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Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Today was a pretty relaxed recovery day, some light strides follow by about an hour of light stretching/ myofascial release. There is one more month until nationals and two weeks until I open the season--I am excited to see how I open. I have been feeling good so far this week, better than I have in a while.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Strides 2x5x100m@70%
Static stretching
Myofascial release
Today was a cold, rainy day but I improvised and went to the Dalplex. I may not have got done what I wanted to but I still got a pretty good workout in--I did top end speed for the first time in a long time and it felt really good. I'm feeling much faster than I was expecting so I'm looking forward to seeing how it translates to the runway.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Flying 25m x5
Runways x4
Bounds 5x5
Squats 2x3@315lb's, 1x3@335lb's, 3x3@267(fast)
Explosive bench press 7x2@111lb's
Romanian deadlifts 2x5@225lb's, 1x5@245lb's
Monday, May 28, 2012
I felt a little flat, I went to the gym in the morning today. It was my first time running on the new surface at the Dalplex--it was really nice, I vast improvement over the old one. I felt good by the end of practice though--I have been cutting my carbs recently in hopes of re-tuning my body. I have reactive hypoglycemia so I have trouble with carbs, it's been worse recently so I am hoping this will straighten things out. I still haven't adjusted yet but I'm on the way.
I did 45 minutes of myofascial release this evening as well.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Front throws 2x5@6kg
Back throws 2x5@6kg
Hammer throws 1x5@6kg (Each side)
Standing twists 1x10@6kg
Sitting twists 1x10@6kg
Lunge-position twists 1x10@6kg
Incline leg raises 3x10
Leg raises 3x10@20lb's
Oblique crunches 3x10@6kg
Abdominal pull-downs 2x10@170lb's, 3x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Hanging leg raises (Shin to bar) 3x8
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Seated crunches 3x10@4kg
Static Stretching
Myofascial release

Myofascial release
I felt like I should do something today even though it was my day off, I ended up doing some light strides then rolling out my legs. I feel like I'm headed in the right direction for this season. I really want to open with something over 14.30 in three weeks. I know that I'm physically able, it's just a matter of getting it done. I want 14.50m at seniors, I think that is very reasonable. I know I'm number chasing but these are very realistic goals.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
I didn't get the results I was looking for today during testing but I guess it wasn't the best timing--at the end of the week when I'm feeling flat. I didn't feel like I was a t my best. I still haven't tapered off any significant weight either and it was kind of a cold, foggy morning. I'm going to test one more time before I compete, hopefully at 159lb's or so and deloaded in the weight-room.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Standing long jump x5 (3.20m)
Standing triple jump x5 (9.30m)
Standing five bounds X5 (15.40m)
Five step five bounds x3 (18.40m)
Depth jumps 3x5
Hang Snatch 5x2@155lb's
Jump squats 10x2@115lb's
Static stretching
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Some days are harder to get through then others, I'm feeling pretty run down after a hard week--between work and training. I was feeling really flat and lethargic and ended up struggling to finish, even though it was such a short workout. It would have been really easy to quit and just cut it short but time is going to pass either way and two hours later when I'm looking back I would much rather think "that was tough but I feel good now" opposed to "wow I feel fat and lazy." Tomorrow I'm going to finish off with some testing then take it easy Sunday.

400m jog
Light strides
Front throws 2x5@6kg
Back throws 2x5@6kg
Hammer throws 2x5@6kg
Leg raises 3x10@20lb's
Incline leg raises 3x10
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's (Each side)
Abdominal crunches 3x10@180lb's
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Sitting med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Lunge-position med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's
Hanging leg-raises 3x8
Twisting leg-raises 3x10
Static stretching
Thursday, May 24, 2012
I felt pretty good today, another morning workout and first time doing real speed in a while. I filmed the last ten meters of the flying 25m's so I'll go over that tomorrow since I won't be getting home from work until 11pm tonight.
In the weight-room nothing special, should have had 245lb's clean but for some reason I was feeling flat and cut it ATG, not a power clean at all.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Flying 25m x3
Runways 2x3 (Last three with a take off)
Hang cleans 1x2@225lb's, 2x2@235lb's (ox, oo), 2x2@245lb's (ox, oo)
Jerks 3x3@165lb's
I had to go to the gym in the morning which usually throws me off but I actually felt pretty good today. It was a short workout but it felt good to finally get a core circuit in. Tomorrow speed.

