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Thursday, August 18, 2011
Well this is about the quickest recovery I could have hoped for, it is 24 hours after getting all four wisdom teeth cut out and I am almost back to 100%. I haven't had any pain yet, and I'm not expecting I will unless I have a late infection which is unlikely, the holes are almost completely covered up and the wounds look pretty clean.
   I have been on a pretty much all liquid diet for the past 24 hours except for scrambled eggs for lunch.  I probably shouldn't be pushing things too soon, I don't want to get my blood pressure too high but I did fool around with some weights in my basement, I attempted to do a couple sets of hang snatch. Considering it was my first time ever doing them, I was using a 20lb bar and my ceiling is incredibly low they felt pretty good, very similar to cleans. That being said, I only used something like 110lb's, when I do them in the gym for the first time on Tuesday I'm hoping to use at least a plate, 135lb's.

Not flawless technique by any means but it will come. The bar is being swung a little bit too forward causing my upper body to swing back. This could lead to a lose of balance at higher weights. I think this problem will be resolved when I don't have to worry about hitting the ceiling.


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Personal Bests

Triple Jump Outdoor: 14.38m(47'2ft)(w)-06.23.12


Triple Jump Indoor: 14.28m(46'10ft)-01.14.12

Canadian Junior Championships 2011

Canadian Junior Championships 2011
Third place 13.84m

About Me

Age: 20

Birthday: September 10 1992

High School: Prince Andrew High (2007-2010)

College: Dalhousie University (2010-present)

Hometown: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160lb's

Personal Role Model: Roger Maris