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Friday, September 30, 2011
I felt a bit flat today, and a few minor things were hurting--I felt some pressure in my hamstrings, especially the left one. I'm hoping after taking tomorrow a little easier (hurdles, core) then taking Saturday off I will feel a little better.

Double hops 5x10
Backwards hops 5x10
Twisting hops 5x10
Left hops 5x10
Right hops 5x10
Bounding 5x6
Deadlifts 2x10@225lb's, 3x10@245lb's
Back-extensions 5x10@75lb's
Pull up's 5x5@15lb's
Bulgarian split squats 3x8@155lb's

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Winter is quickly approaching, it was the first night that felt "chilly", my least favorite season will be here in no time. I felt like I was stiffening up in the cold a bit, my hamstrings felt tight and I almost had to shut it down early but managed to hold on. In the weight-room I felt good, of course I am still putting on weight, 165.8lb's this morning. I can't wait to taper, it's better than Christmas


Double hops 3x10
Backwards hops 3x10
Twisting hops 3x10
Left hops 3x10
Right hops 3x10
Bounding 3x6
Med-ball circuit@8kg
Back throws x5
Front throws x5
Left hammer throws x5
Right hammer throws x5
Push press x5
Seated twists 10 each side
Hill runs--
Squats 3x10@245lb's, 2x10@250.5lb's
Leg curls 5x10@115lb's
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Today was the longest core workout I've done it a while, it took about an hour and consisted of 300 total movements. I feel like I'm getting significantly stronger but unfortunately I'm also getting heavy, I'm putting on about 0.5lb's per day. I'm now up to 165.8lb's, over five pounds heavier than I was three weeks ago. Hopefully it will be easy to cut without any strength loses.


45 minute hurdle mobility package
Core circuit--
135 degree pike 5x10
Leg raises 5x10@20lb's
Standing twists 5x10@35lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 5x15@170lb's, 1x10@180lb's
Russian twisters 3x10@6kg
Med-ball twisting throws 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Lunge med-ball throws 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Seated med-ball throws 1x10@6kg (Each side)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
My hamstrings are a little sore right now post-workout, I'll have to watch them tomorrow. Today's workout went pretty well, it was mostly speed with a little bit of conditioning thrown in. Weights went moderately well, my bench press is a little bit embarrassing and I still haven't got Romanian deadlifts down but fronts squats went better than they usually do.


Accels 2x5@20m, 1x2@35m
Med-ball circuit@8kg--
Back throws 1x10
Front throws 1x10
Push press 1x10
Right hammer throw 1x10
Left hammer throw 1x10
Seated twists 1x10 (each side)
Hill runs 4x50m (up and down, continuous)
Front squats 1x10@165lb's, 2x10@195lb's, 1x10@200lb's
Romanian deadlifts 2x10@227lb's, 2x10@185lb's
Bench press 1x10@115lb's, 3x10@125lb's (fail on #8 of last set)
It feels really good having today off, I feel like my lower extremities needed a day to recover. "Hard week" starts on Monday then the loads will be reduced a little bit for testing.
Friday, September 23, 2011
It's been a long week and next week will be even longer as the intensity steps up again. Tomorrow's rest interval is duly needed. I weighed in at 162.7lb's this morning, about a one pound increase in the last week. I'm expecting to go up to around 168lb's before cutting down at which point I will hopefully hit <157lb's.


40 minutes hurdle mobility
Core circuit--
Leg raises 4x10@20lb's
135 degree pike 4x10
Standing twists 4x10@35lb's
Abdominal pull-down's 4x15@170lb's, 1x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Med-ball standing twists 1x10@6kg (each side)
Lunge med-ball twists 1x10@kg (each side)
Seated twists 1x10@6kg (each side)

Thursday, September 22, 2011
The weather wasn't overly cooperative today, it started to rain pretty hard near the end of the workout but we got through it. Things got switched up a little today, shifting out of general prep. We did short hill runs focusing on accelerating more so than work capacity--the farthest one was 40m.
   Weights felt pretty good, I really hate dead-lifts though--I took a quick video, there's definitely some work that has to be done technically. They were a little better than they have been though, I might raise the weight next week, 245lb's perhaps.
   I feel like I'm getting faster, stronger and hopefully next month I will start to become more technically proficient, I can't wait to compete again, it's one of the only things I have been thinking about. My only worry is that the gains wont directly translate into a farther triple jump but I guess that's where the technical part of practice comes in.