Light bike ride
Dynamic mobility
Back throws 2x5@6kg
Front throws 2x5@6kg
Hammer throws 1x5@6kg (Each side)
Incline leg raises 3x10
Leg raises 3x10@20lb's
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's (Each side)
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Sitting med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Lunge-position med-ball twists 1x10@6kg
Hanging leg raises (Shin to bar) 3x8
Seated twists 3x10@33lb's (Each side)
Seated crunches 3x10@4kg
Static stretching
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
This definitely has been a season of adversity, it doesn't feel like anything has gone right. I went to the track this morning feeling pretty good--it was kind of cloudy and misty but I was hoping the rain would hold off. It didn't. It started to pour as soon as I put my spikes on and I got drenched. It was a waste of a workout, I was going to take three nine step jumps and maybe move up to 11 for three but I only got four jumps in before shutting it down. They were about 50cm shorter than they were last Tuesday too...
   In the weight room the same frustration continues, I seem to slowly be getting weaker. I failed at 345lb's for the first time... I think it's half mental because my body weight has settled in around 165lb's so I shouldn't be getting weaker.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Nine step triple jump x4 (Cold, raining--not good)
Squats 1x3@315lb's, 1x3@335lb's, 2x3@345lb's (oox, ox-)
Romanian deadlifts 1x5@225lb's, 1x5@235lb's, 1x5@245lb's
Incline dumbbell press 3x5@65lb's
Hanging leg raises (Shin to bar) 3x8
Twisting Incline leg raises 3x10

I made a mistake today I forgot that the gym would be closed since it is a holiday so at the last second I switched today's workout with Wednesday's. I was a little disappointed because I was looking forward to finally getting in another extended core workout, it's been a while since the last one and I like Wednesday's tempo running for mid-week recovery. Oh well, I'm hoping the weather holds up tomorrow so I can have a little "mini-meet." I'm hoping to take six jumps, the first 3 at 9 steps, the next two at 11 and possibly a full approach to end off with.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
5 walk throughs
Static stretching
I really didn't want to take today off but I guess it's best that I recover. I did head up to a nearby soccer field for half an hour to just stretch and work on mobility for a bit but I worked 7-4 and was pretty exhausted. Back at it tomorrow..
Saturday, May 19, 2012
I didn't get everything done that I wanted to today--I wanted to do some nine step approaches and an eleven but I wasn't feel up to it, my body is feeling pretty beat up after a hard week so I am going to push it ahead to Tuesday where I know I'll be in tip-top form. The only thing is it may rain that day...
I just messed around with some standing triple, I really want to pb... I was planning on doing testing on Thursday so hopefully I can break out a 9.40m+ I know it's silly but it's the only jump testing item that I haven't pb'd on this season so I think it would be a big mental boost to have pb's across the board.

Dynamic mobility
Ankle hops 3x10
Twisting hops 3x10
Left hops 2x10
Right hops 2x10
LLRR 2x10
Low bounds 2x10
Standing long jump x3
Standing triple jump x5
Five step bounds 6x5
Hang snatch 6x2@155lb's
Jump squats 6x2@115lb's
Twisting hanging leg raises (shin to bar) 3x8
I didn't get as much done today as I would have liked, I felt pretty flat from yesterday and the facilities that I have access to at the moment are limited as the gym is still closed. I ended up just doing an abbreviated amount of core work as well as mobility.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Static mobility

Standing med-ball twists 1x10@16lb's (Each side)
Lunge position med-ball twists 1x10@16lb's (Each side)
Sitting med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Hanging leg-raises (Shin to bar) 3x8
Standing plate twists 3x10@35lb's
Hanging leg raises (knee bent) 3x10@20lb's
2x20 twisting crunches
Static stretching
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Today was... I don't even know where to begin.. Absolutely exhausting I guess would be the best way to put it. I woke up at 6:00am to go to the track at 7:00am and it was locked so I had to jump back on a bus and go all the way to Dartmouth (An hour to the track) and go to Beazley field. Once I got there it rained probably harder than it had all year and I got absolutely drenched, I finished the workout quickly and got out of there as quickly as possible but was still pretty miserable. I got to work at 10 and stayed to 7, and I was cold all day from the chill I had gotten this morning. It was a pretty long shift. I got to Saint Mary's a little before 8:00pm and stayed there until 10:00pm... I'm going to sleep forever.
   Everything on the track felt good but weights are still frustrating, haven't been able to move up in weeks--definitely because I'm slimming down. I'm not worried though, I'm still much farther along than last season and considering I really only had 3-4 weeks of hard lifting in the "pre-season" I'm ahead of where I should be. Next season I'm expecting all my weight-room numbers to jump up again.

