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Saturday, March 31, 2012
One more month comes to a close, and for the most part it was an unsuccessful. It started with a torn hamstring and a NM at nationals and now as it comes to an end I'm still not back to 100%, I have lingering pain still and haven't been able to do speed since. But tomorrow will hopefully be a good day, April 1st, the first technical practice of the month. The weather is slowly warming up and I'm hoping to be able to get outside more than I have been.
   I still have the bottle of nonalcoholic champagne that I bought in January sitting on my shelf. Although it's kind of silly I have come to call it "fifteen meter champagne" and I will open it the day I break 15.00m. I  know it's going to feel so good to rip the wrapper off on that day and know that I have finally done something worth celebrating. Hopefully that day comes sooner opposed to later.

800m jog
Quick warm-up
Back throws 3x5@6kg
Front throws 3x5@6kg
Hammer throws 1x5@6kg (Each side)
Push press 2x5@6kg
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Lunge position med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Sitting med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Incline leg-raises 3x10
Leg raises 3x10@20lb's
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 2x10@170lb's, 3x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Incline dumbbell press 3x5@60lb's, 1x5@65lb's (fail)
Friday, March 30, 2012
I decided to take today off instead of tomorrow since I am running on about four hours of sleep. I was feeling surprisingly energetic though so the "rest day" that it was supposed to be quickly turned into core and med-ball work. So it was an "off day" but an active one.
   Tomorrow will be a full core circuit and med-ball work and on Sunday I will hopefully be able to move up to seven steps for a couple jumps

Light bike ride
Back throws 3x5@6kg
Front throws 3x5@6kg
Hammer throws 2x5@6kg
Push press 2x5@6kg
Standing med-ball twists @6kg
Sitting med-ball twists @6kg
Lunge-position med-ball twists @6kg
Abdominal pull-downs 2x10@170lb's, 3x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Twisting incline leg-raises 3x10
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
I felt pretty flat today, my entire lower body was killing me, left over DOMS from Tuesday. I didn't feel like I was getting a whole lot out of the plyos I was doing so I cut them a bit short. It was a pretty short workout overall. I really hope my hamstring starts to feel better by Sunday so I can put in some more intensive work.
800m jog
Shock jumps 3x8
Standing long jump x3
Standing three jumps x3
Standing triple jump x4
Standing five bounds x3
Ankle hops 2x10
Twisting hops 2x10
Left hops 2x10
Right hops 2x10
LLRR 2x10
Low bounding 3x6
Power-cleans 2x3@225lb's, 1x3@235lb's, 1x3@240lb's (fail), 1x3@240lb's (good)
Deadlifts 3x5@247lb's
Leg curls (Left) 3x5@135lb's
Leg curls (Right) 3x5@146lb's
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Today was a pretty bad day... It was freezing cold, just above freezing and it hurt to move. My hamstring appears to still be injured and my legs are still rubbery from squats yesterday. I feel like as soon as all the strength from the work I have been doing recently gets compounded and I get healthy I'll be in great shape but for now I'll just have to keep trying to move forward.

Static stretching
Hamstring rehab

Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Today was another setback day. I wanted to do some short speed work 3x3x10m and 2x3x20m but my hamstring started to get sore. It continued to get sore throughout the entire workout until now it hurts to contract it. It's weird, it didn't hurt at all until the first 10m. It is a little discouraging to think that I still can't do speed work but hopefully by next week I will be back to 100%. I'm going to continue to ice all day tomorrow to try to accelerate recovery.
   Squats were alright, my legs were still pretty tired from squatting on Sunday so I guess all things considering it wasn't too bad. I failed my last set at 320.5lb's but I got two sets at 315lb's and one set at 320.5lb's. It was the hardest series I've done yet so I guess I'll take it. My lower back was still a little sore too, I thought that I was going to have to cut the workout short because of it but it seemed to get a little bit better as I went on.
   Hopefully my hamstring feels better tomorrow... So far things haven't been going exactly as I had planned but it is still early I guess.