Hill runs--
4x20m, 3x30m, 2x40m
Standing long jump 3x5
Two foot hops 4x10
Backwards hops 4x10
Twisting hops 4x10
Left hops 4x10
Right hops 4x10
Low bounding 4x6
Deadlifts 4x10@225lb's
Bulgarian Split Squats 3x8@155lb's
Back extensions 4x10@60lb's
Bent over row 1x10@40lb's, 3x10@45lb's
Pull-up's 4x5@15lb's (Fail on the fourth of the last set)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Today was a speed endurance day, not fun. I felt kind of heavy from where I ate right before but I manged to get through it. It's just one of those thing you have to suck up.


Dynamic stretching
2x4x200m, 2 minutes between each; 5 minutes between sets.

They were all around 31s and the first/last ones were just over 30s.
Tonight was a little bit different than most of this season's general prep workouts, it more resembled the specific prep phase. We did speed work on gravel, 35m, 30m and finished with med-balls and weights. Everything still feels good, I felt strong in the weight-room, and had a good range of motion.
   I have been putting on almost half a pound a day, I'm guessing the creatine is finally starting to make me water-logged.


3x35m, 3x30m, 3x25m
Back throws 1x5@8kg
Front throws 1x5@8kg
Push press 1x5@8kg
Left hammer throw 1x5@8kg
Right hammer throw 1x5@8kg
Seated twists 1x10@8kg (each side)
Squats 2x10@235lb's, 2x10@245lb's (good depth)
Leg curls 4x10@123lb's (struggled on last set or two)
Monday, September 19, 2011
Not much to say about today--it just was a normal Monday on all accords, hurdle mobility and core. I cut hurdles a bit short out of laziness, which I now regret, but overall it was "satisfactory". It's tough not knowing how I'm progressing, I can't wait to get some data.
   Side note: I am getting heavy, over the 163lb mark and still rising, I would be surprised if I'm close to 170lb's before I start to taper...


40 minute hurdle mobility
Core circuit--
135 degree pike 4x10
Leg raises 4x10@20lb's
Standing twists 4x10@35lb's
Abdominal pull-down's 5x15@170lb's, 1x10@180lb's, 1x5@190lb's, 1x5@200lb's
Back throws 1x10@8kg
Front throws 1x10@8kg
Side throws 1x10@8kg (Each side)
Lunge throws 1x5@8kg (Each side)
Sunday, September 18, 2011
   Today was a pretty good day, everything is feeling good. I'm tired now though and I'm expecting my chest to be sore in the morning (from doing bench press for the first time in six months). As long as I can stay healthy it should be a good winter. I was particularly happy with weights after doing so much lactic work earlier


Low impact plyometrics--
Double foot hops 4x10
Backwards hops 4x10
Twisting hops 4x10
Left hops 4x10
Right hops 4x10
Low bounding 5x10 (felt really good)
Med balls--
Back throws 1x7@8kg
Front throws 1x7@8kg
Push press 1x7@8kg
Left hammer throw 1x5@8kg
Right hammer throw 1x5@8kg
Seated twists 1x10@8kg (each side)
Lactic circuit (First circuit 60s on/30s rest; second circuit 60s on/30s off)
Squat hops
Med ball throws @8kg
High-knee running
Hill runs--
4x50m hill (down and up)
Front Squats 2x10@185lb's, 1x10@195.5lb's
Romanian deadlifts 3x10@185lb's
Bench press 1x8@135lb's, 2x10@121lb's
Friday, September 16, 2011
I just love the feeling of being one of the last people in the gym on a Friday night. I like putting in the work when I know everyone else is out partying and drinking. With week four coming to a close I feel pretty good, my weight is going up slightly but not enough to become a concern. It's hard to really get an idea where I am this time of year, without any testing numbers or speed work put in yet, but I feel that it's going to be a good season.