400m jog
Runways 2x3
Flying 25m x3

Shock jumps 3x5
Depth jumps 2x5
Single-legged shock jumps 1x5 (Each side)
Single-legged depth jumps 1x5 (Each side)
Bounds 3x5
Power cleans 1x2@225lb's, 1x2@230lb's, 1x2@240lb's, 2x2@250lb's (ox, x-), 1x2@225lb's
Jerks 3x3@165lb's (Fast)
Pull-ups 3x5@22.5lb's
Static stretching

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
I didn't have a lot of free time today, I worked 1-10 but I tried to make the most of it. It was a low intensity workout to set up tomorrow. Just some strides on grass and mobility. I noticed today that may left hip is significantly tighter than the right so that may be the reason for a lot of my hamstring issues.
Tomorrow is going to be a tough day too. It's 11:00pm now and I'm not home from work yet--I'm going to get up at 6:00am, go to the track at 7:00am, work at 10:00am-7:00pm, then head to the gym at 8:00pm until it closes. And on top of all that it's supposed to rain. But at least then I get to sleep in Friday..

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
2x5x100m light strides
Myofascial release
Static mobility
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Wow, I can't believe May is already halfway over, only six more weeks until Seniors.. Today actually went really well on the track. Last Sunday when I was doing nine steppers I was jumping mid twelves at the end of a hard week and felt terrible. And then today, where I felt a little better and I have really started to get my rhythm back, I broke 13.00m! 13.17m, I'll definitely take that considering my body still isn't in the best of condition.
   Weights were frustrating, the Dalplex was closed so I went to a different gym. I couldn't find a box the right size so I did normal squats, failed at 350lb's, just lowered the weight down to quickly on my first rep. Without the box I think I was cheating at the bottom but the first three sets were decent at least.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Standing triple jump x5 (9.20m)
Five step triple jump x3 (12.20m)
Nine step triple jump x3 (13.17m!)
Back squats 1x3@315lb's, 1x3@335lb's, 1x3@245lb's, 1x3@250lb's (x--)
Romanian deadlifts 2x5@225lb's, 1x5@245lb's
Dumbbell press 3x5@60lb's

Monday, May 14, 2012
Today actually went as well as I could have hoped for, I didn't have to work today and my plate was pretty much empty so I tried to capitalize on the oppurtunity. I didn't do anything strenous, just general conditioning stuff to keep my strength levels up. I'm at the point int the season (preseason) where I tend to cut down to early so I'm trying not to weigh myself too often. The gym is closed until Monday for repairs so this will serve as a challenge but I will have to do my best to try to adapt and get the work in somewhere else.
   My lower back was a little sore but besides that I felt pretty good, the hamstring felt better than it has but I din't really activate it.

Light 6 minute bike ride
Leg swings
Front throws 2x5@6kg
Back throws 2x5@6kg
Hammer releases 2x5@6kg
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Lunge-position med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Sitting med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Visualization (5 walk throws)
Oblique crunches 4x10@65lb's
Leg raises 4x10@20lb's
Incline leg raises 4x10
Abdominal pull-downs 2x10@170lb's, 3x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Hanging leg-raises 3x8
Sitting twists 3x10@33lb's (Each side)
Twisting incline leg raises 2x10
Incline sit-ups 1x10@6kg
Rehab exercises
Myofascial release
Light stretching
First off day in a while, I'm hoping that it helps to rejuvenate me. I'm feeling pretty flat and tired, all I want to do is go to bed and sleep for a thousand hours. But tomorrow things get serious again and on Tuesday there will be some real work put in.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Today was alright, my body isn't as rested as it should be but I got an... Okay workout in today. Tomorrow is an off day so hopefully I'll be able to rest up.
I did some short approach jumps and my legs didn't feel as good as they should, I felt flat hitting the ground. Even so, they didn't go too badly. Mid-twelves from a strict nine step approach, would like to see that over 13.00m on a fresh day.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Standing long jump x3
Standing triple jump x3
Five step bounds 4x3
Five step triple jump x4
Nine step triple jump x3
Power Snatch 2x2@145lb's, 2x2@155lb's, 3x2@165lb's (x-, x-, ox)
Podium snatch-grip deadlifts 2x5@245lb's, 1x5@265lb's
Leg curls 2x5@145lb's, 1x5@150.5lb's
Twisting hanging leg raises 3x8 (Shin to bar)
Static stretching
Friday, May 11, 2012
Normally this would be the end of the week but because of my work schedule I have to do Sunday's workout tomorrow. I am absolutely exhausted, I never knew how hard it would be to work and train at the same time--and unfortunately it's training that takes the hit. Tomorrow is a technical day and it's time to light things up before there is time to rest.

Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's (Each side)
Hanging leg raises 3x8 (shin to bar)
Incline leg raises 3x10
Abdominal pull-downs 2x10@170lb's, 3x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Lunge-position med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Seated med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Leg swings
Hip circles
Static mobility
Not a good workout, I was absolutely exhausted from work and the wind was gusting up to 70km/h. It was definitely a challenge to get through everything and I started to get quite frustrated--I hate wind with a passion. Others may say they hate it but nobody loathes it as much as me. It's this invisible force that messes with you but you can't fight back.
Weights weren't great but I really wasn't feeling like myself so I'll take it I guess..

Dynamic mobility
Standing long jump x3
Rebound jumps 3x3
Standing bounds 3x5
Running bounds 3x5
Five step triple jump x4 (no landing)
Depth jumps 3x5
Power clean 1x2@225lb's, 1x2@235lb's, 1x2@245lb's, 3x2@255lb's (x-, x-, ox), 1x2@225lb's
Jerks 2x3@155lb's, 1x3@165lb's
Pull-ups 1x5@20lb's, 2x5@25lb's
Today wasn't too bad, it was raining kind of heavy though the workout but not enough to hinder it. It was a pretty light recovery workout, just strides, but I actually did feel really good. I felt like my stride was more fluent that it has been and I was making good contact with the ground.

800m jog
Dynamic mobility
Walk-throughs x5
Standing med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Lunge-position med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Sitting med-ball twists 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Static stretching
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Today was a bit of a challenge, I have gotten up at 5:00am for the last two mornings so I was pretty tired all day. When I was warming up I felt as though I was going to fall asleep but by the time I actually got to the workout I felt a little better.
   I think I hit a bit of all wall in the weight-room, I don't think my squat is going to go up anymore this season now that my weight is going down. If I can just maintain as I get lighter I'll be happy although I must admit I wish I was up about 20lb's.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Runways 2x3 (last three with hop)
Nine step approaches x5
Bounds 3x5
Squats 1x3@315lb's. 1x3@335lb's, 1x3@345lb's, 1x3@350lb's (oo-)
Romanian deadlifts 2x5@225lb's, 1x5@235lb's
Incline dumbbell press 3x5@65lb's
Static stretching

Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Every time I do a workout the day after a meer instead of resting I quickly regret it. I was very sore today and physically exhausted. I had to wake up at 4:45 to go to work so I found myself pretty lethargic. My core is pretty sore still from jumping on Saturday too. I thought because I didn't jump very far that I wouldn't be as sore but I guess I was wrong.
Cut today's core a bit short and focused mostly on mobility.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Incline leg-raises 3x10
Leg raises 3x10@20lb's
Hanging leg raises (Shin to bar) 3x8
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's (Each side)
Abdominal pull-downs 2x10@170lb's 3x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Static mobility
Sunday, May 6, 2012
I find the day after a disappointing meet I always want to just get out there and start working hard again, today was no exception but of course I was a bit sore from competing yesterday. I kind of wanted to do some short jumps but there was no way my body could handle it. I did mostly walkthroughs with a single arm action. I feel like I can conserve a lot more momentum this way.
   My upper right hamstring was a bit sore so I wasn't able to do as much as I would have liked. Weights weren't too bad, I'm still frustrated with my snatch but I think that I pb'd, 2x165lb's.