800m jog
Squats 2x5@315lb's, 1x5@320.5lb's, 1x5@320.5lbs (fail on last rep)
Glute-hamstring raises 3x5
Bent-over rows 4x8@60lb's
Pull-ups 3x5@25lb's (fail last rep), 1x5 (fail last rep)
Monday, March 26, 2012
A bit of a setback today--my lower back is pretty sore/stiff from doing deadlifts last week. I didn't use much weight but I guess where I haven't done them in so long and I have never been overly proficient at them the erector spinae muscles weren't as developed as the rest of my posterior chain. My back just feels tired when I try to do anything: walk, run, or med-ball throws. I didn't get to do most of what I wanted to get done today but as long as I'm healthy on Wednesday I'm going to take on the extra core and med-ball work then since it's just a tempo day. I'm hoping to be feeling better tomorrow so I can do some quality speed work and get the 326lb's in the weight-room that I just missed on Sunday.

Light jog
Incline leg-raises 3x10
Leg raises 3x10@20lb's
Oblique Crunches 3x10@65lb's (Each side)
Attempted med-ball throws (back too sore)
Light bike ride
Static stretching
Myofascial release
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Ahhhh, I almost had it... I almost got 326lb's for five but I had to bail the last rep. I was quite glad with it still thought because last week I barely got 315lb's and today it felt like a joke. I wish I could have got that last rep up but oh well, I'll get it on Tuesday. My pb is 330.5lb's for five but that was with a wide stance and I probably cheated on the bottom a bit. I have still been using a low box to make sure I go to parallel and I think it's the best decision I've made so far this season, I love not having to worry about "cheating".
   I did some jumping at SMU but it was freezing so I didn't get as much done as I would have liked... The pit is still filled with rocks too so I didn't really feel like do any actual landings. I felt good when I was doing bounding work, I was focusing on getting my foot under me. I think I need to do more hop cycles though, maybe LLLR or something. The next couple weeks are supposed to be pretty cold, just above freezing so I'll probably move indoors. I should be able to jump indoors next Sunday but probably won't have pit access until then.

800m jog
Ankle hops 3x10
Twisitng hops 3x10
Left hops 3x10
Right hops 3x10
LLRR 3x10
Low bounding 5x10
Five step bounds, 3x3, 5x5
Five step triple jump x5
Seven step triple jump x5
Jogging take-offs x3
Squats 2x5@305lb's, 1x5@315lb's, 1x5@326lb's (fail last rep)
Romanian deadlifts 2x5@203lb's, 1x5@214lb's
Twisting incline leg raises 3x10
Seated twists 3x10
I became restless sitting around all day and felt pretty disguising so I went to the gym briefly this evening. I went for a nice light bike ride for about 20 minutes, if nothing else to just burn a couple calories while I let my mind drift off. My lower back is a little stiff from doing deadlifts for the first time in forever on Thursday but besides that I'm feeling physically good.
   I've already put on a significant amount of water weight, it feels pretty gross but I am going to resist the urge to taper early, I always cut down too soon and end up peaking too early in the season. I have two more weeks in this max strength block, three weeks working on power output then I can start looking at my body weight. The six weeks after that are going to be more technically orientated and the volume in the weight room will be reduced. I'm not going to try to lose weight but it will probably naturally come off. The three weeks after that anything goes and I will cut back down probably around 160lb's depending on how high I get.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Well I have gotten through the first real week of training, I can already tell that I have put on a considerable amount of strength (and weight... 166.4lb's, but that will come off quick when I taper) since I've started. Tomorrow's rest day will give my body a chance to recover which it desperately needs. Normally on Friday I am looking forward to resting up but right now I just want to get right back at it. It feels good being motivated and full of energy--I know what I'm working towards and I'll do everything I can to get it.