The green is pre-general prep, blue is transitional prep and the red is general prep:


45 minutes hurdle mobility
Core circuit--
135 degree pike 3x10
Side crunches 3x10@33lb's
Leg raises 3x10@20lb's
Standing twists 3x10@33lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 4x15@160lb's, 1x10@170lb's, 1x5@180lb's
Med ball twisting throws 3x10 each side
Lunge med ball throws 3x10 each side
Sitting med ball throws 3x10 each side
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Today went, alright--it was a pretty easy workout, not much expectation. I feel like I am getting stronger while my weight seems to be staying fairly constant. Whenever I thought about quitting or giving up I just kept repeating the phrase "pain is temporary" in my mind and it actually seemed to get me through a couple exercises that I otherwise would have dogged. I'm looking forward to back squatting again, from now on I think I'm going to do my warm-up sets with a box so I can't cheat on the bottom. I feel like that if right now, in the hypertrophic stage of training my weight stays in the low 160's that I should definitely be able to taper down to 156-157lb's for the competition season. I don't want to cut strength but I feel like I'm carrying a lot of "unneeded weight".

Accelerations 2x3@35m
Low impact plyos--
Two-foot hoping 5x10
Backwards two foot hops 5x10
Twisting hops 5x10
Left hops 5x10
Right hops 5x10
Low bounding 5x10
Lactic circuit (4 down, 1 up where applicable)--
High knee running 60s
Crunches 60s
Push-ups 60s
Stair jumps 60s
Squat hops 60s
Med-ball push press 60s
Burpees 60s
Deadlifts 3x10@225lb's
Bulgarian split-squat 2x8@135lb's, 1x8@140lb's (each side)
Back extensions 3x10@60lb's
Incline dumbbell press 2x10@50lb's, 1x10@50lb's
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Today definitely showed symptoms of a down workout, everything was lighter than it has been. I found today's weight-room portion particular frustrating. I find the frustrating thing about squats is the more weight you put on the greater the tendency to "cheat" on the bottom. I felt like I was going to parallel but I was told that I was doing more of a 3/4 squat. So I dropped a significant amount of weight and went ATG, any farther down and I would have been stuck there. Oh well, hopefully tomorrow will go better than today.


Latic Circuit (4s down, 1s up)--
High-knee running 60s
Crunches 60s
Stair jumps 60s
Quad hops 60s
Med-ball press 60s
Push-up's 60s
Burpees 60s
Two foot hop 3x10
Backwards hop 3x10
Twisting hop 3x10
Left hop 3x10
Right hop 3x10
Low bounding 3x10
Back-throws 2x10
Front throws 1x10
Push press 1x10
Hammer throws 1x10 (each side)
Seated twists 1x10 (each side)
Hill runs 4x50m
Back squats 2x8@265lb's, 1x8@225lb's ATG
Hamstring curls 2x10@113lb's 1x10@123lb's
Monday, September 12, 2011
This is an easier week, or down week as it were. The quantity of work will be drastically reduced to allow for "healing" I may go all the way down to three sets or just drop it to four depending on how I'm feeling later in the week. So far everything is good, my body seems to be holding up while getting stronger. My bodyweight has started to go up a little bit but only by a pound so far. It will be hard to see where I'm really at until I start actually jumping but it's a good start.

45 minute hurdle mobility package
Core circuit--
135 degree pike 3x10
Leg raise 3x10@20lb's
Standing twists 3x10@35lb's
Abdominal pull-downs 4x15@160lb's, 1x10@170lb's, 1x5@180lb's
Med-ball standing twists 2x10@5kg (each side)
Med-ball lunge twists 2x10@5kg (each side)
Med-ball seated twists 2x10@5kg (each side)
Very sloppy, not pleased with myself for my lack of effort. My hamstrings and glutes were very sore still and I didn't want to risk injury. Also my ankle which seems to flare up inconsistently was sore. I didn't get much of a lactic workout today but on the plus side, the laziness in the first part of practice allowed me to lift a little more effectively after.


