg
Med-ball push-ups 3x10
Parallel squats (2x6@45lb's, 1x6@135lb's, 1x6@225lb's), 2x6@275lb's, 1x6@285.5lb's
Romanian deadlifts 3x8@185lb's
Back extensions 3x8@50lb's
Static stretching
Monday, August 13, 2012
I was expecting to be incredibly sore from yesterday but surprisingly I'm not feeling too bad. My legs are pretty rubbery and there are a few points that have some pretty bad DOMS but I have definitely felt worse. Today was a core/upper body day, nothing too special, just to even out some imbalances.
1km light jog
Leg swings
Light stretching
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Leg raises 3x10@20lb's
Incline dumbbell press 3x8@55lb's (Fail on 6, last set)
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10@170lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10@170lb's
Bent over rows 3x8@55lb's (Each side)
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Incline leg-raises 3x10
Rehab exercises 3x2x12
*Plank (30s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 30s)
Side plank (30s then 30s with leg raises
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Incline leg-raises 3x10
Rehab exercises 3x2x12
*Plank (30s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 30s)
Side plank (30s then 30s with leg raises
20 push-ups
3 minute bike ride
Static stretching
*Lifting left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, left leg and right arm, left arm and right leg
Static stretching
*Lifting left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, left leg and right arm, left arm and right leg
Today went pretty well, I know that I am going to be sore tomorrow but it was well worth it. I started off with some 200m's, I estimated I could run it in somewhere around 24 seconds (hopefully faster) so for 75% I tried to stay under 30s on the Dalplex track which is 260m and shaped like an Octagon. I feel like I probably should have started at 70% since it's the first time in a long time I have ran that distance--I was gasping afterwards. The first two felt like I held form pretty well but it broke down on the last couple.
Squats were pretty good too, it was the first time I have ever done a set really deep. I feel like they probably destroyed my legs but once the initial soreness wears off it will be worth it. I have a really good range of motion so I was able to get well down there. I used the pink parts of aerobic boxes to check my depth, for a parallel squat I usually use six but today for a deep squat I used four. The ones I use are like in the picture below (I don't use the green part) .