800m jog
Jogging take-offs 5x3 (each getting faster)
Strides 1x3@100m, 1x4@100m
Back throws 2x5@6kg
Front throws 2x5@6kg
Hammer throws 2x5@6kg (Each side)
Standing twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Lunge-position twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Sitting twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Incline leg raises 3x10
Leg raises 3x10@20lb's
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's (Each side)
Abdominal pull-down's 1x10@170lb's, 2x10@180lb's

Thursday, March 22, 2012
I was definitely feeling the compound effect of this week's training today, I felt pretty flat both in the weight room and on the track. I felt like the double arm take off I have been working on starting to come together today, it was more automatic. I was pretty flat so I didn't do a whole lot of volume but I did move up to a couple 5 step jumps. I only landed two of them but they looked like they were just over twelve meters which puts them pretty close to my pb for 5 steps. I'll take that considering it was my first time ever doing double arms off of 5 steps, I felt flat and it's the first week of the season! Tomorrow is going to be a pretty light day, just some tempo running followed by a little bit of med-ball work and core. It will feel good to finally rest on Saturday, then it's hard at it for the second week of the season.

Here's a video of one of the five steppers, I felt like I was actually starting to cycle off the hop.

800m jog
Ankle hops 3x10
Twisting ankle hops 3x10
Backwards ankle hops 3x10
Left ankle hops 3x10
Right ankle hops 3x10
LLRR ankle hops 3x10
Low bounding 3x5
Standing long jump x5
Standing triple jump x4
Standing bounds 3x5
Five step bounds 3x5
Three step triple jump x5
Five step triple jump x4
Shock jumps 2x8
Power cleans 2x3@225lb's, 1x3@235lb's (fail on second), 1x3@225lb's, 1x3@235lb's (good)
Deadlifts 1x5@275lb's, 1x5@295lb's, 1x5@315lb's
Leg curls 3x5@144lb's
Twisting incline leg raises 3x10
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
I feel pretty tired but in a good way. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that it could be this warm in March, I checked the weather on my phone around 4:00pm and found that it was 26 degrees... Simply amazing. I remember this time last year going to the track when it was below zero. Unfortunately it's supposed to get cold again next week but it has been fun while it has lasted. My whole body is pretty sore from weights yesterday, they took a lot out of me but it only means that I am getting stronger. Today was a pretty light work-out but tomorrow I am going to try some short approach jumps and other bounding plyometrics.

800m jog
Five step runways (working on arm rhythm)
Cool down
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
I'm pretty tired, I can't wait to just sleep forever... or until 7:10am. I left to start my workout at 5:00pm and didn't get home again until 9:45. On paper it doesn't seem like a lot of work but it was time consuming... there was some waiting around in the gym for a squat rack too. My hamstring isn't back to 100% so I didn't want to do anything too risky. I ended up doing 10m accelerations and the drive phase of my runway. I didn't do anything where I had to hold top speed.
   I was really happy with how squats went, I put on another 10lb's since Sunday. I'm loving using a box to judge depth, I can set it anywhere I want to get consistency. I have also been going with a shoulder width stance instead of the wider one I was using during the indoor season--I have already gotten back over three plates and I feel like I'm getting a much bigger endocrine boost.

800m jog
2x3x10m Accelerations (Three point start)
1x3x10m Accelerations (Rocking start)
Light runways (with double arm take-off) x4
Five step take-offs x5 (double arm take-off)
Double arm skips 5x3
Cool down jog
Squats 1x5@295lb's, 1x5@305lb's, 1x5@315lb's
Glute-hamstring raises 3x5
Bent-over rows 3x8@60lb's
Pull-ups 3x5@20lb's
Monday, March 19, 2012
I feel more motivated than I have ever been before, now that I know what I am working for. My rehab process of trying to gain mobility through my hamstring and strengthening it at the same time seems to be going successfully, it still feels sore but it is starting to feel much stronger than it did before. I would say that it is in the "vulnerable" stage right now where risk of re-injury is high but as long as I'm smart I should be able to avoid it.
   Tomorrow is supposed to be a nice day, 14 degrees and sunny! So hopefully I will be able to get on the track for the first time (not counting a very miserable day last Wednesday). I may not be able to get up to top speed, or at least not for many reps, so I am planning on doing a couple starts then some rhythmic runways. I was a bit sore today but hopefully I'll be fresh when I wake up.