400m jog
4 hill runs (50m, 50m back)
Med-ball circuit--
Back throws 1x10@7kg
Front throws 1x10@7kg
Push press 1x10@7kg
Hammer throws 1x10@6kg (each side)
Seated twists 1x10@8kg (each side)
Low impact plyos--
Ankle hops 5x10
Backwards ankle hops 5x10
Twisting ankle hops 5x10
Left ankle hops 5x10
Right ankle hops 5x10
Low bounding 5x10
Squats 2x8@250.5lb's, 1x8@260lb's, 1x8@265lb's, 1x8@270.5lb's
Romanian  Deadlifts 5x8@185lb's
Well today was the first time in a long while that I have taken off completely, it also coincidentally happened to be my birthday--19 wow, the years have been flying by. I did work 2-11pm though, so it wasn't like I had much time to enjoy the break haha
Friday, September 9, 2011
   Ahh I have been incredibly sore all day, through the hips, glutes and hamstrings--ESPECIALLY hamstrings. I feel like if I had tried to run today I would have surely pulled or tore something. So I didn't. All I did today was a forty-five minute hurdle mobility package followed by a lengthy ab circuit. I definitely need to take tomorrow off. I'm feeling pretty Jaded.
   In an hour I turn 19, I really don't want to--If I could, I would stay 18 forever, aging scares me. Oh well, hopefully I'll stay 19 forever.


Light jog
45 minutes hurdle mobility
Core circuit--
135 degree pike 5x10
Leg raises 5x10@15lb's
Side crunches 5x10@33lb's
Standing twists 4x10@35lb's
Ab pull downs 5x15@160lb's, 1x10@170lb's, 1x5@180lb's
Med-ball twisting throws 2x10@5kg
Med-ball lunge throws 2x10@5kg
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Today went pretty well, not much to say besides it was tiring. I was happy with my progress in the weight room. All my lifts seem to be going up and dead-lifts seem to be getting more comfortable. Looking forward for tomorrow being a little bit of a down day then Saturday being off, whew! My quads were tight all day and now my glute-hamstring area seems to be hit pretty hard, I might be able to triple jump 12.00m right now hahahah


Circuit(4s down, 1s up where applicable)
Burpees 60s
Push-ups 60s
Med ball push press 60s
Quad hops 60s
Static running 60s
Leg raises 60s
Bulgarian Split squats 3x8@135lb's (each side)
Deadlifts 2x8@201lb's, 1x8@225lb's, 1x8@235lb's, 1x8@245lb's
Back-extensions 5x10@60lb's
Today was pretty sloppy, I'm not overly pleased with how it went. I'm not overly suprised, since yesterday was a pretty heavy "lactic" day. My legs just felt heavy when I was running, especially around the last 50m. I wasn't exactly "tearing up the track" but of course I guess I never am. I am interested to see where I am speed-wise compared to last year. I ran 2.74s for the flying 25m I believe. If I could get it down to ~2.65s I would be ecstatic.


3x200m@~70% (28.5s, 29s, 28.6s)
3x150m@~70% (19s, 20.2s, 20.2s)
Core circuit--
Leg raises 5x10@15lb's
135 degree Pike 5x10
Side crunch 5x10@33lb's
Abdominal pull-down 5x15@160lb's, 1x10@170lb's, 1x5@180lb's
Med-ball hammer throws 2x10@6kg each side
Back throws 1x10@6kg
Lunge position side throws 2x10@6kg
Front throws 1x10@6kg
Vertical front throws 1x10@6kg
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Today's was... so-so. I moved into residence today at the University so the whole day has been kind of hectic but I managed to get an "alright" workout in. It was the first time I trained in a group since July, the workout was short but fairly tough--strengthening the lactic system. We did two circuits of exercises that went 4 seconds slow and one second up, i.e. pushups, burpees. Weights were kind of lacking though, I still haven't got the hang of front squats so the weight began to slip, I couldn't get 10 reps on the last two sets because the bar was too low. I felt some tension in my abdomen too, so I cut a couple other things short.