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
2x2x200m@75%, 2 minute rest, 4 between sets ~(30.5,29,30,31)
Med-ball circuit--
Back throws 3x5@6kg
Front throws 3x5@6kg
Hammer releases 3x6@6kg
Push press 3x5@3kg
Push-ups (med-ball under one hand, switching) 3x10@3kg
Russian twisters 3x10@3kg
DEEP squats 2x8@45lb's, 1x8@135lb's, 1x8@185lb's, 3x8@225lb's
Good mornings 1x8@45lb's, 1x8@95lb's, 3x8@135lb's
4 minute bike ride
Light stretching
I'm starting to feel the physiological effects of being idle for so long. I just want to get back at it--this break has been long enough. I have also veered off my diet the last couple of days so the increased sodium/carbs is not helping either. Tomorrow I'm going to slowly get back into the training rhythm.
Friday, August 10, 2012
I tested my squat today... Wow, I've lost a significant amount of strength. I cleared 315lb's easily but when I went up to 345lb's I failed twice. Oh well, at least now I know where I am, so I will easily be able to improve. I'm excited to actually start training again on Sunday.
5 minute bike ride
Dynamic mobility
Squat test: 2x5@45lb's, 1x5@135lb's, 1x3@185lb's, 1x2@225lb's, 1x1@275lb's, 1x1@315lb's, 2x1@345lb's (xx)
Static stretching
5 minute bike ride
Dynamic mobility
Squat test: 2x5@45lb's, 1x5@135lb's, 1x3@185lb's, 1x2@225lb's, 1x1@275lb's, 1x1@315lb's, 2x1@345lb's (xx)
Static stretching
I took today off, my legs still haven't recovered yet--probably because I haven't been as diligent implementing recovery strategies now that the season is over. Tomorrow I'm testing my 1rm squat for the first time. I'm expecting it to be much lower than I would expect so it's really just to monitor exactly how my strength I lost.
7 minute bike ride
Myofascial release
Static stretching
7 minute bike ride
Myofascial release
Static stretching
Tested my max clean today, couldn't believe how weak I was, I failed at 245lb's which should have been very easy still. It will be really easy to improve in four weeks time but still... Oh well, it explains why I haven't been jumping well at least, I have no strength left--I did a very poor job of maintaining strength through the season.
7 minute bike ride
Dynamic mobility
Power cleans 1x3@135lb's, 1x3@185lb's, 1x2@225lb's, 1x2@245lb's (xx), 1x2@235lb's (xx)
7 minute bike ride
Dynamic mobility
Power cleans 1x3@135lb's, 1x3@185lb's, 1x2@225lb's, 1x2@245lb's (xx), 1x2@235lb's (xx)
I felt like I had to do something today, to just shake out my legs and to feel productive. I went back to basics, going for a nice easy jog and light core work. While running I was focusing on getting my foot strike under my center of mass--my plan is to start concentrating on it while jogging and then slowly transitioning into running then sprinting.
15minute light jog
Dynamic mobility
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10@170lb's
Standing med-ball twists 3x10@6kg (Each side)
Lunge position med-ball twists 3x10@6kg (Each side)
Seated med-ball twists 3x10@6kg (Each side)
Incline leg-raises 3x10
Bent-over rows 3x8@55lb's (Each side)
Rehab exercises 3x2x12
*Plank (30s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 30s)
Side plank (30s then 30s with leg raises
Static stretching
*Lifting left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, left leg and right arm, left arm and right leg
15minute light jog
Dynamic mobility
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10@170lb's
Standing med-ball twists 3x10@6kg (Each side)
Lunge position med-ball twists 3x10@6kg (Each side)
Seated med-ball twists 3x10@6kg (Each side)
Incline leg-raises 3x10
Bent-over rows 3x8@55lb's (Each side)
Rehab exercises 3x2x12
*Plank (30s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 15s, 30s)
Side plank (30s then 30s with leg raises
Static stretching
*Lifting left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, left leg and right arm, left arm and right leg
Monday, August 6, 2012
Today was a rest day to let the little injuries that have collected through the season to heal up. It's weird not having to be competition ready anymore. Even though I'm entering an "off week" I can't do nothing so I'm probably still going to continue doing low intensity exercises if for no other reason than to keep myself from dying of boredom. Wednesday and Friday are going to be testing days. General prep officially starts on Sunday.
My hip abductors are a little sore as they usually are after a meet and both of my knees are a little sore as well.
My hip abductors are a little sore as they usually are after a meet and both of my knees are a little sore as well.
Today didn't go as I had hoped, I was hoping to end off on a high note but over the last couple months I have felt like I was trying to build a house without a foundation. Today I sulk, tomorrow I start thinking about the 2012-2013 season.
I was only 8cm off the farthest I have ever jumped but the wind was quite high, I think it might have been close to five...
Jump 1-14.01m: not a bad opener, I was happy with it. Didn't get a great landing and short on the board.
Jump 2-13.96m: felt the same as the last one, short on the board again and I set up on the board instead of running through.
Jump 3-14.30m: last couple steps before the board were better, the only real difference. Lost about 10-15cm in the sand for turning too soon.
Jump 4-Fault: started to drift to the left on the runway and kept drifting through the jump and had to bail.
Jump 5-13.84m: felt like the best of all the jumps through two phases but I collapsed off the step. I think this could have been a big one if I finished the jump.
Jump 6-13.72m: Fatigued, just felt like I had nothing left.
I was only 8cm off the farthest I have ever jumped but the wind was quite high, I think it might have been close to five...
Jump 1-14.01m: not a bad opener, I was happy with it. Didn't get a great landing and short on the board.
Jump 2-13.96m: felt the same as the last one, short on the board again and I set up on the board instead of running through.
Jump 3-14.30m: last couple steps before the board were better, the only real difference. Lost about 10-15cm in the sand for turning too soon.
Jump 4-Fault: started to drift to the left on the runway and kept drifting through the jump and had to bail.
Jump 5-13.84m: felt like the best of all the jumps through two phases but I collapsed off the step. I think this could have been a big one if I finished the jump.
Jump 6-13.72m: Fatigued, just felt like I had nothing left.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
I feel good, nice and relaxed. I think it's safe to say that I have done pretty much everything with reason to make sure that I'm feeling my best. I compete tomorrow at 1:00pm in the blistering sun which may be a challenge considering it is supposed to be 37 Celsius with humidity but I'm going to try to be smart about minimizing my sun exposure.
I feel like I'm in a good state of mind right now--I'm kind of taking it all in stride, hopefully this time tomorrow I will have captured a pb!
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.
I feel like I'm in a good state of mind right now--I'm kind of taking it all in stride, hopefully this time tomorrow I will have captured a pb!
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.
To be honest I didn't feel over special today, I was hoping to feel light and bouncy but I felt kind of flat and makes legs were heavy. I think that I'm just over thinking and trying to be "too perfect". At the end of last summer I told myself I wanted to jump 14.50m for this summer and right now, with one meet left, I'm sitting at 14.38m which is still a 54cm improvement from this time last year. No matter how this weekend goes I need to remind myself that I have had a successful season no matter how it seems.
400m jog
Dynamic mobility
3x30m acels
Bounds 3x5
Static stretching
400m jog
Dynamic mobility
3x30m acels
Bounds 3x5
Static stretching
Thursday, August 2, 2012
For some reason I was absolutely exhausted all day, like I could barely keep my eyes open. Tonight I'm going to sleep in a room with no windows so I will sleep until I'm 100% rested.
I went to the gym after supper but I took it very light, since it is an off day. I jogged a couple laps, visualized and stretched.
600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Static stretching
I went to the gym after supper but I took it very light, since it is an off day. I jogged a couple laps, visualized and stretched.
600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Static stretching
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Today was a little frustrating, I started to walk to the track in the morning and it started to rain; I had to decide if I wanted to continue on and do runways like I had planned or if I should go to the Dalplex and nine stride acels instead. I decided to go to the Dalplex which was definitely the right choice because by the time I got there it was absolutely pouring! I felt a little lazy as I often do on rainy/humid days but even so I felt quick. The only thing was I felt pretty flat while lifting, probably because I didn't really take a break between the track workout and weights. I started to get pretty frustrated but I have calmed down since. Tomorrow is going to be a step back from the normal routine as I try to relax and recover. I might do some light stretching but that's it.
600m jog
Dynamic mobility
30m acels x4
Hang snatch 3x3@135lb (Supposed to be as fast as possible but felt flat.)
Jump Squats 3x3@115lb's (Flat)
600m jog
Dynamic mobility
30m acels x4
Hang snatch 3x3@135lb (Supposed to be as fast as possible but felt flat.)
Jump Squats 3x3@115lb's (Flat)
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Blog Archive
- Wednesday August 29 2012
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Personal Bests
Triple Jump Outdoor: 14.38m(47'2ft)(w)-06.23.12
Triple Jump Indoor: 14.28m(46'10ft)-01.14.12

Canadian Junior Championships 2011

Third place 13.84m
About Me
Age: 20
Birthday: September 10 1992
High School: Prince Andrew High (2007-2010)
College: Dalhousie University (2010-present)
Hometown: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 160lb's
Personal Role Model: Roger Maris