10 minute jog
Back throws 2x5@6kg
Front throws 2x5@6kg
Hammer throws 2x5@6kg (Each side)
Standing twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Sitting twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Lunge-position twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Incline leg raises 3x10
Leg raises 3x10@20lb's
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's (Each side)
Abdominal pull-downs 2x10@170lb's, 1x10@180lb's
Myofascial release
Static Stretching
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Well I guess I feel like I put some work in today. It's the first stepping stone in hopefully a very successful season. I did some testing, my standing long jump is down a bit but it always is at the beginning of the season and gets progressively better, 3.08m. Standing triple jump wasn't too bad considering it was my first time doing it since last summer, 9.03m where my pb is 9.39m.
Weights felt good too, I was happy I was able to squat 305lb's past parallel with a neutral stance. Considering today was the first real workout I'm thinking that I might be able to get in the mid 300's for five.
My hamstring cut the track workout a bit shorter than I would have liked but I still got a fair bit of work in.

Standing long jump x3 (3.08m)
Standing triple jump x3 (9.03m)
Standing five bounds x3 (15.30m)
Five step, five bounds x3 (19.10m)
Three step triple x6
Squats 1x5@285lb's, 1x5@295lb's, 1x5@305lb's
Romanian deadlifts 1x5@185lb's, 2x5@205lb's
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Twisting incline leg-raises 3x10

Well today's workout was pretty solid, quick. I felt a little bit mentally drained but I think it's just because I've had a little bit of a cold recently--very mild, I really only feel it in my nose. The air in the Dalplex was just very dry and made it hard to breathe. It won't be much longer before I won't have to worry about this because all the workouts will be outside.
   Tomorrow things get real, this was just a rest week to play around with some new things and to become mentally fresh. Tomorrow marks the first day of a fifteen week training block that ends at National Championships at the end of June. My goal over the first 3 week mesocycle is to just gain as much absolute strength as possible. No more distractions, it's time to focus. I must learn to clear my mind.

15 minute jog
Front throws 2x5@6kg
Back throws 2x5@6kg
Hammer throws 2x5@6kg (Each side)
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Lunge-position med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Sitting med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Incline leg-raises 3x10
Leg raises 3x10@20lb's
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Abdominal pull-down's 2x10@170lb's, 1x10@180lb's
Incline dumbbell press 3x5@60lb's
Static Stretching
I took today off since I was feeling pretty sore from getting back into the swing of things. I was pretty busy today as well today and I have most of tomorrow free so it made since to flip-flop the two days. I just rested up today, besides some light stretching in the morning.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
For some reason my legs were really sore all day, I'm not sure what it's from--it's either from the run on Monday, squats or Tuesday or from the bike yesterday... Who knows, after this week I probably won't be acutely sore for a while. My hamstring is definitely getting better, it's at like 70% capacity right now--I can do short approach jumps (nervously) and in the weight room I'm at about 80% work capacity. I still can't sprint, I can do strides but even they feel pretty risky. I think the active rehabilitation process I'm doing right now is the best thing I could be doing, I feel like I'm strengthening it without causing extra damage. 
   I did some light plyos today as well as took my first step towards a double arm action--off of three steps I tried to get the rhythm down, I made some minor progress but until I am in front of a pit with spikes on (and fully healthy) it will be hard to really get a feel for it. I think that it will allow me to get much more power and remain in a more upright position and hopefully I can't work out the "gather" that I instinctively want to set up with.
   I did power cleans for the first time in a long time, they felt a little awkward but I got up to 215lb's, I could have went much higher but I felt them in my hamstring a little bit on the first pull so I didn't want to risk it. I also did deadlifts, which I have never been very proficient at, I only went up to 255lb's since I could definitely feel them in my hamstring,... If healthy I think I'll be able to put at least 50lb's on top of that next week, I didn't feel challenged at all.