Ankle hops 3x10
Twisting hops 3x10
Left hops 3x10
Right hops 3x10
Walk through hops x5
Jogging hops x5
Power snatch 3x2@155lb's, 4x2@165lb's (x-, x-, oo, x-)
Podium snatch-grip deadlifts 2x5@245lb's, 1x5@265lb's
Leg curls 2x5@155lb's (Each side)
Leg swings 2x10 (Each side)
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Today went so badly I have trouble even being angry about it, it's just funny. 13.40m LOL. Well now I know that double arm isn't for me, I didn't even feel like I was triple jumping, I was so out of position I'm surprised I even made it to the pit.
I'm not going to go over each jump, there is no point. I only hit the board on my last one, every other jump I was taking off way behind the board. Physically I felt good, it was clearly a biomechanical issue. I feel like I actually have a decent cycle from double arm compared to single but clearly it's not worth the trade off. I think my next move is to switch over to my old form and really work on my positioning through the hop. I think I'm going to try to change my arm action on the step phase though, bringing both arms forward then dropping them back instead of just dropping them back, considering how mild of a change it is I shouldn't have any trouble with the shift.
Today was a failed experiment but I learned a lot about where I am, to be honest I feel like if I was using my old arm action I would have been in pb territory. I probably won't be jumping again for another month or so, I'm expecting 14.40m+ haha 1 month, 1 meter--sounds crazy but it's not as farfetch'd as it sounds.
I didn't really taper off either, that's not the primary reason for my failure today but it probably didn't help, heavy x3 squats on Tuesday and still pretty high loads in the weight-room on Thursday, I may have been a little fatigue too. I also weighed in at 164.6, 6lb's heavier than I will be.
Friday, May 4, 2012
I took today off to prepare for tomorrow. I did some light stretching in the morning and before supper. I wanted to do more but my blood sugar was dropping and I was having trouble concentrating.
I'm ready for tomorrow, in a different way than usual. Before each meet in the indoor season I overprepared everything: my diet, sleep patterns sodium intake and I put a lot of pressure on myself. It worked for the first three meets of the season but it was very taxing on my body and I burned out by January. I'm taking a much more relaxed approach for this meet, I made sure that I ate healthy today and avoided anything overly salty but I didn't go crazy. Besides today I haven't really modified my workouts to taper off. My body weight is down however which I think is a positive but is nowhere near where it will be by nationals (bouncing around 165lb's right now).
I don't know where to set my expectations, I hope I can jump well and a pb would always be nice but this meet is more of a learning experience. It's my first time jumping with a double arm take-off so it will take a few rounds to shake the rust out, I think as long as I'm over 14m I will be able to leave happy and enjoy, in my opinion, a well deserved "cheat" day.
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Thursday, May 3, 2012
All day I was still feeling kind of flat--my CNS still wasn't completely recovered but clearly the weight I have lost has definitely increased my relative strength. The workout was pretty light, it was really just testing. I had my first standing long jump pb in nearly two years (3.32m!) But I was a little disappointed that I didn't set a standing triple jump pb but still it was a season best (9.33m) all in all I was very happy with how today went.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Ankle hops 3x10
Twisting hops 3x10
Left hops 2x10
Right hops 2x10
LLRR 3x10
Low bounding 3x10
Standing long jump x5
Standing triple jump x5
Five step bounds 5x5
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Wow, I felt like I got hit by a truck when I woke up. My CNS is clearly still fatigue from yesterday's workout, I took today pretty light and cut the workout a bit short. I figured it's more important to rest up for tomorrow than it is to try to kill myself running 150's today.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Myofascial release
Cool down
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Today was pretty hectic, I moved into my new house and had to spread my work-out through the day. I have definitely lost strength since I weighted 172lb's (166lb's now) but I didn't feel as bad as I have.

400m jog
Dynamic mobility
Runways 2x3 (last three with a hop)
Seven step hops x5
Five step bounds 5x5
Five step LLLR x5
Squats 1x5@275lb's, 1x3@315lb's, 1x3@335lb's, 1x3@345lb's, 1x3@350.5lb's (oo-)
Romanian deadlifts 2x5@221lb's, 1x5@231lb's
Pull-ups 1x5@10lb's, 2x10@20lb's
Incline dumbbell press 3x5@65lb's
Static stretching
Another month comes to a close, I can't believe how quickly time is going by. I think I'm starting to become a better athlete, I don't think I'm getting any worse anyway.
Today was a pretty standard monday, the usual routine. I found that I had a lot of energy today though.

600m jog
Dynamic mobility
Walking take offs 3x10
Jogging take-offs 3x10
Front throws 2x5@6kg
Back throws 2x5@6kg
Hammer throws 2x5@6kg
Hangine leg raises (shin to bar) 3x8
Incline leg raises 3x10
Oblique crunches 3x10@65lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 3x10@180lb's
Twisting hanging leg raises (shin to bar) 3x8
Seated twists 3x10@35lb's
Static stretching

Blog Archive

Personal Bests

Triple Jump Outdoor: 14.38m(47'2ft)(w)-06.23.12


Triple Jump Indoor: 14.28m(46'10ft)-01.14.12

Canadian Junior Championships 2011

Canadian Junior Championships 2011
Third place 13.84m

About Me

Age: 20

Birthday: September 10 1992

High School: Prince Andrew High (2007-2010)

College: Dalhousie University (2010-present)

Hometown: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160lb's

Personal Role Model: Roger Maris