2 circuits-- (30s break between exercises)
60s push-ups
60s high knee running
60s crunches
60s ankle hops
60s Med-ball throws
60s burpees

Med-ball Circuit@8kg--
10 back throws
10 front throws
10 push press
10 hammer release (each side)
10 sitting twists (each side)

4 hill runs (~20s running)

Front squats 2x10@185lb's, 1x10@195lb's, 2x8@195lb's
Incline dumbbell press 5x8@45lb's
Leg curls 2x10@123lb's
Bent over rows 1x10@45lb's

Monday, September 5, 2011
Today ended up being another off day except for a very brief core circuit that I did that's not even worth mentioning. I'm going to tack today's workout onto Wednesday's and hopefully get back on track tomorrow, which is the first group practice I will have attended in over a month and a half.
Today was supposed to be an off day, and it pretty much was. I did end up going for a run in the evening, about 25 minutes just to loosen up my legs, I was tired of sitting around all day.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
I pleased with how today went, especially in the weightroom. It definitely has been a hard day, I woke up at 7:30am, went straight to St. Mary's to start today's circuits and tempos. From there I went to Dal for weights, then to work from 2-8:45pm and THEN to the airport and straight to Gander Newfoundland where I will be setting up camp for the next day and a half. Tomorrow's going to be an off day as far as I know (Today and tomorrow flip-flopped).


4 sets of circuits (same as Tuesday)
5, 45s on 1:30 off
6 hill runs (up only)
Squats 3x10@245lb's, 1x10@250.5lb's
Bulgarian Split-squats 4x5@135lb's
Back extensions 4x10@60lb's

Friday, September 2, 2011
Mehh, I hate playing catchup, I combined half of two workouts today so I'm not really any farther ahead then I was before but I guess that's the way it goes sometimes.
Everything I did today felt good though, all the weights are up from last week and my body weight is down (which I find weird considering I am in the hypertrophic phase of training) I guess all the general fitness stuff has been burning more calories. As long as I am getting stronger my body weight can go down as low as it wants, I'm not complaining.
I am going to Newfoundland Saturday night until Monday afternoon so I'm going to have to push even more workouts around unfortunately. It'll all workout though.
Light 1500m jog
Dynamic warm-up
Front Squat 2x10@179lb's, 1x10@184.5lb's, 1x10@190lb's
Deadlifts 2x10@185lb's, 1x10@190lb's, 1x10@201lb's
Incline dumbbell press 2x8@50lb's, 2x6@50lb's
Medball twisting throws, 2x5@6kg (both sides)
Incline pike 4x10
Leg raises 4x10@15lb's
Side crunch 4x10@33lb's
Ab pull down's 4x15@160lb's, 1x10@170lb's
Standing twists 1x10@33lb's
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Ended of only getting four hours of sleep; today was an off day--now I have to play catch-up the rest of the week..
Today was definitely a change of pace from the usual, I don't think you can even really call it a workout but I walked 60km with a few friends, mostly on train tracks, and it took about 13 hours including frequent stops including an hour and a half for lunch. It was definitely a unique experience, last summer I walked 50km so this kind of 1-up'd it.
   The walk started at the track in Lower Sackville, went into Fall River, Bedford, Halifax, Dartmouth, and where I live right on the Cole Harbour border. I was pretty tired upon finishing but to be honest I definitely could have gone a lot farther. I have always wanted to do 100km so maybe that will be a project for next summer.

Blog Archive

Personal Bests

Triple Jump Outdoor: 14.38m(47'2ft)(w)-06.23.12


Triple Jump Indoor: 14.28m(46'10ft)-01.14.12

Canadian Junior Championships 2011

Canadian Junior Championships 2011
Third place 13.84m

About Me

Age: 20

Birthday: September 10 1992

High School: Prince Andrew High (2007-2010)

College: Dalhousie University (2010-present)

Hometown: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160lb's

Personal Role Model: Roger Maris