Standing stair jumps x3
Shock jumps 3x8
Standing triple jump x3 (Each side)
Standing bounds 3x6 
Five step bounds 3x6
Three step hops x10 (Roughly)
Pop-up's 3x3 (Each side)
Power-cleans 3x3@205lb's, 1x3@215lb's
Deadlifts 1x5@235lb's, 1x5@245lb's, 1x5@255lb's
Leg curls (Right) 1x5@135lb's, 2x5@145lb's
Leg curls (Left) 1x5@88lb's, 1x5@90lb's
Twisting Incline leg-raises 3x10
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Today was supposed to be the first outdoor workout of the season but the weather was pretty bad--when I was at the SMU track it was raining/snowing/hailing and there was about an inch of slush on the track that made it almost impossible to run. I was going to run 2x3 200m's but my hamstring couldn't handle it. It is close to getting better though.

800m jog
Light strides 1x3x100m, 1x3x60m
Exercise bike-20 minutes light
Static stretching

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
My hamstring is coming along but it's still not ready to do anything too intensive yet. I could probably manage some short approach jumps but it's probably best to wait a while longer before jumping into things. My focus right now is just on getting strong and getting back to 100%. I was a little sore from the run I went on yesterday (surprisingly) but it's a good sore, it feels good putting in some work again. When I did squats today I narrowed my stance to shoulder width and used aerobic boxes to monitor the depth--I tapped them at the bottom to stay consistent--this is why the weight was so much lower than usual, I'm trying to build back up deeper and narrower. 
   I started eating fish again yesterday, and I haven't been monitoring my food as closely. I feel much more energetic than I have over the past few months.


Extended warm-up
Back throws 2x5@6kg
Front throws 2x5@6kg
Hammer throws 2x5@6kg (Each side)
Back squats 1x5@225lb's, 1x5@247lb's, 1x5@267lb's, 2x5@278lb's
Glute-ham raises 3x5
Pull-ups 3x5@15lb's
Rows 3x8@50lb's
Monday, March 12, 2012
The season may be over the feeling of failure still remains, today marks the beginning of a new chapter--An injury free 14.50m campaign. It felt good getting back in the weight room again today but it's only day one of the next 16 weeks leading up to Olympic Trials. It was really warm today (10 degrees) so I went for a jog outside which was nice for a change.
   My hamstring still isn't great but it's been worst, I'll probably be able to get up to about 70% speed tomorrow, I wasn't planning on doing intensive for at least two weeks sprint-wise anyways.

Light 4km jog
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Sitting 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Lunge-position 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Incline leg raises 3x10
Leg raises 3x10@20lb's
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10@170lb's, 2x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's. 1x5@200lb's
Twisting incline-leg raises 3x10
Standing twists 3x10@22lb's
Incline dumbbell press 3x5@55lb's
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Today was a travel day back to Nova Scotia and my hamstring is pretty messed up, it feels just as bad as it did when I tore it in January, I'm going to try to get into physio tomorrow to get the healing process started right away. I'm getting bored of just sitting around so I think I'm going to go for a light jog and core
Saturday, March 10, 2012
   Well the worst case scenario happened, I woke up feeling pretty good, surprisingly good in fact and even the first part of my warm-up wasn't terrible. There were some early warning signs that things would go badly, I could feel acute pain in my hamstring when I moved it in certain directions. I wasn't able to jump at all, when I tried to do my first runway I only got up to 3/4 speed before I felt the familiar snapping sensation that I have felt 4 or five times over the past year. I then tried to wrap it up which did feel like it helped a little but but I knew I wasn't going to be able to jump at 100% effort. I was hoping that by some miracle everyone else faulted and I could jog out a 13.50-13.70m and place respectably. I tried my first jump at about 80% speed but as soon as I hit the bored my hamstring completely gave out and I grabbed it in pain. I lowered my expectation to just getting a jump in so I tried my second jump at 40-50% speed and still couldn't get off the ground and was forced to pass my third jump.
   I don't know how long I will be dry-docked for, I was planning on pretty much taking the next week off before I transition to the outdoor season. I was going to just "play around" in the gym and experiment a few new exercises with low loads but I might have to wait until the end of the week. I'm still hoping I can still do testing on Sunday like I had planned, standing long jump, standing triple jump, standing five bounds and running five bounds. We will see how I am feeling. I also wanted to start attempting an arm and a half take off from 3-5 steps, right now I feel like my right arm which comes over the top is just throwing me off balance and I will be able to get a much better cycle with both arms out front. I'm optimistic about it because whenever I do short approach hops I use two arms and I feel like I'm in a much better position. 14.50m+ this summer.
   It's going to take a couple of days to get over this weekend (maybe break some things, punch some walls ect.) but there's no point in dwelling in the past. It's going to be a really long flight home, I'm hoping I'm able to sleep through it so I'm not stuck in my own mind replaying the tragic downfall of this season which began on the same day I jumped 14.28m on January 14th and pulled my hamstring on my sixth round jump. First thing Monday morning I am going to set up a physio appointment and get things moving on the right path...
Friday, March 9, 2012
Well, I'm about to go to bed. I guess this is it--the last sixth months of training have all been designed to peek tomorrow at 2:45pm... Or has it? I have learned more this season than any season previous, I'm definitely a better athlete than I was in September and no matter how tomorrow goes I'll have no regrets, this isn't the end, this is only the beginning.
Although I set my goal at the beginning of the season at 14.40m I did so optimistically, thinking best case scenario, that's why I only set my summer goal 10cm farther.
So no matter how tomorrow goes I will be able to move forward knowing that the best is yet to come. My hamstring may tear while I'm warming up, it might last a round or two or it might be perfectly fine. I could set a pb over 14.28m and reach the podium or maybe I'll feel flat and jump 13.50m or anything in-between.

No regrets

Some important things I've learned since September:

1. Salt is an important electrolyte and without it one may end up bowed over a hotel room sink and not be able to jump.

2. No matter how flexible you are it is still important to stretch regularly for injury prevention.

3. Eating too little is mentally and physically exhausting and makes training much more difficult than it needs to be.

4. *And most importantly* Never buy a bottle of champagne until you've actually won something.

Well, I went to the track this morning to test out my hamstring and it felt pretty good. I didn't do very much , just some light strides and a couple sets of light bounding. I am glad that I am not competing today but that being said I am optimistic for tomorrow. If I improve as much tomorrow as I did today then I think that I will have a very good day. I am still a little worried that I may relapse but I am ahead of where I thought I would be at this point. It's a competition against myself, it doesn't matter what anybody else jumps I am just trying to jump over 14.28m.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
It's impossible to say what is going to happen tomorrow, my hamstring is healing but it might not be quick enough... I'm going to test it out tomorrow--hopefully I'll be able to get to top speed
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
I awoke to find my hamstring sore, it is a race against the clock-- to heal before I must jump. To be truthful I feel really good besides this one little issue. It's juniors all over again and I'm hoping the consequence is the same. If I can just hang on without falling a part I know I am ready for a big jump. After icing today it feels a little better and at the track I got up to 75% speed comfortably. That's not exactly where I would like to be before the biggest meet of the season but considering the way things have been going recently I will take it.

600m jog
3x strides@75%
Static stretching

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
On one chilly summer evening over the summer I tore my hamstring in the last 10m of a 100m in practice. Then long jumping two weeks before junior nationals I tore it again. It's funny to think where I might be right now if it wasn't for that first tear way back in May. On January of this year I pulled my hamstring in the same spot on my sixth triple jump at a competition in Moncton, now 87 hours before I compete at nationals I'm wondering if I'm even going to be able to jump after I felt it tighten again in practice today. The plan was to do 3x35m but before I could even get to it my hamstring went on the last warm-up run. I have been here once before and that story had a happy ending... This time, I don't know... I'll see how it is in the morning before I make any decisions... Unfortunately I am waking up at 4:30am to leave for Winnipeg. This season just keeps getting worst.

hamstring tear
Squats 3x3@243lb's (light)

Monday, March 5, 2012
I actually felt pretty good again today, two days in a row. I feel like by taking last week pretty easy I'm starting to feel more energized this week. I feel exactly how I should, my CNS has definitely recovered.
I was pretty focused today, normally I hate core days but I got through it without too much mental anguish. I'm excited for this weekend, good or bad.


Light 800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Incline leg raises 3x8
Leg raises 3x8@20lb's
Oblique crunches 3x8@65lb's (Each side)
Abdominal pull-downs 3x8@170lb's, 2x8@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Seated twists 3x8@33lb's (Each side)
Twisting incline leg-raises 3x8
Pull-up's 3x5
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (each side)
Lunge-position med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (each side)
Sitting med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (each side)
Myofascial release

Sunday, March 4, 2012
Well, I felt a little better mentally today than I was over the last couple of days. I think I might jump alright this weekend despite everything that has happened recently. It's time to put everything that has happened in the past and realize that it's all about keep moving forward. Just keep moving forward. It's not about what everyone else jumps it's about beating myself.
In practice today I pretty much just did runways with a couple of light jumps thrown on the end. My runway is what the problem was at the last meet so it makes sense to work on it. I am quite slow, I definitely need to spend some time this spring working on pushing out the back, I'm musing with the idea of perhaps doing some block work to work on acceleration mechanics. The last five meters of my runway was timed at 0.56s which seems pretty slow, I believe it was about 8.93m/s but it felt about the same speed that I have been jumping at all season. I think I realistic goal for this summer would be to jump consistently over 9m/s. I am naturally slow so I can jump closer to my max velocity than most others can.


Runways x8
Five step bounds 3x5
Light jogging triple jump x3
Hang-snatch 5x2@135lb's (felt very good, fast)
Explosive bench 5x2@95lb's

Saturday, March 3, 2012
I don't feel very well, I just feel heavy and flat--I think it is all in my mind, it's almost like I have just given up prematurely. Seven days before nationals is not the best time to be falling apart but that's honestly what it feels like. I don't have any pain anywhere really, my right hamstring origin is a little sore but no more than it has been for a while--every issue I'm dealing with right now is in my mind. I feel as though I just need to start over again and start rebuilding as is needed every now and then.
   Maybe when I wake up tomorrow I will be feeling better, it's the last technical practice before CIS, I really want to get my runway down since that's what the biggest problem was at the last meet. 
Friday, March 2, 2012
Each day I have been feeling a little bit better, I had more energy today than I have recently. It was a pretty quick workout still and tomorrow is a rest day. I'm hoping that I will bounce back on Sunday feeling light as a feather and ready to make a few last minute tweaks to my runway before CIS next weekend. All week I have had a bad feeling for nationals but maybe they won't go so bad, I think it's important that I stay lose and relaxed--the exact opposite of last weekend.

Dynamic mobility
Incline leg raises 3x8
Leg-raises 3x8@20lb's
Oblique crunches 3x8@65lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 3x8@170lb's, 2x8@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Lunge-position med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Sitting med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Twisting incline leg-raises 3x8
Seated twists 3x8@33lb's
Static stretching

Thursday, March 1, 2012
I didn't feel as good today as I had hoped for. I don't know why but for the last few weeks I have felt flat, I'm guessing it's just the after effect of such a long season but this is really not the time to be breaking down. I feel like I was peaked for McGill but never actually got to jump and now I have surpassed my optimal performance state. Every morning when I wake up I am sore and lethargic and it only gets worst through the day, I want to look forward to CIS with optimism that a personal best is likely but it's a competition against myself and I'm not sure if I can beat myself.
   I feel as though I am playing mind games with myself and this is definitely not the mindset that I should be in but I am rattled and I'm not sure if I can get back the confidence that I had at one point during the year. Tomorrow is going to be a light core workout, I'm going to stay off of my feet as much as I can and Saturday is an off day. Hopefully I feel much better on Sunday, mentally, because I am wasting a lot of energy right now.

Standing stair jumps x3
Running stair jumps x3
Triple stair jumps x5
Bounds 5x6
Hang-cleans 6x2@185lb's
Jerks 3x3@135lb's

Blog Archive

Personal Bests

Triple Jump Outdoor: 14.38m(47'2ft)(w)-06.23.12


Triple Jump Indoor: 14.28m(46'10ft)-01.14.12

Canadian Junior Championships 2011

Canadian Junior Championships 2011
Third place 13.84m

About Me

Age: 20

Birthday: September 10 1992

High School: Prince Andrew High (2007-2010)

College: Dalhousie University (2010-present)

Hometown: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160lb's

Personal Role Model: Roger Maris